In the US, said that to declare the end of the Korean war too early

In the US, said that to declare the end of the Korean war too early MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. USA do not support the proposal of the DPRK to officially announce the end of the Korean war, said us Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Despite the improvement of relations between North and South as well as North the United States, to talk about it yet”, — quotes the diplomat Yonhap News. According to him, the main goal remains the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. He therefore urged DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN to fulfill all the commitments made during meetings with the leadership of the United States and South Korea. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “The North has a chance to break out of poverty last six decades. The potential for positive change in North Korea are limitless,” added Harris. Earlier, the Chairman of the Korean national Council for reconciliation and

The government has not yet formed a position on the proposal to withdraw “profits” of the business

The government has not yet formed a position on the proposal to withdraw “profits” of the business The government’s position on increasing the tax burden on metallurgical, mining and chemical companies has not yet been formed, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “The President has agreed to it with the possibility of study of this question along the line of the Cabinet. Once the position is formulated, and we still don’t know what will be the articulated position, then we can talk about the formation of a position. While there is only the consent of the President on how to think about this issue”, — said Mr. Sands. On August 9 it became known that the assistant to the President Andrey Belousov has made an approving resolution of Vladimir Putin on the development of the concept of exemption “super” metallurgical and chemical companies, but no final

Scientists have refuted the version of the disappearance of the inhabitants of Easter island

Scientists have refuted the version of the disappearance of the inhabitants of Easter island It is actually more complicated than previously believed by archaeologists. Researchers have disproved a common theory that the ancient society of Easter island declined because of infighting. Does, polirani Ana Soria (@anita_around_the_world) 12 Sir R. 2018, 8:48 PDT During the download an error has occurred. It is believed that the island has experienced a cultural flowering in the XVI—XVII centuries. At this time, the Rapanui population was from 10 to 15 thousand people. Later due to excessive exploitation of natural resources as well as clashes between ramanujam the number of inhabitants of Easter island was reduced to 2-3 thousand. In the NINETEENTH century as a result of the deportation of local inhabitants in Peru to hard labour and epidemics, the population dropped to a critical level. In an article published in the journal of Pacific Archaeology,

Scientists have measured the speed of cell death

Scientists have measured the speed of cell death MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. James Ferrell and Sanjay Chang from Stanford University in the United States were able for the first time to determine the rate of cell death. A study published in the journal Science. Scientists have found that cell death starts with damage to one of its sections, which leads to the release of chemical substances, the so-called “signal of death”. This substance triggers a “trigger wave”, or chain reaction, which gradually affects the other parts of the cells, releasing the same “signals”. In addition, after the death of a single cell, this process will continue and the neighboring cells. According to scientists, a “trigger wave” will spread as long as the body does not end “signal of death”, that is, to its complete destruction. The speed of this “wave” of scientists and is called the rate of

In the United States compared American and Soviet Winnie the Pooh

In the United States compared American and Soviet Winnie the Pooh The browser edition of The Daily Beast Natalia Winkelman compared the character of the Soviet cartoon “adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh” with its American version. The browser edition of The Daily Beast Natalia Winkelman compared the character of the Soviet cartoon “adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh” with its American version. In her opinion, the Soviet bear more simple, weird, and funny. She notes that the American Vinnie looks like a grown bear with a protruding belly, and the Soviet is more like a character on the children’s tales — he is a brown, rounded, and his wide open eyes. According to the Explorer, Winnie the Pooh from Soviet cartoon good sense of humor and cunning — he pretends to be a cloud to hide from the bees, goes out to eat for free. The journalist notes that bear enters into a dialogue with

Peskov: Putin has not yet given instructions on new countermeasures in response to restriction of the West

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet given instructions on the preparation of a new package of measures in response to Washington announced new sanctions for the alleged involvement of the Russian Federation “the case Skrypalia”. This was reported by press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov.

“He brought my girls”

“He brought my girls” Why the three sisters had killed the father-tyrant. Explains their mother. The story sisters Khachaturian shook the country: three girls for many years suffered domestic abuse from my own father. July 27 a 57-year-old Mikhail Khachaturian was found dead near his apartment in the house on altufevsky highway: the cause of death was multiple stab wounds to the neck and chest. Girls almost immediately confessed to the crime, now they are arrested. The investigation is imputed to them a severe accusation was “murder committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion”. Sisters Khachaturian faces 25 years in prison — the maximum punishment to women in Russia. However, the defence insists that the murder committed by the girls was a necessary self-defence. “” talked with the relatives of the accused and find out what dark secrets for years hid the family Khachaturian. “Threatened to kill

Forest fires come from the North-West

Forest fires come from the North-West Due to the heat wave the fire occurs in areas where it was not long ago. The size of the existing forest fires on the territory of Russia amounts to more than 1.9 million ha. As in the past year, mostly this summer is burning Yakutia, according to the latest data of the information system of the Federal forestry Agency, the region accounts for more than 1.4 million hectares of burnt area. However, in 2018 due to abnormal weather conditions, natural fire recorded in North-West Federal district. Experts note that major forest fires has not been in these territories for several years. According to them, due to climatic changes, fire will increasingly occur in areas where fires did not exist before. According to the latest data of the information system of remote monitoring of forest fires (remote monitoring-FFA), the largest area of existing natural

In the burning of the wooden Church in Kondopoga suspect teenager

In the burning of the wooden Church in Kondopoga suspect teenager PETROZAVODSK, August 13 — RIA Novosti. Curly teenager is suspected in the burning of the old wooden Dormition Church of the XVIII century, told RIA Novosti source in law enforcement bodies. GU Ministry of emergency situations informed were informed that August 10, the Church building burned down completely. When extinguishing a fire damaged one of the firefighters. The preliminary cause of the fire is called arson, however, officially this version of office is not confirmed. The police of the Republic of Karelia and the Investigative Committee started checking. Criminal case about destruction of the object of cultural heritage included in the state register of monuments of history and culture and was taken under state protection. “(Arson) is suspected 15-year-old teenager”, — said the Agency interlocutor, without specifying other details. The Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God

Why the Caspian sea is neither a sea nor a lake?

Why the Caspian sea is neither a sea nor a lake? The heads of five States signed the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea. Sunday, August 12, in Aktau, Kazakhstan, the presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan signed the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea. Previously his status was regulated by Soviet-Iranian treaties the Caspian sea was defined as a closed (inland) sea, and the Caspian littoral state had the sovereign right to 10-mile zone and equal rights for the remainder of the sea. Now, according to the new Convention, each country fixed its territorial waters (the zone width of 15 miles). In addition, to the Caspian sea will not apply the provisions of the UN Convention on the law of the sea 1982, the sea bottom to be classified into sectors, as is done in neighboring seas, and the sovereignty over