Netherlands considers new proceedings against Russia in MH17 case

RTL Nieuws: The Netherlands are considering a new case against Russia in the case of MH17 The Netherlands wanted to initiate new proceedings against Russia in the case of the flight crash MH17 in eastern Ukraine in July 2014. This was reported by the RTL Nieuws TV channel with reference to anonymous sources. It is planned to prepare a legal procedure at the UN International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The issue will be on the agenda of the new government, which is in the stage of formation. Sources consider the new procedure promising for the Netherlands. In their opinion, Moscow violated the Chicago Convention, according to which countries are obliged to ensure the safety of civil aviation. The final decision on filing a lawsuit against Russia in ICAO will be made by the new Cabinet of Ministers of the Netherlands. The crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 777, which en

There will be more free products for the poor in Russia

Izvestia: Russia has proposed to abolish VAT on products for charity In Russia, there may be more free products for the poor. The Ministry of Finance, together with specialists from the Federal Tax Service (FTS), are working on the issue of exemption of manufacturers from VAT on expiring goods that are donated to charity. Izvestia writes about this with reference to the response of the ministry to the corresponding initiative of the Food Sharing organization. The organization proposed to amend Article 170 of the Tax Code of Russia and remove from companies the obligation to restore VAT if such goods are transferred free of charge the poor. Today, by participating in charity, companies are forced to pay up to 20 percent tax on the value of products). According to the authors of the initiative, participation in charity is more expensive for retailers than sending food to landfills. As a result,

The scheme of extortion of money by employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in women's colonies has been disclosed

Human rights activist Litvinovich: they extort money from women in colonies for the right to be released on parole In women's colonies money is often extorted from relatives of Russian women prisoners. For the sake of being released on parole (parole), women are ready for a lot, so some families have to sell apartments and take out loans. The scheme of extortion by employees of the FSIN was revealed in an interview with by human rights activist Marina Litvinovich. In general, the leadership of the colonies is aimed at constantly pulling money out of the families of prisoners. They are always interested in women whose families can pay. And very often a woman who wants to get out on parole is told in plain text: you need to buy building materials or pay for some work Marina Litvinovich human rights activist Litvinovich said that the money allocated by the

There will be more free products for the poor in Russia

Izvestia: Russia has proposed to abolish VAT on products for charity In Russia, there may be more free products for the poor. The Ministry of Finance, together with specialists from the Federal Tax Service (FTS), are working on the issue of exemption of manufacturers from VAT on expiring goods that are donated to charity. Izvestia writes about this with reference to the response of the ministry to the corresponding initiative of the Food Sharing organization. The organization proposed to amend Article 170 of the Tax Code of Russia and remove from companies the obligation to restore VAT if such goods are transferred free of charge the poor. Today, by participating in charity, companies are forced to pay up to 20 percent tax on the value of products). According to the authors of the initiative, participation in charity is more expensive for retailers than sending food to landfills. As a result,

Named Russia's main weapon against Abrams, Leopard and Challenger tanks

Izvestia: Russia will protect itself from Western tanks with Chrysanthemum-S complexes Russia will strengthen the western strategic direction with self-propelled anti-tank missile systems ( ATGM) “Chrysanthemum-S”, Izvestia reports, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense. The newspaper writes that the military department has decided to completely re-equip units of the 2nd Taman motorized rifle division with ATGM-like ones. According to experts interviewed by the publication, “Chrysanthemum-S” can be called the main weapon of Russia against Western tanks. In particular, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky is sure that “Chrysanthemum-S” is the most advanced Russian anti-tank missile system, providing penetration armor of all types of foreign tanks, for example, modern Abrams, Leopard and Challenger. The newspaper writes that this self-propelled ATGM, created on the basis of the BMP-3 platform, is called a tank killer in the army. Chrysanthemum-S is equipped with optical sights, a thermal imager and a powerful onboard radar. The maximum

Named Russia's main weapon against Abrams, Leopard and Challenger tanks

Izvestia: Russia will defend itself against Western tanks with Chrysanthemum-S complexes Russia will strengthen the western strategic direction with self-propelled anti-tank missile systems ( ATGM) “Chrysanthemum-S”, Izvestia reports, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense. The newspaper writes that the military department has decided to completely re-equip units of the 2nd Taman motorized rifle division with ATGM-like ones. According to experts interviewed by the publication, “Chrysanthemum-S” can be called the main weapon of Russia against Western tanks. In particular, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky is sure that “Chrysanthemum-S” is the most advanced Russian anti-tank missile system, providing penetration armor of all types of foreign tanks, for example, modern Abrams, Leopard and Challenger. The newspaper writes that this self-propelled ATGM, created on the basis of the BMP-3 platform, is called a tank killer in the army. Chrysanthemum-S is equipped with optical sights, a thermal imager and a powerful onboard radar. The maximum

Malakhov spoke about the execution of Gradsky's request after his death

Host Malakhov: the request of Alexander Gradsky to bury him with his mother in Moscow will be performed by The host of the Live broadcast on the Russia 1 TV channel Andrei Malakhov said that People's Artist of Russia, musician Alexander Gradsky would be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery. He spoke about the fulfillment of the singer's request on the air of a program dedicated to him, the release was published on the YouTube channel. As Malakhov noted, the musician and his mother Tamara Gradskaya were united by a love of art. She studied at GITIS, and after moving from the Chelyabinsk region to Moscow, she took her son to a music school and instilled a love of creativity. The program reported that until the age of 16 the musician bore the name of his father – Fradkin, but after the death of his mother took her last name. “His

Disclosed the effect of the omicron strain on the course of COVID-19

Gunzburg: with the omicron strain, the body has more time to develop immunity With the omicron strain, the severe form of coronavirus may take longer, than with other options, due to the large number of mutations. This gives the body more time to develop immunity. The director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg told TASS about this. He noted that a large number of mutations does not mean that the disease will be more difficult. “This can just affect, I really hope that this will weaken his ability to form syncytia (cells that merge into a single mass – approx.” “), [will reduce] the speed of transition from infection before penetration into the lungs, “- explained Gunzburg. According to him, if this process proceeds in the same way as in the previous strains, then memory cells will work and protect the body. “That is, the number of cases of

Ice golf tours are planned to be launched on Baikal

Ice golf tours are planned to be launched on Lake Baikal Premium ice golf tours are planned to be launched on Lake Baikal. This was announced by the director of the autonomous non-profit organization “International Center for Golf Tourism” Anna Ovchininnikova at a round table at the tourist exhibition “Baikaltour” in Irkutsk, reports It is assumed that tours will be available on two shores of the lake in the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. In 2022, experts and foreign tour operators will come there to get acquainted with the infrastructure. At the same time, there are plans to create not only winter, but also summer tour packages. It is expected that most tourists will come with a golf tour to Lake Baikal from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region – according to preliminary estimates, the project will cover about 15 million traveling golfers from Asia. “Close, exciting, understandable – this

Malakhov spoke about the execution of Gradsky's request after his death

Host Malakhov: the request of Alexander Gradsky to bury him with his mother in Moscow will be performed by The host of the Live broadcast on the Russia 1 TV channel Andrei Malakhov said that People's Artist of Russia, musician Alexander Gradsky would be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery. He spoke about the fulfillment of the singer's request on the air of a program dedicated to him, the release was published on the YouTube channel. As Malakhov noted, the musician and his mother Tamara Gradskaya were united by a love of art. She studied at GITIS, and after moving from the Chelyabinsk region to Moscow, she took her son to a music school and instilled a love of creativity. The program reported that until the age of 16 the musician bore the name of his father – Fradkin, but after the death of his mother took her last name. “His