Russian Foreign Ministry blames NATO for the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border

Deputy Foreign Minister Grushko: NATO military operations caused a crisis on the Polish border NATO military operations in the Middle East caused an influx of migrants to the Polish-Belarusian border. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Glushko accused the alliance of provoking the migration crisis, RIA Novosti reports He called himself the savior of Europe. ”A stream of refugees flooded Lithuania. What awaits the EU and how is Lukashenka involved in this? 00:01 – November 18 “They would rather die in Europe than return home” How migrants on the border with Poland have changed life in Belarus “We must not forget about the reasons for these migration flows. This is primarily the result of the military operations carried out by the allies either within NATO or separately, ”the diplomat said. Earlier, the human rights organization Human Rights Watch published stories of migrants about systematic violence by the Belarusian security forces. The

UN urged to strengthen control over the spread of omicron-strain

UN Chief Guterres: the world cannot be “closed” due to the omicron strain of coronavirus stop international travel and economic interaction due to the omicron strain of the coronavirus, said UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. He called for stronger control measures against the spread of the new version of COVID-19 instead of global isolation, Reuters reports. Related materials12:04 – Today Doctors recommend. Scientists from Russia and China discussed antiviral drugs 17:19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has come to Europe from Africa. omicron and how dangerous is it? “I urge governments of all countries to consider additional travel testing, along with other possible and effective measures, to avoid the risks of infection while allowing travel and economic connectivity to be maintained,” said the UN chief. Guterres also noted that he was deeply concerned about the international isolation of the South African countries, which timely identified and spoke

Hurricane knocks down towers and flips cars in Istanbul

In Istanbul, a hurricane knocks down towers and overturns cars The hurricane paralyzed the life of the Turkish capital. CNN Turk reports about this on November 29 & nbsp; Weather in Berlin: Weather in Berlin: Now Forecast for 2 weeks Forecast for a month Fırtınadan Çatalca Serbest bölgede saat kulesi yıkıldı .. # İstanbul da yaşayan arkadaşlar Kendinize dikkat edin lütfun… Allah Yar ve Yardzımcımcım # Fırtına #Lodos & mdash; ????????? (@UAyhkp) November 29, 2021 In & nbsp; many districts of Istanbul, due to & nbsp; strong winds blew off roofs. He also knocked down the & nbsp; clock tower. The hurricane was so strong that the cars were & nbsp; overturned. ?? ‍♀️ # İstanbul # Fırtına & mdash; Buket Ürgenli (@buketurg) November 29, 2021 As a result of the disaster, 2 people died and & nbsp; 9 were injured. Due to & nbsp; strong winds, the

Hope of the Russian auto industry got into a scandal with a criminal case

Electric car manufacturer Zetta paid salaries after initiating a criminal case for wage arrears. A criminal case was initiated, after which the debt was repaid, Interfax writes with reference to the prosecutor's office of the Samara region. The audit showed that the general director, “acting deliberately, out of selfish and other personal interest,” did not pay employees enterprises from July this year. As a result, the debt amounted to about 3.8 million rubles, the department explained. In September, the Ministry of Industry and Trade expressed the hope that Zetta, along with several other representatives of the auto industry, should enter the market in the next two to three years. According to the concept for the development of electric transport, which was presented by the government in August, by 2024 at least 25 thousand electric vehicles should be produced in Russia. While there is almost no serial production in the country,

Северное сияние на полнеба сняли в Мурманской области (фото)

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A man dies from a stray bullet while dining with his family

A stray bullet broke through a window and killed a man during a family lunch out the window during a family Thanksgiving dinner. This is reported by Wink News. 25-year-old Edilberto Miguel Palaez Moctezuma dined with his family. Suddenly, a stray bullet pierced the window pane and killed him on the spot. The police said that the deceased had nothing to do with the shooting. Related materials 00:01 – 25 November 2018 Survivor's wife hunted him, drowned him and tried to shoot him. He survived and continues to love her 00:02 – April 7, 2017 What a ridiculous death The brightest candidates for the Darwin Prize “It's a very sad story. This is very sad, very bad. When you get together with your family for Thanksgiving, you never expect something like this, ”said local resident William Holmes. He noted that he saw how a relative of Moctezuma met emergency doctors.

A storm warning was announced in the Russian region

In Crimea, due to strong winds on November 29 and 30, a storm warning was announced On November 29 and 30 in Crimea in connection with a storm warning was announced by a strong wind. Because of the hurricane, some of the residents were left without electricity, RIA Novosti reports. The wind knocked down several trees, which damaged the cars. Local residents reported power outages in some areas of Simferopol, as well as in several surrounding villages. Due to bad weather, the work of boats in the Sevastopol Bay has been suspended. According to the hydrometeorological center, in connection with the passage of the frontal sections, more than 30 millimeters of rainfall will fall in the southern, central and eastern regions of the region per day. In mountainous areas, wind gusts will reach 35 meters per second. Earlier, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, predicted weather hazards

The Russian who tried to enter the store on a horse was whipped and fired

A Cossack in the Kursk region who tried to enter the store on a horse was whipped and fired from his job A resident of the Kursk region shop on a horse and brandished a saber, whipped in a Cossack society and fired from his job. The man himself reported this to “Kurskiy Izvestia.” After the incident, he was detained by the police. The man said that he was drunk at the moment, and later in the Cossacks he was whipped ten times with a whip. In addition, he is fired from his job as a hunting manager. “I was a fool. I apologize to everyone. This will not happen again. I don't want to cast a shadow on the Cossacks, “Vadim added. He also said that the horse he rode through the Karl Liebknecht village was later found walking unattended. At this, in the Kursk District Cossack Society, journalists

A Russian who tried to persuade a detective to beat up and plant drugs on his wife was arrested

In Chelyabinsk, a Russian asked a detective to beat his wife and plant drugs on her … This was reported on Monday, November 29, by According to the newspaper, the man decided to take revenge after his wife left him with his children, whose whereabouts he did not know. The Russian turned to a private detective on the Internet and offered to find his wife for 50 thousand rubles, beat her and plant drugs. After that, the person who ordered the crime was going to take the children away from the woman. However, the private detective, instead of accepting the order, reported everything to the law enforcement agencies. The attacker was detained and a criminal case was initiated against him under Article 105 (“Incitement to murder for hire”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. summer sweetheart out of jealousy.

A mother with a sick child received from the mayor's office a destroyed apartment with mold

A resident of Yaroslavl with a sick child received from the mayor's office a destroyed apartment with mold a destroyed apartment with mold. The woman told about this to “Such cases”. In November 2020, Rozomashvili turned to the Patronus Children's Human Rights Center for help. On February 15, 2021, she was included in the list of those in need of housing, and in May the woman filed a lawsuit. She received the apartment in September, but the new housing was covered with black mold. “It is harmful for a healthy person to live in such conditions, not to mention a child with cerebral palsy, epilepsy and deafness. I had to give up at my own peril and risk, “- said Rozomashvili. At the end of October, a woman with a sick child received an apartment in the same building, but with a smaller area. The new housing also has mold,