The virologist compared the American gum from COVID-19 with a nasal vaccine

Virologist Chepurnov said COVID-19 spray is more convenient than chewing gum Professor of Virology, Head of the Laboratory for Highly Dangerous Infections of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine Alexander Chepurnov, in a conversation with, compared the US remedy for COVID-19 in the form of chewing gum with a nasal vaccine against infection invented at the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya. Earlier, scientists from the University of Pennsylvania announced the development of chewing gum against COVID-19. According to the developers, the tool can exclude the spread of the disease through saliva. Initial trials have already shown the effectiveness of chewing gum, and researchers will now seek approval to conduct clinical trials of the product. “I think that it may be quite as good as a spray, because if some drug is added to the chewing gum, then for some time while

The virologist compared the American gum from COVID-19 with a nasal vaccine

Virologist Chepurnov said COVID-19 spray is more convenient than chewing gum Professor of Virology, Head of the Laboratory for Highly Dangerous Infections of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine Alexander Chepurnov, in a conversation with, compared the US remedy for COVID-19 in the form of chewing gum with a nasal vaccine against infection invented at the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya. Earlier, scientists from the University of Pennsylvania announced the development of chewing gum against COVID-19. According to the developers, the tool can exclude the spread of the disease through saliva. Initial trials have already shown the effectiveness of chewing gum, and researchers will now be asking for approval to conduct clinical trials of the product. “I think that it can be quite as good as a spray, because if some drug is added to the chewing gum, then for a

The lost dog saved his family from the fire and was reunited with the owners

The dog returned home thanks to the rescuing of the people who sheltered him from death her family in the US state of Virginia. This is reported by USA Today. Charity Galloway and her two children were relaxing at home when a dog named Butter, recently picked up by them, began barking under her bedroom window. It turned out that a fire had started in the booth where the dog lived and which was located only one and a half meters from the American woman's house. The fire was caused by a light bulb that Galloway used to heat Butter at night. Related materials 00:01 – May 7 72 days in eternity. 49 years ago, the passengers of a crashed liner survived for months in the mountains. How did they do it? 07: 08 – 13 December 2015 Fast Response Star Five stories of celebrities saving lives of ordinary people

Russian scientist compared the displacement of one strain of COVID-19 to another with auto racing

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Netesov: we cannot talk about the displacement of the delta by the omicron strain others with car racing. At the same time, the scientist doubted that the omicron would become the last version of COVID-19. His words are quoted by “Radiotochka NSN.” or those that reproduce faster. It's like in car races: other parameters do not matter, “Netesov commented on the possible displacement of the delta omicron strain. While all the features of the new strain are being clarified, some infected with omicron have not yet gone through the entire treatment cycle. According to Netesov, a good sign is that the disease caused by the omicron, according to preliminary data, is getting easier. “This suggests that we will not be so threatened by the lack of places in intensive care units.” , – he believes. Earlier, immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov said that

MMA fighter Chorshanbe Chorshanbiev will be expelled from Russia

The court expelled from Russia MMA fighter Chorshanbiev, detained for dangerous driving The Ostankino court of Moscow found the Chorshanbiyev MMA fighter in violation of migration legislation decided to expel him from Russia. This is reported by TASS. The athlete will also pay a fine of five thousand rubles. On December 3, Chorshanbiev violated the traffic rules while driving through the Lefortovo tunnel in a Toyota Camry. The 26-year-old athlete was detained at 92 km of the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road. The fighter did not show the traffic police a driver's license, which is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Also, the athlete did not have an OSAGO policy. Until the forced expulsion from the country, the fighter will be placed in the Center for Detention of Foreign Citizens.

The lost dog saved his family from the fire and was reunited with the owners

The dog returned home thanks to the rescue of the people who sheltered him from death her family in the US state of Virginia. This is reported by USA Today. Charity Galloway and her two children were relaxing at home when a dog named Butter, recently picked up by them, began barking under her bedroom window. It turned out that a fire had started in the booth where the dog lived and which was located only one and a half meters from the American woman's house. The fire was caused by the light bulb that Galloway used to heat Butter at night. Related materials 00:01 – May 7 72 days in eternity. 49 years ago, the passengers of a crashed liner survived for months in the mountains. How did they do it? 07: 08 – 13 December 2015 Fast Response StarFive stories of celebrities saving lives of ordinary people Thanks

Russian scientist compared the displacement of one strain of COVID-19 to another with auto racing

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Netesov: we cannot talk about the displacement of the delta by the omicron strain yet others with car racing. At the same time, the scientist doubted that the omicron would become the last version of COVID-19. His words are quoted by “Radiotochka NSN.” or those that reproduce faster. It's like in car races: other parameters do not matter, “Netesov commented on the possible displacement of the delta omicron strain. While all the features of the new strain are being clarified, some infected with omicron have not yet gone through the entire treatment cycle. According to Netesov, a good sign is that the disease caused by the omicron, according to preliminary data, is getting easier. “This suggests that we will not be so threatened by the lack of places in intensive care units.” , – he believes. Earlier, immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov said

Banksy plans to buy out the famous prison

Artist Banksy will turn into an art center the prison where the writer Oscar Wilde was sitting 60 kilometers from London and turn it into an art center. To do this, he decided to sell a stencil of one of the works on the facade of the building for $ 13.2 million, writes The Guardian. This is a creative escape graffiti depicting a man in a prison uniform walking down from walls on a rope tied from a sheet. Towards the end, the fabric turns into sheets of paper covered with writing, emerging from a typewriter. Many suggest that this is an allusion to the famous writer Oscar Wilde – he was in Reading Prison from 1895 to 1897 for charges of homosexual relations with Lord Alfred Douglas. The stencil was displayed in a gallery in Bristol, Banksy's hometown, in December. The artist himself believes that the idea of ​​turning

Those responsible for the deaths of rescuers at a burning ammunition depot named in Kazakhstan

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan: the military are guilty of the death of rescuers at a warehouse in the Zhambyl region a burning ammunition depot in the Zhambyl region has no explosion threat. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the republic, Yuri Ilyin, writes “Sputnik Kazakhstan”. He named the leadership of the military department and the facility itself as those responsible for the deaths of the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to him, they did not inform the rescuers about the absence of any other threat at the fire site, except for the TNT stored in the warehouse. At the same time, Ilyin drew attention to the fact that at high temperatures the explosive should simply burn out, and not detonate. The Minister noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is now continuing the investigation,