Govorukhin praised the inclusion of the “Harry Potter” in the curriculum

Govorukhin praised the inclusion of the “Harry Potter” in the curriculum Govorukhin called modern Western literature in Russian translation imperfect stupidity. MOSCOW, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture Stanislav Govorukhin said that can not speak for or against the inclusion of a series of books about Harry Potter in the school curriculum, because they do not read them, while noting a General reduction in the quality of translations on Russian language of modern Western works. See alsowriters ‘ Union spoke out against Harry Potter in the school curriculum Earlier media reported that the Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Leningrad region Vladimir Petrov proposed to include in the curriculum a series of books by JK Rowling about Harry Potter, his project, he plans to transfer to the Minister of education and science Olga Vasilyeva. I have not read or have not watched the film.

The U.S. Congress approved the allocation of $350 million for military assistance for Ukraine

The U.S. Congress approved the allocation of $350 million for military assistance for Ukraine WASHINGTON, December 8. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The U.S. Senate passed a bill to allocate funds to the Ministry of defence of the country in the 2017 financial year. The new Pentagon budget will be $618,7 billion as last year it provides for a separate article on the provision of military aid to Ukraine. “Ukraine pledged $350 million, these funds can be used to provide military assistance”, — explained the correspondent of TASS, the representative of office of the Committee on the armed forces. He explained that the decision to use the money will be taken by the President of the United States. Read alsoPoroshenko called the Ukrainian army the strongest in Europe The text contains a clarification according to which the Pentagon initially to support Kiev can only use $175 million of the total. The

Italian students spoke about love for the works of Hitler

Students from several Italian secondary schools told the researchers about the love for the book “Mein Kampf” (My struggle), written by the Fuhrer of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler. On Friday, December 9, reports The Local. According to the publication, the Ministry of education decided to explore favourite books schoolchildren and conducted a survey. In 10 educational institutions in Hitler’s book entered the list of the most popular pieces. In the list of schools attended by young fans of the Fuhrer, educational institutions from different regions of the country. The Ministry said that the results of the vote will not be taken into consideration because the students were asked to name a few favorite works in the entire history of mankind, and written by Italian authors after the year 2000. Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” in 1924, serving a sentence in a Bavarian prison for organizing the “beer hall putsch” of 1923.

Kuban pensioners went to the car with summer tires and fell off the bridge into the river

In Labinsk district of Krasnodar region 85-year-old Renault driver with 87-year-old wife fell into the river from the bridge in his car, according to the website of the regional interior Ministry cupola. “Ice water quickly began to fill the salon of a foreign car, the driver and the passenger could not free himself from the seatbelt and to get out”, — noted in the text. The victims managed to rescue the traffic police, who witnessed the incident. After examination by ambulance with an elderly couple got home. “Fortunately they received no injury, and were just very scared,” — said the police. It turned out that the pensioners living in holiday village, went to town on the car with summer tires. The Minister also stated that inspectors of traffic police who have issued an accident, pulled the car out of the river and delivered back to the owners.

The Japanese foreign Ministry announced the visit of Putin in mid-December

Shinzo Abe and Vladimir Putin Photo: RIA Novosti The Japanese foreign Ministry announced the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Japan. As stated in the document, the Russian leader will visit the country on 15 and 16 December this year. Talks with the head of the Japanese Cabinet Shinzo Abe will be held in Tokyo and in the city of Nagato (Yamaguchi Prefecture). “President Putin’s visit will contribute to further promotion of relations between Japan and Russia,” said a Japanese foreign Ministry. On December 6 the Governor of the southwestern Japanese Prefecture of Yamaguchi Prefecture Muraoka Tsugumi admitted that he wants to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit the hot spring to treat his seafood and sake. “This is a very joyous event, we perceive it as a great honor — said Muraoka. Is the native

The IOC will review the doping control Russian athletes from the Olympics-2012

The international Olympic Committee will check all the doping tests from Russian athletes from the summer Olympics 2012 held in London.   Friday in London was presented the second part of the report of the independent Commission of the world anti-doping Agency (WADA) under the leadership of Richard McLaren’s investigation of doping in Russia. Doping Agency said samples of the six Russian athletes who have won at the Paralympic games of 2014 in Sochi has been tampered with. In the second part of the report also mentions that samples of two Russian hockey players at the Games in Sochi contained male DNA.   The head of the Commission Richard McLaren urged to recheck samples of 15 medallists of the Olympic games-2014 in Sochi. Photo: imago sportfotodienst / Globallookpress

There were details, accidents in Ugra, in which 12 people were killed

There were details, accidents in Ugra, in which 12 people were killed YEKATERINBURG, Dec 7 — RIA Novosti. Appeared on the preliminary data about how an accident in KHMAO December 4: a truck drove right into the middle of the bus with the children, breaking it into two parts, said on Wednesday the operational staff of the accident. Sunday on the route Tyumen — Khanty-Mansiysk collided with a bus, two trucks and two cars, killing 12 people, 10 of them children. According to local authorities, the bus was carrying children team, which returned from the competition in sports acrobatics from Khanty-Mansiysk to Surgut. Were hospitalized 22 people. “According to preliminary information about the accident on 4 December: first a passing truck caught the left mirror and door of the bus, then the bus turned around and the second the truck pulled right into the middle of the bus, breaking it

Jagger was born the eighth child

Jagger was born the eighth child About pregnancy of the girlfriend of a musician, the 29-year-old ballerina Melanie Hamrick, it became known in July 2016. MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/. The eighth child was born at the 73-year-old vocalist of the rock band The Rolling Stones Mick Jagger, told broadcasting Corporation “Bi-bi-si” with reference to the representative of the musician. About pregnancy of the girlfriend of Jagger, 29-year-old ballerina Melanie Hamrick, it became known in July. Photos published Melanie Hamrick (@melhamrick) Jul 12 2016 at 11:44 PDT Melanie Hamrick For half a century career, the group The Rolling Stones has released about 50 Studio and live albums, which sold worldwide circulation of more than 250 million copies. The band has traveled all over the world with dozens of concert tours, performing in front of a record number of viewers. The last Studio album of the band called Blue & Lonesome, was