The CEC approved the initiative to hold a referendum for the first time in 25 years

The CEC approved the initiative to hold a referendum for the first time in 25 years MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia at session on Wednesday, August 8, for the first time in 25 years approved proposed questions to put to a nationwide referendum in three different initiative groups. This was announced by the Chairman of the Commission Ella Pamfilova told reporters. “So for the first time in nearly 25 years, CEC has approved several issues for possible submission to a referendum. Now it is a collection of documents of the initiative group”, — said the head of Department. The last time a referendum was held in Russia in 1993. It was submitted four questions: “do you Trust the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin?”, “Do you approve of the socio-economic policy pursued by the President of the Russian Federation and the government of

Flowers have learned to smell 99 million years ago

Flowers have learned to smell 99 million years ago Perhaps flowers have learned to smell even during the Cretaceous, 99 million years ago, according to Historical Biology. To such conclusion the American paleontologists, studying the structure of the flowers preserved in amber. They didn’t have bright petals, but it was a secretory tissue that produce odorous substances. Thus, according to the researchers, to attract pollinating insects, ancient colors had to rely only on smell. Flowering plants attract pollinators in various ways. It can be a bright flower petals or nectar collecting insects which pollinate the flower. In some species, the flower has the appearance of a trap, falling into which the insects inevitably pollinate the flower, other plants mimic the shape and smell of the females of any species, attracting males, pollinators, and insect-victims for attracting predatory insects. One of the main ways of attracting is the smell. Volatile odorous

Where actually baptized Jesus Christ

Where actually baptized Jesus Christ MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti, Anton Skripunov. About where the cross of Christ, still arguing scientists, politicians, and believers. Some argue that it is important for Christians event occurred in the West Bank, others on the East. Anyone have any arguments — in the material RIA Novosti. “To tears!” For more than four years Nina Procutllc, a native of the Khmelnytskyi region of Ukraine, working in the Russian pilgrims ‘ house in Jordan, sacred to the believers of the river, which gave the name to that state. I thought I would come here just for a month. But, being here felt so happy that I have tears already gone! Could not imagine that I will be here to pray for themselves and for the whole world.Nina Procutllc Every day from early morning to late evening Nina performs many tasks that take a lot of

How to get compensation for flight delays

How to get compensation for flight delays MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti, Irina Ovchinnikova. Many tourists have developed their own traditions, which they observe before the flight: a Cup of coffee and a croissant in a cafe, selfi on the background of the airfield, the pictures of the tickets with the passports or, finally, meditation. But an unexpected delay or cancellation may erase all traditions, spoiling upcoming vacation or return home. What is required to provide passengers with the airline what compensation is due the traveler and whether or not to go to court in case of default — in the material RIA Novosti. Spoiled vacation “In may I eight-year-old daughter was supposed to fly to Turkey, but for technical reasons the flight was delayed in total for a day we spent at the airport — says Muscovite Anastasia Sholokhov. — Representatives of the tour operator stated that they

The proposals of the ecologists will be included in the election program of the candidate for mayor Sobyanin

The Mayor Of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. The candidate in mayors of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin at a meeting with the expert community in his election headquarters said that he will include the proposals of the ecologists in their election program. Meeting with the expert community was the third in a cycle of round tables held by the candidate in mayors of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin with the purpose of formation of his election program. The previous two meetings were devoted to development of the health sector of the capital, and the improvement of each area of the city.

The FSIN said the number released by the law “day and a half in prison”

The FSIN said the number released by the law “day and a half in prison” Moscow. 8 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Russian courts after the entry into force of the law, sexcityasia one day of detention before sentencing for a day and a half in prison, released so far only about 170 prisoners out of a possible 100 thousand. This was reported in the press office of the Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN). “As of August 3 at court for sentence in accordance with the above law sent the materials in respect of 30.5 thousand prisoners, of whom the courts considered 253 materials”, — stated in the message the press office, arrived on Wednesday to “Interfax”. It is noted that by results of consideration of 167 convicts released from places of imprisonment, 86 convicts reduced sentence. “According to data of territorial bodies of the FSIN of the provisions of

Media reported new detentions of journalists in Belarus

Media reported new detentions of journalists in Belarus In Belarus, on Wednesday morning, investigators came to search home for journalists and Pavlyuk Olga Bykovskaya, and also to Alexei Zhukov and his wife Arina the seafront Camuccini, according to Reformation. The correspondent of the edition became the witness of detention of Zhukov and his wife. According to the Belarusian office of “Radio liberty”, the investigators also came to the editorial office of the portal about real estate and took editor-in-chief Vladislav Maleckova and three journalists. On Tuesday, the Investigative Committee (IC) have raided the offices of independent Newspapers —, BelaPAN, the newspaper “Science” in the case of unauthorized access to computer information. For 72 hours, was detained the chief editor Marina Zolotova, editor of publications Anna Kaltygina, BelaPAN journalist Tatiana Korovenkova. For questioning in the UK was delivered to staff Juliana Babied, Dmitry Bobrik, Anna Ermachenok, Galina

Biologist almost got into the throat of a shark

Biologist almost got into the throat of a shark The biologist was about to get caught in the jaws of a shark while out to sea. About it reports Fox News. The video, which is visible to the fish, published in a Facebook-group of the Committee for the protection of white sharks in the Atlantic. An expert in marine fisheries Skomal Greg (Greg Skomal) went on the bridge of the research vessel when a shark suddenly jumped out of the water and opened its mouth widely. Surprise White shark breach off Wellfleet, MA While out on research trips, we’ve seen white sharks breach and we’ve received multiple reports of breaching white sharks this year from fishermen and boaters. While encounters like this one are rare, this video shows that they’re certainly possible. White sharks are wild and unpredictable animals. This is a good reminder of the importance of not becoming