Russia refuses from use of the rocket “Soyuz-U” to launch cargo spacecraft to the ISS

Russia refuses from use of the rocket “Soyuz-U” to launch cargo spacecraft to the ISS Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU the carrier Rocket “Soyuz-U” was launched from Baikonur spaceport with the cargo ship “Progress MC-04” and a wrecked over Tuva, is the penultimate. “According to the plans of Roscosmos, the rocket “Soyuz-U” will be used one more time in February 2017 year to launch cargo vehicle “Progress MS-05”. Order in the further carrier rockets “Soyuz-U” not planned”, — have informed “Interfax” a source at the cosmodrome. According to him, all further launches of cargo ships to the ISS will be performed by the rocket “Soyuz-2−1A”. The launches of manned spacecraft will continue on the rocket “Soyuz-FG”. The interlocutor of the Agency noted that experts studying the telemetry information received from the Board of the carrier rocket, prior to her accident, has not yet made findings about the reasons which led to

The Syrian military took quarter Meysar in Aleppo, moving to the Citadel

The Syrian military took quarter Meysar in Aleppo, moving to the Citadel DAMASCUS, Dec 4 — RIA Novosti, Yevgeny Orel. The Syrian army backed by allied militias have established complete control over the quarter Meysar in the Eastern part of Aleppo, reports on Sunday, the Lebanese TV channel “al-Manar”. According to the channel, after violent clashes, the military managed to completely dislodge from this area remnants of illegal armed groups. In addition, in the quarter Catargi nearby, security forces took several residential complexes, where previously there were outposts of terrorists. Freeing Meysar and Katerji, government forces will be able to reach the line of contact near the Citadel — an ancient fortress on the hill dominating the town to the height and to divide the historical sector of the metropolis in half. Videoto Clear Aleppo will help Russian dogs As noted earlier, in an interview with RIA Novosti prominent Syrian

Churkin discussed the U.S.-Russia initiative Aleppo has a chance to succeed

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, December 6. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Initiative to resolve the situation in Aleppo, which was discussed by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry during talks in Rome on 2 December, has a chance of success, as will put an end to the tragedy in the Syrian city. This opinion was expressed on Monday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin at the meeting of the Security Council of the world organization.

Kosachev spoke about the ways of rapprochement between Russia and Uzbekistan

After the election Shavkat Mirziyoev the President of Uzbekistan may increase cooperation with Russia in the field of security. On Monday, December 5, the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev wrote on his page in Facebook. “It is possible to further rapprochement with Russia in the security sphere, which confirms the recently signed agreement on military-technical cooperation with our country”, — said the Senator. According to him, most likely, the interaction between the two countries will strengthen the CSTO. “In addition, there are objective prerequisites and requirements”, — said the head of the international Committee. Kosachev also believes that the new government will continue the foreign policy of ex-President Islam Karimov, in particular, this applies to the principle of “equidistance from the various centers of power.” Earlier on Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin invited the new President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to visit Moscow with

Left in the car of the son of an American received a life sentence

Justin Ross Harris American Justin Ross Harris (Justin Ross Harris) was found guilty of the murder of his almost two year old son Cooper, whom he left in the car. As reported on Monday, December 5, CNN, a verdict was passed by judge of the Supreme court of Cobb County (Georgia, USA) Mary Steli Clark. The incident occurred on 18 June 2014. 36-the summer inhabitant of suburb of Atlanta put on their 22-month-old boy in the back seat of the Hyundai Tucson and went first to Breakfast, then to work, where he stayed for the whole day. Cooper about seven hours spent in the car, which gradually strongly heated up under the sun, that was the cause of his death. Approximately at 16:00 Harris went to the movie theater and noticed that the baby is still in the car. The man pulled his body out of the SUV, according to

Russia in the UN security Council vetoed the project on the humanitarian situation in Aleppo

Russia, China and Venezuela blocked a UN security Council draft resolution on the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, Syria. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the results of the vote.   The vote passed at a meeting on the issue Monday, 5 December. Supported the resolution, 11 members of the Board. Because of the three votes against the document imposed a veto.   The document called for a cease-fire in Aleppo for the initial ten days, including attacks on positions of the banned terrorist groups “EN-Nusra” and the Islamic state. It was sponsored by Egypt, Spain and New Zealand.   Earlier, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that the vote should be postponed until the negotiations between the experts of Russia and the United States. The meeting was planned by the heads of depodesta of the two countries Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry, but the project

The victims of the Finnish arrow became mayor of Imatra and two journalists

The victims of the Finnish arrow became mayor of Imatra and two journalists Victims of the arrow in the Finnish Imatra, located near the border with Russia, became Chairman of the city Council and two local journalist. About it reports on Sunday, 4 December, broadcasting company Yle, citing police officials. As noted, law enforcement is denying any unverified information about the motives of the crime, since they were still unknown. According to the correspondent of the TV channel, the women came out of the restaurant when they were shot. Earlier it was reported that the incident occurred on Sunday night near one of the restaurants in the city. The suspect in the crime was arrested on the spot. It was the 23-year-old man, he surrendered without resistance. For committing the crimes he used a rifle. The population of Imatra is about 30 thousand inhabitants. Seven kilometers from the city is

Died Heydar Jemal

Died Heydar Jemal Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Famous philosopher and theologian Heydar Jemal died in the night of Monday in Moscow on 70-m to year of life, about this on his page in Facebook said the journalist Maxim Shevchenko. Answering the question, what was the cause of death, Shevchenko wrote: “rooting hard and long”. Earlier reports of the death of Jemal appeared in his official communities on Facebook and Vkontakte. Since 1979, Jamal began to interact with the Islamic community in Tajikistan. In 1989, within a few months was a member of the coordination Council of the society “Memory”. Since 1989 participated in Islamic political activities in the USSR. In may 1990 he founded the independent information center “Tawhid” and began to issue the newspaper “al-Vahdat”. In 1990 he was one of the initiators of the formation of the Islamic Renaissance party. The first constituent Congress of the all-Union

Steinmeier: Germany does not recognize the reunification of the Crimea with Russia

Steinmeier: Germany does not recognize the reunification of the Crimea with Russia BERLIN, 4 Dec. /Offset. TASS Vyacheslav Filippov/. Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called a “violation of international law” aimed “against the European world order,” the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. “We do not recognize the annexation of Crimea to the territory of the Russian state”, — said the German Minister in an interview with Funke Mediengruppe publications, excerpts of which were brought on Sunday, the DPA news Agency. March 11, 2014 Supreme Council of Crimea and the Sevastopol city Council on the background of political crisis and regime change in the Ukraine adopted the Declaration on independence of Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol. March 16 on the Peninsula with a turnout of over 80% held a referendum, the results of which for the reunification with Russia voted 96,77% of voters of the