Germany opposed the US over Nord Stream 2

The German Foreign Minister said that Germany rejects US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 Nord Stream 2, regarding them as rivalry with allies. Its head Christopher Burger spoke on behalf of the department, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 00:01 – 17 November Gazprom and the European Union cannot agree on gas supplies and prices. What will this threaten Russia in a few years? 00: 02 – July 30 Merged into a pipe .How will the US-Germany deal on Nord Stream 2 force Ukraine to change its attitude towards Russia? The German Foreign Minister noted that Berlin is in close contact with Washington on all issues related to Nord Stream 2, a joint statement by US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. At the same time, he noted that the United States is aware of the position of Germany on sanctions. “We fundamentally reject the use of sanctions against

Russian pensioner complained about perennial floods in her apartment

The apartment of a pensioner in the south of Sakhalin has been flooded with water for six years in bad weather from constant floods. In 2020, the house underwent major repairs, but the apartment still continued to be flooded with water in bad weather, writes RIA Sakhalin-Kurily. A woman lives on the fourth floor of an apartment building and believes that water comes to her from above – first it floods the empty room on the floor above, and then flows down the walls. The pensioner noted that six years ago, due to a strong storm, a neighbor's balcony was completely demolished – now he does not live in the apartment, and water continues to flow into her home. With a long-term problem, the woman has repeatedly complained to the city prosecutor's office, the Korsakov mayor's office and the regional capital repair fund, but the situation has not been corrected.

TV star reveals unpleasant truth about prices at Zara

The stylist revealed the difference in the price of Zara clothes in boutiques in the UK and Europe British TV star, stylist and writer Trinny Woodall revealed the unpleasant truth about the pricing in the stores of the Spanish brand Zara. The stories that appeared on her Instagram account were noticed by The Sun journalists. The stylist regularly shares her findings in stores with subscribers and shows off the purchased outfits. In one of her latest publications, she showed clothes that she purchased from the mass market Zara, namely a maxi dress, a multi-colored wool sweater and a khaki coat. Woodall drew attention to the difference in the cost of one and the same the same thing that is presented in the brand's boutiques in European countries and in the UK. “I tore off the sticker on the label and saw that in Europe the jumper costs 99 euros (83

The State Duma answered the question about a possible lockdown due to the omicron strain

Deputy of the State Duma Solomatina: the issue of introducing a lockdown will be decided after the scientists have withdrawn about the omicron The omicron coronavirus strain requires a closer study of this variety. Tatiana Solomatina, Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, told about this. “I think that we will learn about the possibility of introducing a lockdown and other measures in 10-14 days, when we understand well how he behaves. So far, not much is known about the omicron, although there is already information about 47 types of mutations, including those related to its ability to spread, “she said. Solomatina noted that she considers the introduction of restrictive measures countries faced with the omicron strain is justified, since not every healthcare system can cope with the influx of new patients. “In any case, I urge everyone to get vaccinated, now this is the most

Source: Moscow agreed to the appointment of John Tefft as the new US Ambassador to the Russian Federation

Read TASS in Yandex.NewsYandex.Zen … Show hidden linksGoogle News WASHINGTON, July 8./ITAR – Moscow has agreed to appoint John Tefft as the new US ambassador to the Russian Federation. A diplomatic source told ITAR-TASS on Tuesday. “Russia has given an agreman for the appointment of John Tefft as the new head of the US diplomatic mission in Moscow,” said the agency's interlocutor, familiar with the situation. Tefft headed the diplomatic mission in Ukraine from November 2009 to August 2013. In 2000-2003 he was the US Ambassador to Lithuania, in 2005-2009 – to Georgia. From 1996 to 1999, Tefft served as Deputy US Ambassador to Moscow. In April, the New York Times reported about Tefft's possible appointment to the post. “When the White House began to look for a replacement for Michael McFaul a few months ago, Tefft's candidacy was in doubt due to fears that his experience in the former

Former Foreign Minister of Ukraine made missile strikes on Russia

Former Foreign Minister of Ukraine announced the possibility of “reaching” Russian cities with missiles Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Volodymyr Ohryzko in an interview with “5 channel “made missile strikes on Russia in the event of a large-scale conflict between the two countries. According to the ex-Foreign Minister, Kiev should look for counterarguments that could” cool heads in Moscow. “ “You know, war is like war. If we are threatened with blows to our infrastructure, so can we. And if today we do not have the opportunity to reach Moscow with missile weapons, then there is an opportunity to reach other Russian cities that are within the reach of the Ukrainian missile forces, “he said. In recent weeks, statements have been made in Kiev and in the West that Russia is preparing military aggression against Ukraine. The Kremlin emphasizes that there are no such plans.

A colleague's memories of friendship with Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya are revealed

“” published the memoirs of Vasily Biryukov, who served with Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya A colleague of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya told Vasily and about the girls in the partisan detachment. “” cites excerpts from previously unpublished memoirs of Biryukov. On October 31, 1941, a group of young people arrived at the disposal of military unit 9903, which specialized in reconnaissance and sabotage activities. This group included Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The recruits were selected by a special commission under the command of the unit commander, Major Artur Strogis. Out of 3000 volunteers, about 2000 people were enrolled in a secret detachment. Most of the recruits were girls. The future partisans, who were sent by the Moscow City Committee of the Komsomol, were immediately warned that they might be awaited in captivity. Biryukov revealed in his memoirs that in the intervals between operations, the partisans communicated with the girls. He noted that Kosmodemyanskaya, seeing a serious

Russian dentist learned how to make jewelry using a drill

A dentist from Irkutsk Ishmukhametov makes jewelry using a drill A future dentist from Irkutsk Ruslan Ishmukhametov learned to create jewelry using a drill. He was inspired by videos from social networks, and orders now come from abroad. The story of the Russian was told by the Babr Mash Telegram channel. So, four years ago, a student who was in his first year at that time saw a post on social networks about jewelry made of epoxy resin. Ishmukhametov was inspired by the products, and he decided to adapt a working tool – a drill – for a hobby. It is noted that her drill helps to grind even the smallest details. Later, the Russian received an order from Ukraine. The client wanted to depict hands in a pendant from Michelangelo's fresco “The Creation of Adam”. The master grinded this element for four hours, although it usually takes so much

The Russians named the main “pearl” of Transbaikalia

The main “pearl” of Transbaikalia was made up of people with a special character The head of the region, Alexander Osipov, revealed the main “pearl” of the Transbaikal Territory. In his opinion, these are, first of all, people and their “serious and solid” character. LIFE publishes the recording of the program “Let me tell!” /> The soul of Russia. One of the most ancient peoples of the country has survived in Siberia. How does he survive in the modern world? 18: 07 – October 11 Small but smart: why theatrical performances in the languages ​​of small peoples are important for Russia00: 02 – August 10 “It's hard to get there” Dunes, snowy mountains and blooming dream-grass: lost Russia in the lens of a photographer According to Osipov, these are people accustomed to the harsh climate and beauty of the local nature. “We have a more restrained character, serious, solid, and