Ukraine pushed the boundaries of the hazardous areas in relation to the conduct missile exercises

Ukraine pushed the boundaries of the hazardous areas in relation to the conduct missile exercises The Federal air transport Agency said that the border shifted to the West outside the Russian Federation. Moscow. 1 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Ukrainian authorities have redefined the boundaries of hazardous areas for civil aviation in the Crimea in connection with the rocket fire, reported to “Interfax” on Thursday the Federal air transport Agency. The boundaries of dangerous zones for flights of civil courts shifted to the West outside the Russian Federation.The representative also RosaviatsiyaUkraine began teachings with missile firing near the border with Crimea As have explained in Rosaviation, the Ukrainian side in the night of Thursday has released a new NOTAM (notice to aircraft), the shear coordinates of the danger zones to the West of the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. In turn, the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation explained

Kudrin on the appointment. the head of the MAYOR: cope

Photo: RIA Novosti Former Russian Finance Minister and head of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin called “a good decision” the appointment of the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin. As reported, on November 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the appointment of Maxim Oreshkin Minister of economic development. “The appointment of the head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin is a good decision. Cope,” Kudrin wrote in his Twitter. In turn, the business Ombudsman Boris Titov called the appointment. strengthening of the position of the Ministry of Finance.

Published footage of a fire on a boat in St. Petersburg

A pleasure boat was burned in Saint-Petersburg on the morning of 2 December. According to “Fontanka“, the ship caught fire on Vasilevsky island, not far from the house 34 on the waterfront Makarova. Fire engulfed the superstructure of the boat of type “Moscow-178”. The fire area has made 70 square metres.   Emergency workers took half an hour to deal with the fire. It was finally extinguished at 05:20 a.m., after which firefighters began to shed overlapping on the ship.     No one was hurt. However, the embankment to a Small Avenue was blocked. Video: Fontanka Ru/YouTube Photo:

Milon asked to enter in medical schools a course of religious education

Milon asked to enter in medical schools a course of religious education MOSCOW, 1 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of the state Duma from “United Russia” Vitaly Milonov sent a letter to the Minister of education Olga Vasilyeva and Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova with a request to consider the possibility to enter in medical schools a course of elementary theological education to the future doctors after the institution “did not want” to carry out abortions. The MP believes that the appropriate teachers to the students could be representatives of traditional religions of Russia. See alsoPatriarch Kirill, likened abortion to alcoholism and drug addiction “I ask You to consider making additional subjects in the training of doctors of all specialties. Students are required to study not only the mechanics of the human body, but metaphysics and the value of human life from a spiritual point of view. Knowing or

The President of Russia delivers his annual address to the Federal Assembly

The President of Russia delivers his annual address to the Federal Assembly Today, Vladimir Putin delivers his annual address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On the document the President has worked personally. Traditionally, the contents not disclosed until the moment of its announcement. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the new message is different from the previous ones, despite the fact that will continue the emphasis on the social sphere. It will be the 23rd in the modern history of Russia and the 13th — personally for Vladimir Putin. It usually lasts about an hour. The event takes place in St George hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. According to tradition it except the members of the state Duma and the Federation Council are invited, including governors, members of the government, the CEC, Public, and accounts chambers, representatives of the major faiths.

Medvedev urged Ministers to execute the orders of the President

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expects from the government a responsible approach to the implementation of the tasks of the President’s address to the Federal Assembly. He stated this at the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, December 1, reports “Interfax”. “I am confident that every one present — I mean the leadership of the government, Ministers, heads of agencies, services — heard of where to focus next year. So that you can begin to work through these issues already immediately,” — said Medvedev. He added that the list of instructions following messages will be formulated in the near future. In his opinion, the economic situation in the country is not the easiest. At the same time in a number of areas have been positive trends that need to “fully consolidate, develop” in accordance with the purposes stated in the message. “Obviously, this requires strict discipline, and the dynamic work of the government

In Turkey agreed on a new draft Constitution

The leaders of the Turkish governing party of justice and development party (AKP) Binali Yildirim and the opposition nationalist movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahceli agreed on the draft of the new Constitution. About it reports NTV. Now the draft basic law will be submitted for consideration to the Parliament. According to Yildirim, if the document is approved more than 330 deputies, it will be put to a referendum. The vote must take place no later than 60 days after the project is approved by the legislature. The draft of the new Constitution provides for a sharp increase in the powers of the President. In particular, the head of state will be able to lead the Cabinet of Ministers, or to single-handedly appoint the Prime Minister. In addition, in the case of the adoption of the document in direct subordination of the head of state will pass the country’s armed forces

The debt on a salary to the crew of the “Nikolay Kasatkin” exceeded $90 thousand – SK

TFR checks on the fact of wage arrears to the crew of a Russian merchant vessel “Nikolay Kasatkin”, which was detained by port of Amsterdam on. About this site of TV channel “Star” told the senior assistant administrator on interaction from mass media of the far East SU on transport SKR Oksana Bolshakova.   She stressed that, according to preliminary data, the debt to the crew of the salary is about 90 thousand dollars. The representative of the RCDS added that the ship assigned to the port city of Nevelsk, Sakhalin region, and the shipowner is the southern-Sakhalin, OOO “Parus”.   Thursday, December 1, it was reported that on the port of Amsterdam has forbidden an exit in the sea the Russian ship “Nikolay Kasatkin” due to the mismatch of working conditions, skills and security. The crew went on strike because of wage arrears. Photo: