In the Rostov region from a gas explosion killed two people

As a result of a gas explosion in a residential building in the Rostov region killed two people. On Thursday, December 1, reported “Interfax” the press service of EMERCOM of Russia in the region. As reported on the Agency’s website, the incident occurred in the village of Fedulov Bagayevskaya district. Information in bodies of emergency situations arrived at 03:45. One of two apartments in one-story homes were completely destroyed, the second part. At the scene employs 65 people and 22 units of equipment. Three people hospitalized. On the morning of 6 November, there was a gas explosion in a two-story brick 12 unit building in Ivanovo. The building partially collapsed, six people, including four-year-old girl, were killed.

Russian foreign Ministry: Russia is worried about military efforts aimed at regime change in Syria

Moscow alarmed because of specific military efforts, which are tightened by the task of changing the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, commenting on the statement of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan about the beginning of military operations in Syria to overthrow the Syrian leader. About it writes RIA Novosti. “We never had any illusions as to what purpose they serve, the U.S. and several allies, including in the region, in the process of conducting their Syrian policy, let’s call it,” said a senior diplomat. Ryabkov reminded that their goal was never concealed – the future of ATS with Assad, neither the US nor Turkey has ever seen. Therefore, the diplomat noted, this is not surprising. “Repeatedly stated at various levels, including the highest level, in Washington and Ankara that the future of Syria with Assad in these capitals do not see”, – he

The police made a version of a terrorist attack from the Ohio state University

The police made a version of a terrorist attack from the Ohio state University The police admitted that the attack armed with a knife attacker at a state University in Ohio, could be a terrorist act, reports CNN. According to the President of the institution of Michael Drake, on the morning of Monday in Columbus unknown first drove a car into pedestrians on the campus of the University of Ohio, and then came out with a knife from the car and attacked people. According to the latest data, nine people were hospitalized, one of them is in critical condition. “Given that (the assailant. — “Газета.Ru”) the intention was to crash into people on the sidewalk, the intention to attack them, we must consider this possibility (that the attack was a terrorist act. — “Газета.Ru”)”, — said the head of the city police Kim Jacobs. According to her, local police working

In the USA the robber dived into the pond and pretended to be a fisherman

In the USA the robber dived into the pond and pretended to be a fisherman American in Deltona, Florida, pursued by the police, the robber hid in the pond and pose as a fisherman. It is reported by the TV station WFTV. 29-year-old Sean Torres (Sean Torres) tried to Rob a store, standing not more than one dollar, but failed. The seller is not believed his threats and did not give money. The man had to leave with nothing. In search of Torres sent a police helicopter. Soon the unfortunate robber was seen: he made his way through the neighbouring pond wading. When the pursuers began to catch up to him, the man plunged into the water. On the surface there was only his head. The guards asked what was happening. Torres said that catches in the pond fish, and his fishing rod is not visible because it is under

Experts in the field of intelligence, urged Obama to show leniency to Snowden

Experts in the field of intelligence, urged Obama to show leniency to Snowden Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — a Group of influential experts in the field of exploration of the so-called Commission of the Church turned to Barack Obama with the request to allow the former CIA agent Edward Snowden back to the U.S. and spare him punishment in the form of long-term imprisonment, wrote on Tuesday The Hill. Commission Church is a group of senators, which was established in 1975 to investigate the legality of the actions of the CIA and the FBI after the Watergate scandal. The letter to the President signed by 15 former members of the Commission. They urged Obama to stop “link (Snowden — if) in Russia, which isn’t good for anyone”. Experts have put the letter in-depth report about the consequences that had Snowden’s revelations. It noted the many positive consequences of its activities

The Director of the Moscow orphanage reprimanded for the assault of a subordinate

The HCSO “polar star” In Moscow the Director of the center for promotion of family education “the North star” Marina Nazarenko reprimanded for beating an employee of one of the children, reports TASS. “Mrs. Nazarenko has been reprimanded, and she was instructed to take action against those who were in the line of duty (during holidays — approx. “Of the”), namely, acting Director and Deputy Director on security issues”, — told reporters the first Deputy head of the Department of labour and social protection Olga Grachev. The official said that the incident occurred on November 23. The bruises in 12-year-old pupil who took notice to replace fellow of the center. The culprit of the accident is a 44-year-old teacher figured out after viewing the recordings from the surveillance camera. The man resigned after the return of the Director from vacation. Previously, on 30 November it was reported that the

Indian cinemas were ordered to turn the national anthem before each session

The Supreme court of India ordered all cinemas to include the national anthem before each session. On Wednesday, November 30, reports BBC News. People in the country was obliged to stand while the national anthem is not over. On the screen at this time should be shown the national flag. “People should stop following understand personal freedom and a sense of devotional patriotism,” so, according to local media reports, the judges explained their decision. The decision has caused rough reaction of users of social networks — some considered ostentatious patriotism is unnecessary, and the other was glad of the opportunity to merge with fellow citizens in the sense of national unity. According to BBC News, in every state of India has its own laws regarding the national anthem. In cinemas of the state Maharashtra, for example, with this anthem since 2003, and in Tamil Nadu, the Supreme court banned this

The foreign Ministry denied media reports about “secret negotiations” between Russia and Pakistan

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian foreign Ministry denied media reports about negotiations between Moscow and Islamabad about the possibility of joining the so-called Pakistan-China economic corridor. This is stated in the Russian diplomatic Agency.. “Appeared in the Pakistani media reports about “secret negotiations” between Russia and Pakistan on the implementation of projects in the framework of the Pakistan-China economic corridor is not true. The possibility of a Russian connection to this initiative with Islamabad not discussed”, – said the Minister. It is noted that trade-economic cooperation of Russia with Pakistan has independent value. The foreign Ministry stressed that aimed at its further strengthening. “Russian companies implementation of business projects in the IRP, including the planned construction of the gas pipeline “North – South” from Karachi to Lahore, carried out on a bilateral basis,” – said the Agency. In the beginning of the year, Russian energy Minister Alexander Novak has held