Shushkevich spoke about the pleasure of signing of the Belovezhskaya agreements

Shushkevich spoke about the pleasure of signing of the Belovezhskaya agreements The former President of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich told that with pleasure signed the Belavezha accords. So Shushkevich answered the question about whether he has preserved any memorabilia from that event. “I had an ink pen, which I gladly all signed” — he said. The former President of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich told that with pleasure signed the Belavezha accords on the dissolution of the Soviet Union. He declared it in published on Thursday, December 8, an interview with Delfi. So Shushkevich answered the question about whether he has preserved any memorabilia from the time of those events. “Everything is preserved. Who is where. I have my pen gave man, a foreigner (…). I had an ink pen, which I gladly all signed” — he said. According to Shushkevich, the leaders of the three republics — Russia, Ukraine and Belarus “are

Churkin: the concept of the moderate Syrian opposition has failed

Vitaly Churkin © Artyom Korotayev/TASS UN, 9 Dec. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Phantom the concept of a so-called moderate opposition in Syria has failed, and the protest movement in the country was quickly displaced by armed extremism and supported from abroad. This opinion was expressed on Friday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin, speaking at a meeting of the UN General Assembly.

The Germans believed the migrants main issue

The people of Germany think of migrants and refugees the main problem of the country. This is with reference to the results of a public opinion poll reported by Reuters. According to a survey conducted by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on order broadcaster ZDF, this opinion is shared by 58 percent of Germans. 60 percent of respondents dissatisfied with the fact that refugees are allocated money that could be spent to better advantage, 52 percent fear that migration will worsen the crime situation in the country. While less than a third of Germans believed the refugees a threat to German cultural and social values. The policy of Angela Merkel towards migrants approved exactly half of the respondents negatively assessed it 45 percent. In total the survey was attended by 1234 people, it has been held throughout Germany from 6th to 8th December. The Agency notes that in German society there is a

Former citizens of the USSR have extended the right to preferential acquisition of a Russian passport

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the law authorizing the to issue Russian passports to former Soviet citizens in the simplified order for three more years — until 2020. On Friday, December 9, the Agency reports city news “Moscow”. “One of the most tragic in the dissolution of the Soviet Union is that many families found themselves in essentially different States. And of course, these consequences we can’t fully fix, but unable to help these people”, — said the Chairman of the Duma Committee on state construction and legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov. The document allows you to obtain the citizenship of the former citizens of the USSR who arrived in Russia before November 1, 2002, do not have citizenship or residence permit in other countries, as well as their children. In addition, the law applies arrived in Russia to July 2012, former citizens of the Soviet Union, whose passport

Adviser to trump told the real reason for the negative position of the West on Crimea

The adviser elected President of the USA of Donald trump Carter Paige, speaking about the possibility of recognition of the new United States administration of the Russian Crimea, said that the history of events in recent years in Ukraine in General and Crimea is one of the most egregious examples of “fake news”. It is reported by RIA Novosti.   According to the adviser to trump the decisions of foreign players in Ukraine and the Crimea was based on “catastrophic” level of misinformation.   “I am sure that there will be new opportunities to overcome these misconceptions and the wrong vector, which was set for Ukraine”, — said Paige.   During the election campaign, Donald trump has declared readiness to consider the recognition of Russian status of Crimea.   Previously, experts have suggested that the visit to Moscow of the adviser to Donald trump, Carter page, who started on December

In Indonesia, the death toll in the earthquake has risen to 97

In Indonesia, the death toll in the earthquake has risen to 97 In Indonesia, the death toll in the earthquake of a magnitude of 6.4 in the area of Pitija increased to 97, reports the Associated Press. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий At least eight of the dead were children. More than 70 people were seriously injured. In turn, Rosturizm recommends that the Russians to remain calm in the earthquake zone in Indonesia. According to the Russian Embassy, the Russian citizens among the victims. Earlier it was reported that in Indonesia, the earthquake killed 18 people.

Putin spoke about “standing on end hair” from some of the decisions of the courts

Putin spoke about “standing on end hair” from some of the decisions of the courts President Vladimir Putin questioned the competence of solutions of some Russian judges and promised to ask the President of the Supreme court and the attorney General to deal with violations. About Putin said at a meeting with members of the presidential Council on human rights. According to the head of state, he saw the court order, which says that the accused “committed a crime by writing a statement to the Lipetsk regional Prosecutor’s office”. “When I look at these things, I just have the remaining hair stand on end. What it is, completely crazy or what”, — Putin said (quoted by “Interfax”). The head of state added that the qualifications of such judges is questionable. In early November, Putin, speaking at the IX Congress of judges, proposed to improve the operation of the qualification Collegium

Putin urged not to expand sanctions on medical supplies and equipment

Putin urged not to expand sanctions on medical supplies and equipment Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the drugs and medical equipment should not be placed under international restrictions and sanctions. The head of state said during the ceremony, awards for outstanding achievements in the field of charitable and human rights activities, which takes place in the Kremlin, reports “RIA Novosti”. Read alsoPutin has promised to increase the efficiency of market surveillance essential drugs According to him, as a result of such limitations, people are deprived of medical assistance, “including in terms of military conflict, when suffer primarily civilians, and often, unfortunately, children.” The President also noted the need to exclude the imposition of sanctions on medicines at the international level. Earlier, on December 7, RBC became known that the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on expansion of the list of foreign medical products that fall

In the Netherlands arrested a suspected terrorist from ISIS

Police in the Netherlands arrested associated with ISIS the man suspected of preparing a terrorist act. On Friday, December 9, according to Reuters. The special operation was held in Rotterdam. It is known that suspected terrorists for 30 years. During a search of his apartment turned up an AK-47, two fully loaded magazine to him and the four crates with homemade fireworks. Investigators believed, due to the higher content of powder they can be used for the manufacture of an improvised explosive device. The police statement also says that found “a large image of the flag of the “Islamic state”” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), but additional details were not given. Photo: Dutch Prosecutor”s Office / AP On 28 November, the Spanish authorities announced the arrest of four people linked to an underground network for the transfer of illegal migrants to Europe, used the IG. Four days earlier, French security