Trump confirmed his intention to appoint Mattis, the head of the Pentagon

Trump confirmed his intention to appoint Mattis, the head of the Pentagon The US President-elect Donald trump confirmed that next week will announce the upcoming appointment of a retired General of the marine Corps James Mattis to head the Pentagon. The corresponding statement he made at a rally in Cincinnati on Thursday, December 1, reports the Associated Press. Earlier that trump picked Mattis for the position, reported the Washington Post, citing testimonies of people who became aware of this decision. See alsotrump has decided on the candidacy to the post of Minister of defense Immediately after the publication of the representative of the transitional authority trump Jason Miller stated on Twitter that any decision regarding the candidacy for the post of Minister of defence is not accepted. To Mattis was appointed by the U.S. Congress must pass a new law to repeal existing rules, which the Pentagon should not be

What’s new in the foreign policy concept of Russia

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS November 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the foreign policy concept of Russia. And though largely the text of the document quoted and repeats the previous his tone changed dramatically. It has become more specific, it became less streamlined structures, concepts directly spoken differences that over the last three years came to Moscow with the Western powers. Fixed interest in more intensive cooperation with Asian countries. The concept has changed position on Ukraine and was first mentioned Syria. New task: hardening and strengthening Was named two new challenges Russian foreign policy direction. First, it is “consolidation of positions of Russia as one of influential centers of the modern world”. Second, the “strengthening of positions of Russian media and mass communications in the global information space and bringing to wide circles of the international community the Russian point of view”. Power factor. Increase Previously discussed, that “Russia has

Moscow to host exhibition of animals from shelters “Tree-pristroystvo”

This weekend, on 3 and 4 December in Moscow in the Center of creative industries Fabrika in Perevedenovski alley will host a charity exhibition shelter animals “Tree-pristroystvo”. About it “” reported in the Fund of help to animals “Giving hope”. According to the Director of the Fund Svetlana Safonova, 3 December “the Christmas Tree” will bring 40 dogs and puppies, 4 Dec — 80 cats and kittens. The exhibition will run from 12:00 to 17:00. “All animals will be washed, dressed, stylish, ready right from the Christmas Trees will go to a new home. Anyone can come to the show and on the same day to pick up a loved cat or dog,” says Safonova. All animals, according to the organizers, healthy, vaccinated and friendly to people, adults are sterilized. Give them free, but with registration of the contract, so in order to pick up the pet will need a

Russians arrested in US for drug possession

A Russian citizen arrested in Abilene, Texas, USA, for possession of a prohibited drug. This was reported on page in Facebook of the local police Department. “Alexey Trapeznikov was arrested Wednesday after police stopped him for a traffic violation. He had a 5.49 grams of the dangerous drug fentanyl,” the report says. Alexey Trapeznikov Abilene Police Department / Facebook Law enforcement explained that 44-year-old Russian charged with first-degree unlawful possession of a controlled substance. Currently he is in jail Taylor County. The documents in the case Trapeznikova was sent to the Russian Consulate in Houston. For this violation of the law, he faces deportation. Fentanyl opioid analgesic effect on the human body similar to morphine, however it is much stronger. 6 October it was reported about the arrest in the US, two Russians and one US citizen on charges of trying to illegally export sensitive technologies. According to the American

Russia has created a drone helicopter reconnaissance for naval aviation

© Yuri Smityuk/TASS MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Reconnaissance drone helicopter type will be created for the needs of the Naval aviation of the Russian Navy. On Saturday TASS reported a source in the Russian defense-industrial complex. “Unmanned aircraft system helicopters designed for reconnaissance and targeting, created in the interests of the Naval aviation of the Russian Navy,” – said the Agency interlocutor.

If London does not help Aleppo, he should not prevent others from working – Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation

If London does not carry humanitarian aid to Aleppo, then he should not prevent others to work. So, the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov commented on the statement by the UK that our country supposedly does not allow to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria.   Earlier, the Daily Mail carried the words of press Secretary of British Prime Minister Theresa may on the situation in the Arab country, where he said that Russia allegedly “impede the delivery of humanitarian assistance to residents of besieged Aleppo, agreeing to a cease-fire.”   Major-General recalled that on 28 November, the Syrian troops liberated more than 40 percent of the militants besieged areas in the Eastern part of the city. More than 90 thousand living there civilians left once the militant-controlled neighborhoods. About 30 thousand civilians, half of whom are minors, escaped to safe areas of the city.

The ECHR has awarded compensation to the victims in the case of major Evsyukova

The ECHR has awarded compensation to the victims in the case of major Evsyukova The European court of human rights found a violation of the rights of victims in the case of police major Denis Yevsyukov in April 2009, being drunk, staged a massacre in a Moscow supermarket. The court in Strasbourg ruled that Russia should pay to the three applicants compensation in the amount of 12 thousand euros each and also to pay the legal expenses of one of the victims in the amount of 2 thousand euros. The former chief OVD “tsarina” Denis Yevsyukov was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of two persons and attempt at murder of 22 other visitors and also for illegal storage of the weapon. Victims tried to achieve from the Russian authorities with financial compensation for the criminal acts of the representative bodies of the power, but lost the case in

The pilaf was included in the UNESCO world heritage list

The pilaf was included in the UNESCO world heritage list Related to Uzbek and Tajik variants of pilaf traditions and culture made the list of intangible heritage of UNESCO. About it reports a press-service of the organization. In this list, in particular, were introduced the Tajik oshi Palav. As noted in the UNESCO rice in this Asian country is part of the common cultural heritage. There are up to 200 recipes oshi Palavas. Cooking and eating bring people together from different walks of life. In the list of UNESCO has also been associated with Uzbek pilaf traditions and culture. “This is a dish of rice, meat, spices and vegetables usually served at the table during daily meals and at special occasions: to help the disadvantaged and in the days of remembrance of the dead loved ones” — say representatives of the organization. According to experts, this tradition continues in the

The interior Ministry offered to increase penalties for false documents for illegal immigrants

The interior Ministry offered to increase penalties for false documents for illegal immigrants Moscow. 2 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia has proposed to substantially increase the fines for all illegal migrants housing and fictitious documents to reside and enter for companies sanction up to 800 thousand rubles for the illegal issuance of work permits. The Ministry posted Thursday on the portal of projects of normative legal acts of the package of amendments to part 3 of article 18.9 of the administrative code (housing, vehicle, services of a foreigner illegally staying in the Russian Federation) and article 18.15 of the administrative code (illegal bringing a foreigner to work in Russia). Under the bill, the upper threshold sanctions part 3 of article 18.9 of the administrative code increasing: for citizens — from 4,000 to 5,000 roubles, for officials — from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, for legal