WSJ: the U.S. government does not conduct preparation meetings trump and Putin


RIA Novosti

The American side argues that the preparation of the meeting between the head of the White house Donald trump and the Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the moment is not conducted. This was reported Tuesday in its electronic version of the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing an unnamed representative of the U.S. government.

The publication cites in his article the words of Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who said that being practical preparations for the meetings between leaders of the two countries, however, the understanding regarding the date and place of such meeting no.

“The senior official said that preparations for the meeting between trump and Putin is not conducted”, – stated in the material edition.

On Tuesday, Ryabkov, speaking at a round table in the state Duma, devoted to Russian-American relations, commented on a meeting held in Bonn, the foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson. Ryabkov said that the heads of depodesta discussed the issues of relations between the two countries, as well as planned bilateral contacts, including the preparation of the first personal meeting of the two presidents.

“Understanding dates and places of holding such a meeting yet, but the practical preparation for its implementation started, in this respect there is a mutual understanding with the American side,” the diplomat said. “Of course, at this initial stage of dialogue with the new administration it is difficult to conclude how things will work on specific issues, – said Ryabkov. – Forecasts for the future will be possible when we will see the practical actions of Washington.”

