Zelenskiy makes it easier for “persecuted” Russians to obtain citizenship

“Also signed the Law & ldquo; On & nbsp; Amendments to & nbsp; Law of Ukraine & ldquo; On & nbsp; Citizenship on & nbsp; simplified acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by certain categories of persons & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; reported in & nbsp; Zelensky's office. The law was adopted by the country's parliament on December 14 & nbsp;. The procedure prescribed in & nbsp; it, as specified in the & nbsp; office of the president, is provided for & nbsp; persons who have served or are serving in the & nbsp; ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, have outstanding services to & nbsp; Ukraine or are of state interest, are citizens of the aggressor state or state -occupant and & nbsp; were persecuted for & nbsp; political beliefs. All of the listed categories in order to obtain Ukrainian citizenship will need to provide an application and declaration

British experts called an “unusual” symptom when infected with omicron

One of the unusual symptoms after infection with a new variant of the coronavirus “omicron” is loss of appetite. This is reported by the British edition of Express with reference to the results of a study by the ZOE Covid Symptom team – an application in which users note symptoms. Experts conducted a study based on data from an application that tracks the most frequent signs of COVID-19. Based on these data, it turned out that 50% of patients with the omicron strain most often had a runny nose, fatigue increased, and patients also complained of frequent sneezing, sore throat and headache. In addition, several patients complained of loss of appetite, the scientists found. Director of the Institute of Health Economics Larisa Popovich, in a conversation with RBC, called loss of appetite a “non-specific” symptom. “In general, COVID-19 causes fatigue, and therefore a decrease in mood, which may be associated

The smallest Arab state in the world was shown from space

The smallest Arab state in the world is a completely island country. Yes, we are talking about #Bahrain, which is located on an archipelago consisting of three more or less large islands and thirty small ones, and all these islands, except one, are atolls. pic.twitter.com/QWlWCd8vFf — Anton Shkaplerov (@Anton_Astrey) December 16, 2021 Covering only 780 square kilometers, Bahrain is the third smallest country in Asia after the Maldives and Singapore, as well as the smallest Arab state in the world. But even with such a miniature scale, this country can be viewed from the International Space Station. A photo of Bahrain was shared by Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov. “Bahrain is located on an archipelago consisting of three more or less large islands and thirty small ones, and all of these islands, except one, are atolls,” he wrote. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting

Egypt tightened entry rules for unvaccinated tourists

The PCR test must be done no earlier than 72 hours before arrival. The term is counted from the time of collection of biomaterial. The certificate must contain the original seal from a certified laboratory, the exact time and date of the test, the QR code, the test method (type RT-PCR). The document must be in English or Arabic. References with handwritten data or handwritten edits are not accepted. Also, the tourist must have a copy of the certificate with a PCR test, which is handed over at the airport. All unvaccinated passengers aged 12 and over need a certificate. Those who have been vaccinated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine must provide a certificate of vaccination. They will be able to enter Egypt 14 days after receiving the second component of the vaccine. The certificate must be in English with a QR code. All tourists will also have to

Vice-Chancellor of Germany called Nord Stream 2 a geopolitical mistake

& laquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' was a mistake from a & nbsp; geopolitical point of view. All European countries, except Germany and & nbsp; Austria, have always been against him & nbsp; & mdash; said Habek. & ldquo; Now & nbsp; the same & nbsp; pipeline is built. It is unclear whether & nbsp; can it & nbsp; get started. On & nbsp; this issue needs to be decided in & nbsp; in accordance with & nbsp; European and & nbsp; national legislation & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. Habek recalled that & nbsp; the pipeline must comply with the rule of the so-called unbundling, or separation of companies. Its meaning is & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; companies that are engaged in the extraction of resources do not & nbsp; have the right to & nbsp; transport them &

A resident of India saved leopard cubs by confusing them with kittens

Farmer rescues abandoned kittens that turn out to be leopard cubs Read it here: https://t.co/kTQviF0hqz pic.twitter.com/TbNb2tnvgC — Kitten News Daily (@KittenNewsDaily) December 18, 2021 Farmer Kiran Giri from India noticed two abandoned kittens in his field and brought them home. The animals are not only emaciated, but also very cold due to the unexpected cold snap that hit the northern regions of the country, reports UPI. When the kittens recovered a few days later and started playing, Giri noticed that they were not meowing, but growling, and suspected something was wrong. The farmer showed the animals to the neighbors, and they confirmed that they were leopard cubs. Geary immediately notified the local police. Representatives of environmental services who arrived for the animals sent the kids to the Van Vihar Rescue Center, where they will be raised and returned to the wild. The foundlings turned out to be a boy and

In Moscow, hundreds of fans came to a meeting with the actor who played Draco Malfoy

The actor is expected to have a busy schedule at the Russian festival. Felton has been taking part in autograph and photo shoots since the morning. The appearance of the beloved hero on the stage was greeted by deafening applause and shouts, hundreds of fans came to the meeting. This is my first time in Russia, so you are the first Russian fans I have met. I am a fan of Russian culture. I like your music, ballet, architecture and literature.Tom Felton He not only actively answered questions, but also asked them to the fans himself. With one of the fans, the actor exchanged opinions about his favorite book from the Harry Potter series of novels. Felton called the second part “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” his favorite, he also appreciated the choice of a fan — “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”. Among the films, the actor

There was a failure in the traffic police information system

“There was a failure in the Federal Information System of the traffic Police, including the system of registration and examination units does not work,” the agency interlocutor said. The traffic police and the mayor’s office differed in their estimates of the number of accidents in Moscow According to him, measures are being taken to eliminate the problems. The source did not specify in what time frame the system can work. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has confirmed a failure in the federal traffic police information system. “Regional units of the State Traffic Inspectorate were forced to suspend the provision of public services to citizens related to the registration of motor vehicles, the issuance of driver’s licenses, as well as restrict access to information about administrative fines imposed for traffic violations,” the Interior Ministry said. – Currently, the technical specialists of the department are making every effort

Timur Batrutdinov was hospitalized with coronavirus

According to the channel, Batrutdinov fell ill on December 9. He had symptoms characteristic of ARVI: cough and weakness. The comedian’s condition worsened, so the doctors decided to move him to a hospital. In the hospital, a Comedy Club resident was diagnosed with 25-50 percent lung damage. Doctors assess his condition as moderate. In 2020, Batrutdinov made a post on Instagram about the fact that the coronavirus allegedly has a Masonic trace. According to the comedian, this “Dan Brown-style thing”, the author of the book “The Da Vinci Code”, should not be taken seriously. He stressed that he considers this “conspiracy bullshit” and at the end of the publication gave people real advice on preventing coronavirus infection. Since 2005, Batrutdinov has been participating in the Comedy Club TV project on TNT, where he performs in a duet with Garik Kharlamov. In 2013 – participant of the show “HB”. Batrutdinov was