The court refused to dismiss the case against Navalny on the “Kirovles”

The court refused to dismiss the case against Navalny on the “Kirovles” Leninsky district court in Kirov has refused to stop criminal proceedings against opposition leader Alexei Navalny of embezzlement of funds of state enterprise “Kirovles”. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “The court finds it impossible the decision on the application until the announcement of the indictment,” said the judge. Earlier on December 5 began a retrial of the case “Kirovec”. With the request to dismiss was made by the defense of the opposition. “In the framework of the decisions of the European court which recognized a previously imposed sentence is illegal, ask to stop criminal case” — said Navalny’s lawyer Olga Mikhailova. According to her, the Bulk and the second defendant Pyotr Ofitserov was sentenced for doing the steps “is not distinguishable from the ordinary course of business”. In November the Ministry of justice by the decision of

Died, the actor from “Game of thrones”

Died, the actor from “Game of thrones” British actor Peter Vaughan died at the age of 93 years. On Tuesday, December 6, reports BBC News. The artist agent Sally long-Innes said that Vaughn died this morning surrounded by family. Cause of death not known. Vaughn was born in Britain on 4 April 1923. He is known for his role as Maester Aemon’s Targaryen in the TV series “Game of thrones”. The actor also participated in the creation of such films as “death at a funeral”, “History of mother”, “the Legend of the pianist” and “Les Miserables” (1998), “village of the damned” and “Brazil”. During his career he has starred in some 200 movies and TV shows.

Erdogan signed the law on ratification of the agreement on “Turkish stream”

Erdogan signed the law on ratification of the agreement on “Turkish stream” ANKARA, December 6 — RIA Novosti, Fedor Smirnov. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed previously adopted by the Turkish Parliament of the law on ratification of the agreement with Russia on gas pipeline “Turkish stream”, according to the official website of the Turkish leader. “The law 6765 (on ratification of the agreement on “Turkish stream”) is recognized as acceptable,” the message reads. See alsothe Construction of “Turkish stream” is synchronized with the contract of the Russian Federation and Ukraine The decision of the President published Tuesday in the official newspaper Resmi Gazete. Thus, the law came into force. Russia and Turkey on 10 October signed an intergovernmental agreement on the project “Turkish stream.” The document envisages the construction of two gas pipeline strings under the Black sea with a capacity of 15.75 billion cubic meters of gas each. One

The OSCE representative on freedom of the media: European Parliament resolution is of a political nature

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. The OSCE representative on freedom of the media Dunja Mijatovic in a response letter to the foreign Ministry agreed that the resolution of the European Parliament to counter the propaganda that mentions, including the Russian media, is of obvious political character. This was stated on Wednesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs reported no Russians among the victims of the earthquake in Indonesia

The Russian foreign Ministry said that Russians among the dead and injured in the earthquake in Indonesia, reports the national news service (NSN) on Wednesday, December 7. She refers to the press attache of the Russian Embassy in Indonesia Nikolay Karapetyan. In conversation with NSN he explained: “According to preliminary information, the victims among Russian citizens is not available.” At the moment there are about 54 dead, most of which occur in the County of Pitija in Aceh, located in the vicinity of the epicenter. More than 70 people were seriously injured. The tremors were recorded at 05:03 local time (01:03 MSK). According to USGS, the earthquake magnitude was 6.5. The epicenter was located on the island of Sumatra, 92 kilometres East of the city of Banda Aceh. The focus lies at a depth of 8.2 kilometers.

The suburbs will spend 170 billion rubles on improving the efficiency of power

The building of the government of Moscow region in Krasnogorsk Moscow region government plans to allocate 169,1 billion rubles for the state program “Effective power” in the years 2017-2021. The document is available on the website of the Ministry of state administration, information technologies and communications of the Moscow region, prepared the draft. The program will allow you to achieve “long-term balance and stability of the budget system of Moscow region” and ensure “the reduction of administrative barriers, improving the quality and accessibility of public and municipal services”, reads the explanatory note. For example, the waiting time in the queue to receive public services should be reduced from 13.5 to 11 minutes. From the regional budget is planned to allocate 166 billion rubles, the remaining funds will come from Federal and municipal budgets. The annual cost for the program will average almost 34 billion rubles. The money will go to

Killed in Syria, the Russian Colonel to be presented to the state awards

© EPA/ALI MUSTAFA MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. Killed in Syria, the Russian Colonel Ruslan Galitsky will be presented to the state award posthumously. “There really is a representation (the state awards) if I’m not mistaken, there already was, or will be sent, – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. – Presentation to the President, and the President signs the corresponding decree”.

The representative of Dading in the ECHR announced that he has taken in an unknown direction

The representative of Dading in the ECHR announced that he has taken in an unknown direction Nikolay Zboroshenko noted that so far only received oral information about what his client was transported from the colony. MOSCOW, 5 Dec. /TASS/. First convicted to imprisonment for repeated violation of rules for holding rallies Ildar Dading transferred from penal colony No. 7 (Karelia), where he was serving a sentence in an unknown direction. This was reported TASS the representative of the Dading in the European court of human rights (ECHR) Nikolai Zboroshenko, citing members of the colony. See alsoBoris Grebenschikov wrote Dadina letter to Colonia “This morning I arrived in IK-7, in Segezha (Karelia) to interview the Dading and see a personal matter, but a prison officer in the rank of major — he did not introduce himself — said that the Dading transferred from the colony,” said Zboroshenko. According to him, where

In the Czech Republic was a reenactment of the battle of Austerlitz

In the Czech Republic was a reenactment of the battle of Austerlitz In the area of the Czech town Slavkov (formerly Austerlitz) was the reconstruction of the historic battle. It is reported BFMTV. In the production was attended by over a thousand people. The battle of Austerlitz took place in December 1805, and was called “the battle of the three emperors”. On the one hand it was attended by troops of Napoleon I, on the other — the army of the Austrian and Russian emperors Francis II and Alexander I. the Battle ended with the victory of the French troops.