Putin criticized cryptocurrency

President Putin: the cryptocurrency is not backed by anything, but perhaps the future belongs to it Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized cryptocurrency and stressed that the risks of using it are too great, because it is not provided with anything. The President made such a statement at the Russia Calling Investment Forum, RIA Novosti reports.

An elevator with a passenger fell in a Russian city

An elevator fell in a residential building on Marshal Konev Street in Irkutsk Interfax, citing an informed source. According to him, an elevator with a passenger inside fell in a residential building on Marshal Konev Street. The lift began to move uncontrollably at the sixth floor and stopped at the third, as, according to preliminary information, the brakes worked. “The man was there, previously, he got a bruised leg,” the agency's interlocutor said. The Russian was taken to the city hospital. Earlier in November, a Russian woman who survived the blockade of Leningrad was fatally injured in the elevator of the Zeleny Kvartal boarding house located in the Leningrad Region. When the lift was moving, the stroller with the woman tipped over backward, as a result of which the victim hit her head and died.

In Ukraine, they threatened illegal immigrants from Belarus with a “fist”

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: the security forces are able to quickly repulse illegal migrants Ukrainian security forces are able to promptly repulse illegal migrants in case of their with Belarus. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky, the press service of the department reports on Facebook. He spoke about the special operation “Polesie”, which is taking place in five regions bordering on Belarus, and threatened illegal immigrants with an immediate reaction of Ukrainian law enforcement officers to any attempt to illegally cross the cordon. “During the exercise, we saw that all units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are a real fist that can ensure the internal security of Ukraine. A few weeks ago there was a completely different picture here. And today we are convinced that in 30-60 minutes after the intelligence provides information

Книгу вернули в американскую библиотеку спустя 110 лет

New Chronicles of Rebecca – originally checked out from Boise's Carnegie Public Library in 1910! – was recently… Опубликовано Boise Public Library Вторник, 16 ноября 2021 г. Сотрудники публичной библиотеки города Бойсе в американском штате Айдахо получили неожиданный подарок. Спустя 110 лет к ним вернулась книга «Новые хроники Ребекки» писательницы Кейт Уиггин. Эту книгу неизвестный читатель взял из публичной библиотеки Карнеги в 1910 году и должен был вернуть ее — самое позднее — в 1911 году. Но по каким-то причинам он этого не сделал — книгу анонимно вернули в библиотеку соседнего города Гарден-Сити лишь в ноябре 2021 года, пишет CNN. Менеджер по связям с общественностью публичной библиотеки Бойсе Линдси Дриберген сообщила, что «Новые хроники Ребекки» — настолько старая книга, что никаких архивных данных о том, кто ее взял, не сохранилось. Зато сама книга оказалась в прекрасном состоянии — видно, что все это время она находилась в правильных условиях. Сообщается, если бы библиотека не отменила штрафы за просроченные книги в 2019 году, то плата за это издание могла составить 803 доллара. «Новые хроники Ребекки» — это детская книга, которая была опубликована в 1907 году и является продолжением «Ребекки с фермы

Russian sledges were left without sleds

Russian sledges were left without equipment at two stages of the World Cup Russian sleds were left without equipment at the World Cup in Sochi. The head coach of the national team Sergei Chudinov told RIA Novosti about this. “At the second stage of the World Cup in Sochi, we became hostages of circumstances,” said Chudinov. He stated that the inventory of several athletes was lost in China, where the starting stage was taking place. Roman Repilov, Tatyana Ivanova and Diana Loginova were left without sleds. Chudinov added that at the third stage of the World Cup, which will also be held in Sochi, athletes will again have to compete on someone else's sleds, which they had not ridden for several years … “It is nonsense to play on someone else's sleighs,” the expert summed up. The second stage of the World Cup was held in Sochi from November 27

Putin urged to make the ruble exchange rate more stable

Russian President Putin: the main task is to reduce the volatility of the ruble Russia's main task in the context of increasing payments in rubles is to reduce the volatility of the national currency. President Vladimir Putin called on the country's President Vladimir Putin to make the ruble exchange rate more stable at the Russia Calling! Forum, broadcast by RBK. the volume of settlements in rubles is increasing here, for us, of course, the main task is to reduce volatility, “he said. Putin also explained the need for the country to leave the dollar. According to him, Russia is forced to do this because of the US authorities, including because of the sanctions. “Russia will continue to move away from the dollar if the US does not change its policy,” he stressed. In addition, the president said that Russia would not engage in populism and print additional money in order

Putin criticized cryptocurrency

President Putin: the cryptocurrency is not backed by anything, but perhaps the future belongs to it Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized cryptocurrency and stressed that the risks of using it are too great, because it is not provided with anything. The President made such a statement at the Russia Calling Investment Forum, RIA Novosti reports.

Russian sledges were left without sleds

Russian sledges were left without equipment at two stages of the World Cup Russian sleds were left without equipment at the World Cup in Sochi. The head coach of the national team Sergei Chudinov told RIA Novosti about this. “At the second stage of the World Cup in Sochi, we became hostages of circumstances,” said Chudinov. He stated that the inventory of several athletes was lost in China, where the starting stage was taking place. Roman Repilov, Tatyana Ivanova and Diana Loginova were left without sleds. Chudinov added that at the third stage of the World Cup, which will also be held in Sochi, athletes will again have to compete on someone else's sleds, which they had not ridden for several years … “It is nonsense to play on someone else's sleighs,” the expert summed up. The second stage of the World Cup was held in Sochi from November 27

Moldova announced about work on joining the European Union

Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova Popescu: the country hopes, wants and works on joining the EU Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Nikolai Popescu spoke about the country's work on joining the European Union, RIA Novosti reports. “Moldova hopes, wants and works on joining the European Union, including within the framework of the Eastern Partnership”. We hope to receive a higher level of support from the EU for those projects that will bring our country closer to the EU, ”Popescu said. Earlier, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova asked to provide them with access to the economic zone of the European Union. In the opinion of the leaders of these countries, the unification of the economic space will accelerate the integration with the EU. “The Prime Ministers of the Associated Troika stated that their desire is to gain access to the Common Economic Space of the European Union and to maximize sectoral cooperation

Russian schoolchildren movement gathered young volunteers

The final of the competition of the Russian movement of schoolchildren “Good does not go on vacation” has begun The final event of the competition “Goodness does not go on vacation”, which is held by the Russian movement of schoolchildren, has begun. In the Odintsovo district, 200 young volunteers and 55 educators-curators of volunteer teams from 55 regions of Russia gathered. “It's no secret that Good Doesn't Go on Vacation is a competition that started in 2018. Now this is not just a competition – it is a big trend in the Russian movement of schoolchildren. There are already more than one and a half million of us in the country, and I think that there are few activists of the movement who are not associated with volunteering. Volunteering is the most important component of any character, of any personality, which forms the values ​​that our movement broadcasts, that is,