Cause of mass poisoning in Krasnodar was the salad with Salmonella

Cause of mass poisoning in Krasnodar was the salad with Salmonella Moscow. 9 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Rospotrebnadzor Experts found that the cause of poisoning more than 100 people in Krasnodar began eating infected lettuce, said Friday the health authority. “By results of epidemiological investigation established that the cause of the group morbidity was the use of infected with Salmonella multidimensional salad. In the course of the laboratory tests food products are distinguished by the causative agent of Salmonella — S. enteritidis from chicken meat production JSC “prioskolye” (Belgorod region),” — said in a statement on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. It is noted that in the framework of anti-epidemic measures were carried out check of activity of company “prioskolye” in compliance with the requirements of sanitary legislation. “During the inspection revealed numerous violations, including failure to comply with the threading of the technological process at the poultry farm, the violation of

The Parliament of South Korea voted to impeach President Park Geun-Hye

The Parliament of South Korea voted to impeach President Park Geun-Hye Moscow. 9 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — South Korea’s Parliament called for the launch of the impeachment of President Park Geun-Hye. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “For” vote of 234 out of 300 MPs. Now the fate of the Park Geun-Hye will address the constitutional court of South Korea, the case will take at least 180 days. During this procedure, the credentials of Park Geun-Hye will go to the Prime Minister Hwang Kyo Anu. See alsothe South Korean President expressed his willingness to resign Earlier, the President, speaking to the nation, announced that its fate after the recent scandal needs to be solved in this Parliament. According to her, she will voluntarily resign if the deputies will be able to “minimize problems” with the transfer of power. In order to shift the head of the country, for it was to vote not less than 200

Spring: all military mistakes of the United States into the hands of terrorists

Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, December 10. /TASS/. All military mistakes of the United States into the hands of terrorists, including a strike by U.S. forces in Mosul, which, according to media reports, killed at least 90 soldiers of the Iraqi army. Such opinion was voiced on Saturday to journalists the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya.

The Iraqi army responded to reports of erroneous strike US forces in Mosul

The Iraqi army did not confirm reports incorrect impact of U.S. forces on its positions in Mosul, where fighting is going on terrorists. This is stated in the Declaration of war at the disposal of RIA Novosti. “There is no indication that the coalition had made any mistake in operation in the province of Nineveh (Mosul and its administrative center — approx. “Of the”), “—said in a communique. Also, the Iraqi military called on journalists to use accurate information. The report also indicated that the coalition had “greater support operations” and continues to contribute. Earlier, unofficial information emerged that a total of 90 Iraqi soldiers were killed in Mosul in the result caused by mistake of hitting the United States air force. Allegedly another 100 were injured. A ground operation to liberate Mosul, which in 2014 captured the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), ongoing from 17 October

Shoigu of EMERCOM found “monstrous errors” in textbooks on life safety

Yulia Shoigu Director of Center of emergency psychological aid EMERCOM of Russia Yulia Shoigu criticized in textbooks on life safety provides information on first aid. My opinion on this occasion she expressed in an interview with “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. “If one does not affect the most important aspects of first aid, then the other, you can meet just a terrible mistake,” said the daughter of the Minister of defense of Russia. She was asked to give examples of such errors, not necessarily from textbooks. “For example, in the absence of antiseptics is advised to disinfect the wounds with gasoline, when the epileptic fit is to fasten the tongue with a pin to the lower lip. Or why it is considered that a punch in the chest to start the heart. None of the above can not be done. Something is just hurt, and something may even lead to a lethal outcome”,

Pamfilova confirmed date of presidential election

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Central election Commission Ella Pamfilova said the Russian presidential election in March 2018. As reports TASS, it said that early elections are “technically impossible.” Pamfilova said that it has in mind the formation of next year’s budget, which was not provided for expenditures on elections. In early November, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the agenda of the Kremlin there is no question of postponing the elections. President Vladimir Putin previously said that she had not yet decided whether to participate in the elections in 2018. According to him, the decision on this issue depends on whether the implemented “plans and objectives” that are set before them his team. Putin also said in an interview with Bloomberg that the future leader of the country “must be a young man, but Mature”.

As the Ukrainian media has created a fake about Lavrov and operator “moron”

In edition of TV channel “Zvezda” has revealed another fake Ukrainian media. This time under the hot hand “journalists” Square were Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov again alleged publicly calls “a moron” the other person.   In a new video, which first circulated Ukrainian TV channel Hromadske.TV and RayTV, the Russian foreign Minister allegedly insulting the operator Reuters before talks with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Hamburg.   Lavrov in English asks the operator what he wants (What do you want?), no response, adds in Russian, “morons”, and then leaves the room negotiations.   In edition of TV channel “Zvezda” has drawn attention to the noise in the video. So, up to 10 seconds of video, it is much lower, in contrast to 11 and 12, starting at 11 seconds, the noise level increases dramatically and you hear the word “morons”. Immediately after this

More than 60 people were killed in the air strikes in Western Iraq

More than 60 people were killed in the air strikes in Western Iraq Moscow. 8 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — More than six dozen people, including 19 children and 12 women died as a result of air raids in the Iraqi city of al-Kyme, which monitors terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), said on Thursday the BBC News. As stated by the representative of the Parliament of Iraq, the attacks struck the Iraqi air force, but the military and the government until it is confirmed. Attacks were made on the center of al-Rim, located in Western Iraq near the border with Syria, notes that hurt the headquarters of the militants who was in the mosque and homes. Air strikes in the city previously applied antiepilepsy the international coalition led by the United States.

American actor Kirk Douglas celebrates 100 years

American actor Kirk Douglas celebrates 100 years NEW YORK, December 9. /Offset. TASS Kirill Volkov/. Legendary American actor kirk Douglas, one of the last living stars of the so-called Golden age of Hollywood, on Friday celebrates its 100th anniversary. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий As told himself hero of the day in an interview with the weekly Closer Weekly, to celebrate this day he intended a great feast to be held at his Villa in Los Angeles (California). “My son and his wife are throwing a party on the occasion of my 100th anniversary,” said a veteran of Hollywood, having in mind the 72-year-old Michael Douglas and his 47-year-old wife Catherine Zeta-Jones. “About 200 friends and family members will be there, but that’s all I know,” said the birthday boy, adding that loves surprises. Personalink Douglas “All I need is to be healthy and rested, so I can be charming,” said the actor. The

Klimkin explained the delay with the visa-free regime struggle for power in the EU

Klimkin explained the delay with the visa-free regime struggle for power in the EU The European Parliament and the EU Council could not reach a compromise on the mechanism for suspending the visa-free regime, which depends on the lifting of restrictions on travel of citizens of Ukraine in the European Union, of the struggle for power. This opinion, as the “Корреспондент.net”, expressed the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin. “The European Parliament and the European Council, so to speak, fought for power, to show who in the end do more for European citizens”, — said the Minister. He also explained the problems with the production mechanism the situation of migrants in the EU and the terrorist threat. Read alsoPoroshenko has promised Ukrainians a visa-free regime with the EU in November “And, of course, still there are not only visa-free regime for us and for Georgia, but there is