Embassy of the Russian Federation: the British Minister of defence revealed the motives for the increasing expenditures of NATO countries

The British defense Secretary Gavin Williamson © EPA-EFE/MICHAEL REYNOLDS LONDON, August 10. /TASS/. The bellicose rhetoric of the Minister of defence of great Britain Gavin Williamson says about the true motives of increase of expenditures of NATO countries. This was stated at the Russian Embassy in London, commenting on the recent speech of the head of the British Ministry of defense at a seminar at the Atlantic Council in Washington.

In Moscow started the phase of election campaign in mass media

© Maxim Grigoriev/TASS MOSCOW, August 11. /TASS/. The period of campaigning in the media on the eve of elections of the mayor of the Russian capital kicked off on Saturday, it will last until the “day of silence” on 8 September. Within 28 days of the candidate in mayors will be able to participate in election debates, and on urban television and radio channels will be broadcasted campaign videos. Elections will be held in a single voting day on 9 September.

Kiev has filed a lawsuit with the ECHR on “violations” of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia

Kiev has filed a lawsuit with the ECHR on “violations” of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia KYIV, August 10. /TASS/ — the list of those whom Ukraine considers political prisoners, set 71. Ukraine has filed a lawsuit in the European court of human rights (ECHR) on the violation of the rights of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia. Wrote about this on his page in Facebook Deputy of the Minister of justice, Commissioner for the ECHR Ivan Lyschina. Today the European court of human rights sent to the inter-state complaint of Ukraine, which for our political prisoners! Now the issue of political prisoners will be dealt with in the legal field of the European court. Ivan Eliminatation of the Minister of justice, Commissioner for the ECHR He said that in the list of those whom Ukraine considers political prisoners, set 71. Moscow has repeatedly stressed that Russia has no political prisoners and have

Playing the lyre: trump overlaid Turkey duties

Playing the lyre: trump overlaid Turkey duties Trump doubled duties on aluminium and steel from Turkey. To double the duty on aluminium and steel from Turkey. This order gave the President of the United States Donald trump. The Turkish Lira plummeted on the news to another record low. But President Recep Tayyip Erdogan advised the citizens not to panic, saying that with them is Allah. And urged to change dollars into Lira. The US President Donald trump on Friday said on Twitter that doubles duty for aluminium and steel from Turkey. I have just authorized a doubling of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum with respect to Turkey as their currency, the Turkish Lira, slides rapidly downward against our very strong Dollar! Aluminum will now be 20% and Steel 50%. Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 10, 2018 “I just authorized

Lavrov said Pompeo on “categorical rejection” of new sanctions

Lavrov said Pompeo on “categorical rejection” of new sanctions The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced a “categorical rejection” of new sanctions by Washington. “The Russian side had expressed a categorical rejection of the recently announced Washington’s new sanctions, citing the alleged information about the Russian involvement in the so-called “case Skrypalia””, — stated in the message of the foreign Ministry. Mr Lavrov said that no one has provided a single fact proving the involvement of Moscow in the assassination of Sergei and Yulia Skrobala. The Russian foreign Ministry stressed that during the conversation held on the initiative of the American side, also addressed issues on the international agenda, including the situation in Syria, “as well as some other topics discussed during the meeting of presidents of Russia and USA in Helsinki on 16 July.” August

Two-thirds of Russians approved of Putin’s performance as President

Two-thirds of Russians approved of Putin’s performance as President Moscow. August 10. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin approve of almost 62.8% of Russians, according to the poll made Friday to “Interfax”. The activities of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approves 29.9% of the respondents, the government of the Russian Federation — 36.4% of respondents. According to the survey, about trust to Putin last week said 35.9% of Russians. The second and third position in the ranking of trust among the politicians defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (14.8 per cent) and foreign Minister Russia Sergey Lavrov (13.4 per cent). Followed by LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (10.6 per cent). The five Russian politicians enjoying the greatest trust, is also part of Medvedev (7.2 per cent). The electoral rating of the party “United Russia” for the last week practically has not changed and amounted to 34.9% (in the period from 23

In Egypt discovered the cheese is aged more than 3 thousand years

In Egypt discovered the cheese is aged more than 3 thousand years Archaeologists discovered in the area of Saqqara near Cairo one of the most ancient cheeses in the world. It is older than 3.2 thousand years. According to the Egyptian newspaper “Youm7”, the cheese was made from cow, goat and sheep milk. Found a artifact, scientists from the Italian University of Catania and specialists from Cairo University during the research one of the tombs. Analysis of the residue of the cheese produced in 1290-1213 years before our era, found that cheese contain bacteria that could cause disease, known in Egypt as “Mediterranean fever”. This disease affected people and livestock. In the archaeological complex of Sakkara is the oldest ancient Egyptian cemetery. One of the most famous monuments is the step pyramid of Djoser. On 19 July it was reported that Egyptian experts revealed found in Alexandria mysterious black sarcophagus

Ministry of labour named the regions with the highest expected fertility

Ministry of labour named the regions with the highest expected fertility The highest fertility rates in Russia by 2020 are expected in Tuva, Mountain Altai and Chechnya. It follows from the calculations of the Ministry of labor, which acquainted “Izvestia”. In the whole country total fertility rate (number of children per woman) is expected to grow to 1.65 by 2020, with a current of 1.62. And by 2024, it needs to reach 1.7. According to the forecast of the Ministry of labor, the largest contribution to the increase will bring the regions of Siberia and the Caucasus, where the ratio in the majority of subjects above 2. In General the highest fertility rates are observed in regions with a larger share of the young population, where traditional values are strengthened by the support of the authorities.

The Department of chemistry at Moscow state University first went blind student

The Department of chemistry at Moscow state University first went blind student Chemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow state University first went blind student. The examination work of graduate of the Moscow boarding school No. 1 Daniel Garanina was among the 15 best in the Department. Daniel went blind five years as a result of an accident in kindergarten. Chemistry, he became interested in the 9th grade. After that, without any special training became the winner of regional competition. Despite the efforts of teachers to dissuade him from the idea of becoming a chemist, Daniel firmly decided on a career choice. The young man successfully passed the exam and have coped well with the additional entrance test (DWI), Moscow state University, gaining 94 points. Only Daniel scored 441 points, while the entrance to the Department of chemistry is the oldest Russian University — 419 points. Now University professors are developing a