The Russian defense Ministry warned terrorists not to try to provoke the situation in Aleppo

More than twenty thousand civilians left the war zone in Eastern Aleppo. These figures are provided by the Ministry of defence today.   According to the official representative Minoborony of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov, the terrorists may not be trying to go to the provocations, as the situation is controlled strongly on all fronts.   “We warn the terrorists and militants of the so-called moderate opposition, but also appeal to their patrons. Don’t try to make any provocations and shelling of civilians coming through the humanitarian corridors. The Russian Centre of reconciliation is monitoring the situation not only on earth, but with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles,” – said Konashenkov.   It is noted that people get everything they need – food, water, and then they provide temporary shelter. According to the Center for reconciliation, thousands of terrorists have laid down their arms. At the moment, about 95%

In the Bulgarian Hitrino declared a full evacuation

In the Bulgarian Hitrino declared a full evacuation In the village live 700 people, all of them will be evacuated in the coming hours. People are transported to relatives or friends in other towns, those who have nowhere to go, moved into the building of the military school of Shoumen. 6фотографий6фотографий MOSCOW, 10 Dec — RIA Novosti. Full evacuation of the village of Hitrino Shumen region of Bulgaria announced after Saturday morning there was a large railway accident. A train carrying tanks of liquefied gas derailed Saturday morning near the railway station of the village of Hitrino Shumen region of Bulgaria. 23 of the 26 tanks were filled with gas, as a result of the accident, some of them exploded. The victims of the explosion were five people, there is a fear that the number will increase. The number of injured has reached 29 people, destroyed at least 50 homes

The organizers decided on a venue of “Eurovision-2017”

The organizers decided on a venue of “Eurovision-2017” The European broadcasting Union (EBU) confirmed that the song contest “Eurovision” in 2017 will be held in Kiev, reports the First channel of the public television of Ukraine. Such decision was accepted on results of the General Assembly of the EBU, which took place on 8 December in Lausanne, Switzerland, where the Executive producers of “Eurovision-2017” reported on the work on preparation for competition. During the General Assembly representatives of Ukraine presented the team of “Eurovision-2017” and announced the budget of the competition, which should be more than 655 million ($ 24.4 million). Of them 455,7 million hryvnia (about $17 million) included in the draft budget, 200 million ($7.4 million) to allocate the host city for the contest — Kyiv.See alsomass media reported about the problems of Ukraine with the financing of “Eurovision” Also the representatives of Ukraine, reported on the status

Media called the helper rebelled Putin’s case

Media called the helper rebelled Putin’s case Defendant in the case, which the President of Russia Vladimir Putin “hair stood on end,” was a businessman from Lipetsk Basil Uryvaev. About this newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. According to the newspaper, the decision in respect of the Lipetsk businessman was handed down by a magistrate Gevorgyan. Have Uryvaeva had a property dispute with the Deputy Chairman of the Lipetsk regional court on criminal cases of Alexander by Besedina, the newspaper said. The paper with the decision in this case Vladimir Putin demonstrated during the meeting of the Council for development of civil society and human rights on 8 December. “It says here that the citizen has committed a crime by writing statements in the Lipetsk regional Prosecutor’s office. I just have hair stand on end,” he said. After this he turned to the audience with the question “What is it? You really crazy?”.

Kerry asked Russia for mercy for the armed opposition in Aleppo

John Kerry U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry has urged Moscow and Damascus “to show mercy” in relation to representatives of the armed opposition in the Syrian city of Aleppo. The corresponding statement he made on Saturday, December 10, at the last meeting in Paris of the group of friends of Syria, reports TASS. “We think Russia and [President Bashar] Assad now have preferred to show a little mercy (…) If they really want to start the peace process and to stop this war, they must provide assurances that the people of Aleppo will not go to slaughter” — said the American diplomat. In his opinion, it would be “simple and direct step” on the part of Russia and Syria, “but that’s difficult.” In addition, Kerry called on the Syrian armed opposition in Aleppo to take a first step towards peace and promised to convey the foreign Minister of Russia

Heat supply restored in the Crimea

Heat in Kerch restored after the accident on Saturday morning, December 10. This was reported on the website of the main Department of EMERCOM of Russia on Republic of Crimea. It is noted that in the near future the system will fill with water, this will start the boiler. The incident occurred on a heating main on highway. As a result without heat were more than 15 thousand residents. Yesterday, 9 December, it was reported another accident on a heating main in Kerch. Then without heat for several hours remained 4.5 thousand people.

The emergency brake of a ban on the accentuation of the topic of refugees in the German press torn

In the latest edition of “Hurt”, a leading TV channel “Zvezda”, the Explorer Nikolai Petrov argues that, in Europe, the press became freer and cease to gloss over the topic of refugees after the frequent cases of violence by migrants from the Middle East towards the European women. At the end of this week, not only Germany, but perhaps the whole world was shocked by the shooting from the surveillance camera where a group of young men not to attack, robbery or something else, but just out of hooliganism or for entertainment catches up with a young woman on the stairs, and one of them with power beats her foot. A woman falling down a few steps, amazingly, is still alive. Here is a short video as it was posted on the website of the newspaper “Tagesspiegel”. Published only now, although the incident occurred on October 27 at twenty minutes

US coalition attacked a hospital in Iraq’s Mosul

US coalition attacked a hospital in Iraq’s Mosul Coalition led by the USA attacked a hospital in Mosul. This is stated in the statement of the press service of the Central command of the Armed forces of the United States. From this it follows that the blow was struck at the request of the Iraqi military. The statement says that on December 6, Iraqi forces attempted to free from militants of the Islamic state (the terrorist organization recognized by Russia banned) hospital complex of al-Salem in Mosul, which is located in the Central Eastern part of the city. The report States that the terrorists used this hospital as a base for their operations and the command post. “To support Iraqi forces, coalition aircraft struck the air strikes on the positions of militants”, — stated in the message. The coalition struck a hospital in Mosul, Iraq today — Joe Perticone