During the anti-government rally in Bucharest, injured more than 400 people

During the anti-government rally in Bucharest, injured more than 400 people In the capital of Romania — Bucharest — Victory square held a rally against the government. As reported by Agerpres, in conflicts between protesters and police injured more than 400 people. According to 01:00, 45 people were taken to hospital. TV channel Digi24 reports that the action involved more than 100 thousand people. Gathered in the square, the Romanians from the Diaspora in France, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Norway and the USA, as well as the protestors from different districts of the country. Initially the organizer of the protest was made by the Romanian Federation of compatriots, but later, the organization refused to take responsibility for the event. They demand the dissolution of Parliament and early elections. All the protesters more than 20 requirements. Living abroad Romanians are supporting the right opposition. Thanks to the votes of the Diaspora Klaus

Venezuela asked Interpol to arrest a suspect in the assassination of Maduro

Venezuela asked Interpol to arrest a suspect in the assassination of Maduro Moscow. August 10. INTERFAX.RU — Venezuelan Authorities have sent to Interpol request for the arrest of Venezuelan opposition politician Julio Borges accused in the assassination of President Nicolas Maduro, said Friday the Agency EFE. “We have sent Interpol “red notice” in relation to Borges”, — said the Minister of communication and information Jorge Rodriguez. During the press conference, the Minister also showed a video in which considered to be involved in the assassination of the parliamentarian Juan Requesens declares participation also Borges. According to him, Borges “asked me to do him a favor”, which was to help Carlos Monasterios, who also participated in the assassination attempt on Nicolas Maduro. Assassination attempt on the Venezuelan President with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles was made last Sunday when he attended the military parade. Authorities have established that the attempt,

The U.S. Embassy to Russia calls for release of Oleg Sentsov, who was convicted for terrorism

The U.S. Embassy to Russia calls for release of Oleg Sentsov, who was convicted for terrorism MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/ — Also, the Embassy has asked Russia to release Ukrainian and other prisoners on humanitarian grounds. The U.S. Embassy to Russia calls for release of convicted terrorism Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov, which 14 may lead a hunger strike. “We remain seriously concerned over the deteriorating condition of Oleg Sentsov. Urge Russia to release Sentsov and other Ukrainian prisoners on humanitarian grounds”, — stated in the message. Earlier Friday, members of the public oversight Commission of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district (YANAO) visited the colony Sentsov. As have informed in a press-service UFSIN po YANAO, human rights activists asked him about the health conditions receive medical care. During the conversation, “no complaints from the convicted person is not enrolled”, and the offer of volunteers to transfer to the municipal hospital Sentsov “refused,

In Turkey, said that the new US tariff contrary to WTO rules

In Turkey, said that the new US tariff contrary to WTO rules ANKARA, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The actions of the US, which increased by half the duties on imported Turkish steel and aluminium, is contrary to the rules of the world trade organization (WTO), said in a statement the Turkish Ministry of trade on Friday. The US President Donald trump said Friday that sanctioned twice to raise taxes on aluminum and steel from Turkey — up to 20% and 50%, respectively, which caused another drop in the Turkish Lira to a historic low. It fell to 6.62 per dollar, having lost during the day nearly 20% of its value. Relations between the US and Turkey recently escalated, including the case of American pastor Andrew Brunson, detained in 2016 by the Turkish authorities. Last week the US Treasury imposed sanctions against the head of the Ministry of justice of

Pompeo in the conversation with Lavrov, said the desire to improve relations with Russia

Pompeo in the conversation with Lavrov, said the desire to improve relations with Russia Moscow. August 10. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in a telephone conversation with the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the United States wants to improve relations with Russia, said on Friday at the state Department. “The Secretary of state Pompeo confirmed that the United States wants to improve relations with Russia and agreed to continue the dialogue”, — stated in the message. Pompeo also discussed with Lavrov the imminent introduction of new U.S. sanctions against Russia and the situation in Syria, the report says. Earlier, the Russian foreign Ministry said that the conversation between Pompeo and Lavrov took place on the initiative of the American side, discussed issues on the international agenda, including Syria. In addition, “the Russian side had expressed a categorical rejection of the recently announced Washington’s new

Greece recalls Ambassador from Moscow, said a source

Greece recalls Ambassador from Moscow, said a source ATHENS, Aug 10 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Greece withdraws from Moscow its Ambassador Andreas Fryganas, told RIA Novosti on Friday a source in the government. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, this decision was made personally by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Greece Nikos Kotzias. The source said that in the coming days Fryganas return to Athens, to Moscow will be sent another Ambassador, but it is not known when it will happen. Information about the recall of Ambassador confirmed the Greek diplomatic source. The official comment of the foreign Ministry to get so far failed. The recall of the Ambassador comes at a time of crisis in the diplomatic relations between the two countries after the mutual expulsion of Greek and Russian diplomats. The relations of the countries In July, Greece has

The shop looks like this for real fans of unicorns (photo)

The shop looks like this for real fans of unicorns (photo) Pink madness. In Thailand you can find everything: unearthly landscapes, rich culture, delicious cuisine and a real fairy tale. The fact that Bangkok is a unique place for lovers of unicorns — Unicorn Café. It is a Paradise for those who love ponies, the color pink, rainbows, ice cream and wonders. Publication of UnicornBrand?Unicorn Cafe (@unicornbrand) 17 Jul 2018 4:19 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Visitors directly at the entrance to meet the huge unicorn, with which you can take pictures and make a wish. But inside be prepared for a riot of colours. Everywhere here there are soft toys in the form of fabulous horses, butterflies and stars. Rainbow is everywhere. The dishes are also made in fabulous colors. Even pasta with bacon in this cafe looks like a colorful crazy dessert. In General, a

Economy sugar in the blood

Economy sugar in the blood Execution of protocols for the treatment of diabetes for ten years will save 200 billion rubles. According to estimates of the Higher school of Economics, because of differences between the clinical recommendations and practice the Russian budget could lose an additional 200 billion rubles for the treatment and social support of patients with diabetes. More effective implementation of treatment protocols, in contrast, will prevent more than 90 thousand deaths of such patients, and 32 thousand cases of disability. The possibility of saving the Ministry of health 20% of the cost of treatment of common diseases demonstrates the actual size of such reserves in health care: the shortage of funds in the MLA and shadow co-payments of the population for these services is at least partly due to the low efficiency of health care, not lack of money The failure of clinical guidelines for the treatment

The Olympics were cut on the exam

The Olympics were cut on the exam Officials questioned their effectiveness and shorten their list. The Ministry of science and higher education (Ministry of education) intends to reduce the number of school competitions, participation in which gives an advantage when applying to universities. From the current list will be removed in 25 contests. For example, the all-Russian Olympiad on the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, initiated by the Kazan University. It is noteworthy that before the Federal government insisted on the abolition of the compulsory study of state languages of the republics. However, in Tatarstan, this decision is not connected to politics. The expert community also believe that reducing the number of competitions does not violate the rights of students. The Ministry of education has published a draft order approving the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the next school year. Updated annually, the list ranks