Vice-Chancellor of Germany called Nord Stream 2 a geopolitical mistake

& laquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' was a mistake from a & nbsp; geopolitical point of view. All European countries, except Germany and & nbsp; Austria, have always been against him & nbsp; & mdash; said Habek. & ldquo; Now & nbsp; the same & nbsp; pipeline is built. It is unclear whether & nbsp; can it & nbsp; get started. On & nbsp; this issue needs to be decided in & nbsp; in accordance with & nbsp; European and & nbsp; national legislation & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he.

Habek recalled that & nbsp; the pipeline must comply with the rule of the so-called unbundling, or separation of companies. Its meaning is & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; companies that are engaged in the extraction of resources do not & nbsp; have the right to & nbsp; transport them & nbsp; & mdash; these two processes require different firms.

The German Chancellor has assessed the decision to suspend Nord Stream 2 certification

“ This condition is not & nbsp; met '', & nbsp; & mdash; the minister argued. “ Under the & nbsp; old government of the Federal Republic of Germany, great political pressure was exerted on the & nbsp; issue of resolving the & ldquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 & rdquo;, & nbsp; and despite & nbsp; it is & nbsp; not & nbsp; put into & nbsp; operation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noticed the vice chancellor.

Habek also threatened Moscow with harsh consequences in the & nbsp; case of a military conflict between Russia and & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; admitted the possibility that & nbsp; with & nbsp; such a development of the situation, & nbsp; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' not & nbsp; will be launched. The Federal Grid Agency makes decisions based on & nbsp; legislation. Another question is what & nbsp; will happen if Russia again violates the territorial integrity of Ukraine and & nbsp; the situation escalates. Any new military aggression cannot & nbsp; remain without & nbsp; tough consequences. There can be no prohibitions in & nbsp; in terms of thinking [certain measures] & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Khabek, answering & nbsp; a question, can & nbsp; plans to & nbsp; launch the Nord Stream pipeline & nbsp; & mdash; fail & nbsp; 2 & raquo ;.

Chancellor's position

Khabek is a representative of the Soyuz-90/Greens party, which has always opposed the project. At & nbsp; then & nbsp; the same time, the German Chancellor, Social Democrat Olaf Scholz said on & nbsp; this week that & nbsp; the German regulator makes decisions on & nbsp; & laquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '', absolutely not & nbsp; being guided by the policy, as it is a commercial project.

Draghi: Italy hopes that there will be no need for sanctions on Nord Stream 2

Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in the & nbsp; Grand Coalition (bloc CDU/CSU and & nbsp; SPD) provided political support for the construction of the gas pipeline & nbsp; and, obviously, does not & nbsp; intend to abandon & nbsp; her and & nbsp; after the formation of a new cabinet. Experts believe that & nbsp; & laquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' could become a stumbling block in & nbsp; relations between coalition parties.

To start pumping gas, the Nord Stream operator & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' you need to get the approval of the German regulator. Now the certification has been stopped, as the operator Nord Stream 2 AG & nbsp; with & nbsp; headquarters in & nbsp; Switzerland needs to register a subsidiary in & nbsp; Germany.

The Russian side has repeatedly stressed that & nbsp; & laquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' is a commercial project and & nbsp; is being implemented jointly with & nbsp; European partners. The press secretary of the President of the & nbsp; RF Dmitry Peskov expressed bewilderment at the attempts of a number of countries to determine the fate of the gas pipeline on politically motivated circumstances. Moscow has also repeatedly stated that & nbsp; never & nbsp; used energy resources as a pressure tool.



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