They wanted to sue Zelensky

Former head of GUR Burba will go to court over statements by Zelensky about the reasons for his dismissal Former head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Vasily Burba said that he intends to go to court after statements by President Volodymyr Zelensky on the reasons for his dismissal from office. Burba announced this on the air of the program “Freedom of speech by Savik Shuster”. The program has been published on YouTube. “I cannot ignore the president’s words addressed to me. Therefore, I have to go to court from tomorrow, and let the court put an end to this issue, “he said. In addition, Burba commented on the accusations of the head of state that the former head of the GUR allegedly intended to steal the formula vaccines against COVID-19, in order to then transfer this data to Russia or China. He said that

WTO conference postponed due to new strain of coronavirus

Reuters: the first WTO conference in 4 years was postponed due to a new strain of coronavirus The World Trade Organization (WTO) decided to postpone the first four years of a ministerial conference due to the appearance in South Africa of a new strain of coronavirus omicron. This is reported by Reuters. The meeting was to be held from November 30 to December 3. The new dates for its implementation have not yet been determined. As Interfax clarifies, citing a source in the Russian delegation, the postponement of the event is due to the decision of the Swiss authorities to suspend flights with South Africa and a number of African countries. Earlier, WHO experts recognized the newest COVID-19 strain identified in South Africa as a threat B.1.1.529, which was assigned the Greek letter omicron. According to the organization, the virus, after a series of mutations, can affect the protein content

Europe saw benefits for Russia due to disagreements between the EU and NATO

Observador: political differences and discord between the EU and NATO are beneficial for Russia discord between the European Union (EU) and NATO. He wrote about this in his material for the Observador. As the author of the article writes, the EU has no common foreign policy, except for trade issues. Therefore, he believes, “as long as Europe is divided, any response to Russia will benefit the Russians themselves, since the US and NATO will not be able to take concrete measures,” the article says. “NATO is an organism that works unanimously, and the United States will not act without concrete coordination from the Europeans. Another disadvantage is that the EU has a negative attitude towards security issues that are detrimental to the economy, ”writes Braz. As the publicist noted in the article, fragmentation and different interests within the European Union prevent NATO from acting, therefore, without such “coinciding interests”, Washington

Zircon hypersonic missiles began to be manufactured in Russia

Ministry of Defense: Reutov NPO Mashinostroyenia began to produce hypersonic “Zircons” “For the Russian Navy. This is reported by TASS with reference to a source close to the Ministry of Defense. “Serial production of Zircons is already underway at NPO Mashinostroyenia, although state tests of this product from a surface carrier will continue,” the report says./p> On November 18, the frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” launched a hypersonic missile “Zircon” in the White Sea. The ammunition struck a sea target with a direct hit, the Defense Ministry noted. “The crew of the Northern Fleet frigate Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov, as part of the ongoing cycle of tests of hypersonic missile weapons, fired another Zircon rocket. The shooting was fired at a naval target position located in the waters of the White Sea, “the report says. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in 2022 the Zircon missiles would begin

Causes of the attack on a school bus in Kosovo revealed

Kurir: the criminal who shot the school bus and killed three, acted out of revenge The criminal who shot and killed the school bus in the self-proclaimed republic three people, acted out of revenge. This was reported by the local newspaper Kurir. According to the newspaper, the young man molested the girls during the trip and behaved inappropriately. As a result, the driver and the conductor dropped him off the bus. In response, the attacker took a submachine gun, waited for the bus to go back and shot him point-blank. According to the latest information, three people became victims of the attack – the driver and two students aged 17 and 19. The killer fled the crime scene, the police are looking for him. The incident in the village of Glochane became known on Friday evening, November 26. It was reported about two dead children. Earlier it was reported that

Zircon hypersonic missiles began to be manufactured in Russia

Ministry of Defense: Reutov NPO Mashinostroyenia began to produce hypersonic “Zircons” “For the Russian Navy. This is reported by TASS with reference to a source close to the Ministry of Defense. “Serial production of Zircons is already underway at NPO Mashinostroyenia, although state tests of this product from a surface carrier will continue,” the report says./p> On November 18, the frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” launched a hypersonic missile “Zircon” in the White Sea. The ammunition struck a sea target with a direct hit, the Defense Ministry noted. “The crew of the Northern Fleet frigate Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov, as part of the ongoing cycle of tests of hypersonic missile weapons, fired another Zircon rocket. The shooting was fired at a naval target position located in the waters of the White Sea, “the report says. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in 2022 the Zircon missiles would begin

US wanted to limit exercises in Europe for the sake of relations with Russia

WSJ: The USA wanted to limit military exercises in Europe to prevent confrontation with the Russian Federation Russian-Ukrainian border is considering the possibility of reducing military exercises in Europe for the sake of relations with Moscow. The Wall Street Journal writes about this with reference to representatives of the American authorities. According to the newspaper, the US is considering two possible options for action. In the first case, the Biden administration can help strengthen Ukraine's defenses , including increasing the supply of military equipment, in particular, anti-aircraft systems. This option also provides for tougher sanctions against the Russian Federation. Another possible plan involves reducing the “risk of confrontation with Moscow,” including by limiting the number of US military exercises in Europe. These exercises continue to provoke criticism from Russia, the newspaper said. Under this option, the United States also implies a suspension of the sending of American military aid to

Russians were given advice on choosing and storing tangerines

Quality Inspector Pavlova: tangerines must be clean, resilient and free from damage in an interview with RIA Novosti she gave recommendations on the selection and storage of tangerines. According to her, the fruit should be clean, firm, without damage and spots on the skin. According to the expert, such marks can be a sign of a fruit disease that will lead to rapid decay. In particular, Pavlova advised not to take green, rotten, moldy, frostbitten and tangerines with damage affecting the pulp. “On sale there are often fruits with a torn stem – a twig. In this case, you should refuse to purchase. Various microorganisms can get into the place of attachment of the stalk with the fruit – especially for fruits with thin skin, ”the specialist added. In addition, Pavlova gave advice on storing tangerines. Citrus peels are susceptible to off-flavors, she says, so don't store them next to