5 facts about Christmas worth knowing

Christmas was not celebrated for a long time Christians did not celebrate Christmas as a holiday until the IV century. Historians say that they inherited the Old Testament view of the birthday as the day of the beginning of suffering on the path of life. Birthday celebrations were considered a pagan tradition. For early Christians, the annual remembrance of the Savior’s suffering and death — Easter, as well as the weekly remembrance of His resurrection – was more important. Christmas and Epiphany was celebrated together In the first centuries of Christianity, Epiphany and Christmas were celebrated jointly on January 6. On this day, the events of not only the baptism of Christ in the Jordan and His birth were recalled, but also the adoration of the Magi, the transformation of water into wine at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, the saturation of a multitude of people.

Tokyo and Washington signed an agreement on Japan's spending on the maintenance of US military bases

This document covers the period from & nbsp; 2022 to & nbsp; 2026. During & nbsp; this time, Japan's spending on the & nbsp; maintenance of US military bases will amount to 1.055 trillion yen ($ 9.29 billion at the & nbsp; current exchange rate). The annual expenditures for these purposes will amount to about 211 billion yen ($ 1.85 billion). This is about 10 billion yen ($ 86.2 million) more than in the current fiscal year (expires March 31, 2022). According to the signed agreement, 20 billion yen ($ 176 & nbsp; million) will be spent on qualitative improvement of the system ensuring joint military exercises between Japan and the & nbsp; United States, during which artificial intelligence technologies will be used to & nbsp; simulate enemy actions. Another 164 billion yen ($ 1.4 billion) are provided for & nbsp; strengthening military bunkers and & nbsp; modernization hangars, the

Putin congratulated Russians on Christmas

“By uniting people around & nbsp; high spiritual ideals and & nbsp; values, it fills hearts with joy and & nbsp; bright hopes, & nbsp; new achievements. And & nbsp; of course, with & nbsp; this holiday, we & nbsp; associate good family traditions passed from & nbsp; generation to & nbsp; generation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; message. Putin also noted “ a huge creative, truly selfless contribution to the & nbsp; preservation of our richest historical, patriotic, cultural heritage, to & nbsp; strengthening the institution of the family and & nbsp; education of youth '', which are made by the Russian Orthodox church and & nbsp; other Christian denominations of Russia. “Their & nbsp; interaction with & nbsp; state and & nbsp; public organizations is developing, interreligious dialogue is improving, much attention is paid to social service, charitable and & nbsp; educational

The President of Kazakhstan announced the start of the anti-terrorist operation

The head of state announced the & nbsp; start of a military special operation. “ Terrorists continue to use weapons and damage property of citizens. Therefore, counter-terrorism actions should be continued until the & nbsp; complete elimination of the militants & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; indicated & nbsp; he. Tokayev clarified that & nbsp; order in & nbsp; was mainly restored in & nbsp; all regions of the country. Local authorities are in control of the situation. Earlier it became known about & nbsp; the use of armored vehicles against gangs of marauders in & nbsp; Alma-Ata. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan also reported on & nbsp; 26 liquidated and & nbsp; 18 wounded criminals. During the riots, three thousand suspects were detained. On January 2 & nbsp; protests began in & nbsp; Kazakhstani cities due to & nbsp; growth of prices for & nbsp; gas for

Biden and Trump exchange accusations on anniversary of the storming of the Capitol

The incumbent head of the White House accused his predecessor of & nbsp; obstructing the peaceful transfer of power following the 2020 elections. Biden noted that & nbsp; this led to riots in & nbsp; Washington. “ He & nbsp; did this because & nbsp; it is not & nbsp; principles that are more important to him, but & nbsp; power '', & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. During his 25-minute speech, the politician never & nbsp; uttered the name of his predecessor. In & nbsp; in turn, the former US President issued three statements, & nbsp; of which he accused the successor of & nbsp; trying to divert attention from & nbsp; a series of failures in & nbsp; foreign and & nbsp; domestic policy, and & nbsp; also in & nbsp; attempts to divide the country. In & nbsp; October 2021, it was reported that &

Blinken said North Korea's missile and nuclear programs pose a constant threat

“Meanwhile, North Korea's illegal nuclear and missile programs are a constant threat. And & nbsp; we & nbsp; again saw & nbsp; & nbsp; this week, when the last launch took place & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted the chief of American diplomacy. As previously reported by the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (CTAC), the DPRK conducted tests of a hypersonic missile on January 5 & nbsp; Meanwhile, Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi told reporters that & nbsp; North Korea tested a new type of ballistic missile, its launches had not been carried out before. According to the & nbsp; Japanese Coast Guard, the rocket fell into the & nbsp; Sea of ​​Japan. As noted by the NHK channel, the crash site, according to preliminary estimates, is outside the exclusive economic zone of Japan. The last time the DPRK conducted missile tests was in October 2021. Then it launched

The USA declared that they are ready to assist Kazakhstan in solving the problems that caused the protests

WASHINGTON, January 7 & nbsp;/TASS /. The US administration is ready to & nbsp; assist Kazakhstan in solving political and & nbsp; economic problems, which, according to Washington, & nbsp; caused protests in the & nbsp; country. & Nbsp; This was stated in & nbsp; Thursday at & nbsp; a regular briefing by the head of the press service of the US State Department Ned Price. “ We & nbsp; believe that & nbsp; the government of Kazakhstan will be able to solve the problems that were expressed during & nbsp; during these protests, and & nbsp ; hope for & nbsp; this & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. According to the & nbsp; version of the representative of the foreign policy department, we are talking about & nbsp; problems, which & nbsp; by & nbsp; their essence are economic and & nbsp; political. ; wanted

Day in History: January 7

The Nativity of Christ On January 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas – one of the most important Christian holidays and a public holiday in more than 100 countries around the world. The Nativity of Christ completes the forty-day Christmas fast (Holy Lent), a strict fast is observed on the eve of the holiday. On the night of January 6-7, Christmas services are held in Orthodox churches. After Christmas, Yuletide comes – holy days or 12 days during which the holiday is celebrated. The Invention of Photography On January 7, 1839, physicist Francois Arago at a meeting of the Paris Academy of Sciences first reported the invention of Daguerre and Niepce daguerreotype. Since 1935, by the decision of the IX International Congress of Scientific and Applied Photography, this date has been considered the day of the invention of photography. Flight across the English Channel On January 7, 1785, Frenchman Jean-Pierre Francois