The ancient Moon was a huge water tank

The ancient Moon was a huge water tank Dutch psychologists have shown that in the mantle of ancient moon was a lot of water. A study published in Nature Geoscience. Data collected by researchers show that the earlier ocean mantle on the satellite contained from 270 to 1650 parts of water per million. See alsothe Landing of the first Russians to the moon scheduled for the year 2031 To his conclusions Geophysics came after laboratory experiments simulating early conditions on the Earth’s satellite. Experts have considered the two scenarios of the formation of the outer crust of the satellite, associated with the crystallization of cooling lava. In the first case, the thickness of the solid surface formed by plagioclase, was 68 miles, the second from 34 to 43 kilometers. Unlike the first scenario, the second scenario assumed the ancient mantle of the moon contain a lot of water. This corresponds

Peskov: Putin’s message to Parliament will be special content

Peskov: Putin’s message to Parliament will be special content None of the President’s message is not like another, said the spokesman. MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. Message of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will be special in content, said TASS press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. See alsothe Kremlin confirmed the date of announcement of the message of Putin “Presidential address to the Federal Assembly is the conventional format, but no message like the other” — he said, answering the question of how will vary the current President. “So, of course, and this year it will be different in content, maintaining that Putin’s main terminal,” — says Sands. Putin will address both houses of Parliament with the annual message of 1 Dec.

Ukraine declared new threat to the flight area near Crimea

Ukraine was established without consultation with Russia a new threat to implement a no-fly zone over the waters of the Black sea near Crimea. About it reports on Tuesday, November 29, the Federal air transport Agency. “The new danger zones are established in the airspace over the neutral waters of the Black sea and partly over the black sea territorial waters of the Russian Federation to the South-West and South-East of the Crimea Peninsula. The reason for the establishment of new danger zones in the NOTAMs [notices aviation] is not specified”, — stated in the message. As noted in Rosaviation, the danger zone affect the sovereign airspace of Russia at a distance of 6 to 10 nautical miles (11 to 18 kilometers) from the neutral waters. Control air traffic in this area is administered by the managers of the flight information region of Simferopol. “Once again, in violation of the

Erdogan revealed the true purpose of the invasion of Syria

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish army launched a military operation in Syria to put an end to the rule of the President of the Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad. This was stated by Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to Reuters. “We don’t want Syrian land (…). We are there to restore justice and to put an end to the domination of a cruel tyrant Assad, which supports state terror,” Erdogan said. On 26 November it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with Erdogan during which the two leaders continued exchanging opinions on the situation in Syria, said in an official statement. Materials on теме00:08 25 Aug 2016a New twist to the old vohnyshche Turkey entered the territory of Syria A month earlier, Erdogan announced the promotion of the Turkish army in the direction Manuja and Raqqa. On August 24, the Turkish Armed forces with the participation

National policy can allocate 40 billion rubles

Photo: TASS In the draft Federal budget for 2017-2019 can be made the cost of new state program on implementation of national policy developed by the Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities (FADH). The draft state programme worth 40 billion rubles is now undergoing the final approval and is expected to be introduced in the state Duma and the government on 5 December. While the Agency itself can raise the status to the Ministerial. The project of the program “Implementation of state national policy” the 2017-2025 years aimed at “achieving the priorities and objectives of socio-economic development and national security of the Russian Federation,” reads the explanatory note. The state program includes the development of public-public partnerships, language policy, strengthening the unity of the Russian nation (draft programme and explanatory note are at the disposal of “Izvestia”). Now the project is the latest agreement with the relevant Federal bodies

Adopted the Declaration on the enlargement of the EU

The foreign Ministers of the “Visegrad four”, which includes Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, adopted a joint Declaration on the expansion of the European Union, reported RIA Novosti.   In the Declaration, European diplomats expressed their support to the Western Balkan countries aspiring to the European Union. The Declaration adopted in Warsaw after talks of the foreign Ministers of 16 countries of the European Union with the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini.   “EU enlargement is an invaluable tool in the construction of security, stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans. As described in the Global strategy of the EU, a credible enlargement policy becomes a strategic investment in the security and prosperity of Europe”, – said in the text of the document. Photo: Daniel Kalker / dpa / Globallookpress

Russian grandmaster Yuri Eliseev died tragically at the age of 20 years

Russian grandmaster Yuri Eliseev died tragically at the age of 20 years A close friend of the deceased said that the young player fell from the 12th floor. MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Russian grandmaster and former champion of Russia in classical chess Yuri Eliseev died tragically at the age of 20 years in Moscow. About this in his account in social network “Vkontakte” reported a close friend Eliseeva Daniil Dubov, who is also a grandmaster. “Tonight we tragically lost a close friend of mine, a brilliant chess player and analyst, one of the most talented people I know Yuri Eliseev. He tried to climb out the window to the balcony on the twelfth floor, but failed,” wrote Oaks. Killed Yuriy Eliseev | He was twenty — (@Chess__News) 27 Nov 2016. Elisha became the world champion among cadets 2012, and in 2013 received the title of grandmaster at

In subject area add religion

In subject area add religion Experts to complete voting on the course of Orthodox culture for 1-11 classes. As found “Kommersant”, the Russian schools can still see the subject “Orthodox culture” for all the training — from 1 th to 11-th class. The first draft of the course received this summer a negative opinion of experts — but as it turned out, was not finally buried. We contributed to the project a number of bug fixes, and last week, the Russian Academy of education, without advertising, launched the process of absentee voting, which will run until November 30. According to experts, if the document is approved, the course “Orthodox culture” will be massively administered in schools at the request of the Ministry of education and regional dioceses. The Ministry of education the situation has not yet commented. See alsoMSU Rector Vasiliev asked to allow the universities written exams In the