National Security Committee announced the stabilization of the situation in Kazakhstan

“Republican and & nbsp; regional operational headquarters for & nbsp; combating & nbsp; terrorism neutralized the centers of terrorist threat. All administrative facilities seized by terrorists have been released & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; emphasized in the & nbsp; KNB. The security officials also managed to ensure the safety of strategic facilities and & nbsp; storage sites for weapons and & nbsp; ammunition. At & nbsp; at this moment, the KNB is working to & nbsp; identify the places of possible hideouts of militants and & nbsp; participants in the riots in the & nbsp; country. The & nbsp; press service called on residents of the country to assist in & nbsp; identifying persons involved in & nbsp; terrorist activities, and & nbsp; ; also voluntarily surrender weapons stolen during the riots.

President of Kyrgyzstan to miss CSTO meeting on Kazakhstan

On January 10 & nbsp; Japarov took a short-term vacation. The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Zhaparov will take part in the & nbsp; extraordinary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council. Earlier it was reported that the & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; videoconferencing session will be attended by the leaders of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and & nbsp; Armenia. In & nbsp; in early January, in & nbsp; Kazakhstan, due to the & nbsp; price increase for liquefied gas, massive protests broke out, which escalated into riots. The authorities called the protesters terrorists and & nbsp; appealed for & nbsp; help to the CSTO. The press secretary of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev Berik Uali said that peacekeepers can stay in the country for a week.

The Secretary of State of Kazakhstan said that the forces of the CSTO will be deployed locally

“CSTO forces will not be involved in all regions. They will locally provide security for vital facilities. This is a reasonable measure. We & nbsp; faced with & nbsp; a carefully planned and & nbsp; surprise attack by a whole army of radicals simultaneously in & nbsp; different regions of the country & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Karin wrote in & nbsp; his Telegram channel. He recalled that “the CSTO mission is exclusively peacekeeping and is designed for a short period of time.” “ After the stabilization of the situation, the entire united peacekeeping contingent of the CSTO will be withdrawn from & nbsp; our country '', & nbsp; & mdash; added by the Secretary of State of Kazakhstan. Mass protests in & nbsp; Kazakhstan began in & nbsp; the first days of 2022 & nbsp; & mdash; residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and & nbsp; Aktau in

Ryabkov said about the discomfort of the American side in negotiations with Russia

“Two-way dialogue with & nbsp; us, they & nbsp; to conduct uncomfortable, because & nbsp; nbsp; they feel behind their eyes & nbs; anti-Russian group in & nbsp; NATO & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Ryabkov told RIA Novosti. This is Ryabkov's second comment on & nbsp; the end of the preliminary negotiations. Before & nbsp; this, he & nbsp; described the dialogue as difficult, but & nbsp; business, and & nbsp; said that & nbsp; the Russian side is guided by optimism. Sherman, according to & nbsp; a message from the State Department, told him in & nbsp; during the dialogue that & nbsp; the United States & nbsp; will discuss European security issues without & nbsp; their allies and & nbsp; partners in & nbsp; Europe. The main round of Russian-American talks will begin today in & nbsp; Geneva, followed by the Russia & nbsp; NATO Council in

Media: the State Duma proposed to fine for breaking the silence at night

Innovation in The authors explained the Code of Administrative Offences by saying that the mechanism that should be held accountable for such a violation at the regional level does not work. “We propose to return this topic to the federal level and grant the authorities to the internal affairs bodies to draw up appropriate protocols and bring them to justice,” said Deputy Yaroslav Nilov, one of the developers of the initiative. The amount of fines, according to the proposal, for individuals will be from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles, officials will have to pay from 10 to 20 thousand, and legal entities — from 50 to 100 thousand. Earlier it was reported that in the new Code of Administrative Offenses, the fine for violating peace and quiet at night will be from one to two thousand rubles. At the same time, the draft Administrative Code contains a list of situations in

The number of cases of coronavirus infection in the United States has exceeded 60 million

According to him, 60,062,077 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the United States since the beginning of the epidemic, 837,504 people have died from the effects of the disease. Since December 2021, more than 100 thousand cases of infection per day have been recorded in the country every day. The incidence began to increase after the celebration of Thanksgiving (November 25), when millions of Americans went to visit their relatives and friends. Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The United States reported on December 20, 2021, that the omicron strain of coronavirus has become dominant in the country, accounting for about three-quarters of cases of infection. In a number of areas, including in the south-east and north-west of the USA, the proportion of those infected with the omicron strain exceeds 90%. In total, according to the university, 306.6 million cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in

The United States spoke about its position in negotiations with Russia in Geneva

Sherman at the & nbsp; meeting noted the US commitment to the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and & nbsp; freedom of states to join any unions & nbsp; Undersecretary of State stands for & nbsp; 'Genuine Progress Through Diplomacy' in & nbsp; discussing the topics of the negotiations. She stated that the United States “will not discuss European security without our European allies and partners.” According to & nbsp; her, the United States at the & nbsp; extraordinary meeting of the Dialogue on & nbsp; Strategic Stability (SSD, negotiations Russia & mdash; the United States, which will be held in & nbsp; Geneva on January 10 & nbsp;) will discuss some issues of bilateral cooperation, and & nbsp; not & nbsp; European security. Discussion on certain topics “ will be reserved for & nbsp; the NATO-Russia Council meeting in & nbsp; Brussels on January 12 & nbsp; and &

The law on prison terms for malicious traffic violators has come into force

Federal Law No. 458, which has entered into force, supplements the Criminal Code with a new Article 264.2 — “Violation of traffic rules by a person subjected to administrative punishment and deprived of the right to drive vehicles.” It will be applied to citizens who have got behind the wheel of a car, having already been deprived of their rights for repeatedly exceeding the speed limit by 60 km/h or more, or for re-entering the oncoming lane. In other words, to get charged under Article 264.2 of the Criminal Code, you need to drive into the oncoming lane three times or seriously exceed the speed limit three times. Previously, in such a situation, administrative liability was applied with the possibility of deprivation of rights. And now the court has a fork in the choice of punishment for a repeat offender – from a fine of 200-300 thousand rubles to two

Day in History: January 10th

Gaius Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon In 49 BC, the commander Julius Caesar, returning from conquered Gaul, came to the border river of Rome Rubicon. According to the law, Caesar had to disband the army at the borders of Rome, but he deliberately did not do this, having decided to become a sovereign ruler. On January 10, with one legion of 300 horsemen, he crossed the border and marched on the city, thus marking the beginning of the civil war in Rome. Since then, the expression “cross the Rubicon” has become a catch phrase. It means the point of no return. The world’s first subway line has opened in London On January 10, 1863, the first subway line was opened in London, which was then called the non-metropolitan railway. The Metropolitan Railway company was engaged in its construction, and the length of the subway was 3.6 kilometers and consisted of