The DPRK stopped dismantling rocket range Sohe

The DPRK stopped dismantling rocket range Sohe Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — North Korea suspended the dismantling of the rocket range Sohe in the West of the country, said on Wednesday the portal 36 Notrh, which monitors the status of missile and nuclear activities of the DPRK on the basis of data from satellite imagery. Upstairs Observers note that from 3rd August at the site was not subject to any significant dismantling. The remains of previously demolished structures laid on the ground and not removed. Soha — the main missile range of the DPRK, had launched Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Closing it, apparently, was discussed at the meeting of the President of the United States Donald trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN in Singapore. HelpWhat has changed after meeting Kim and trump? Explain in 300 wordsread More

The foreign Ministry explained the reluctance to discuss the lifting of US sanctions

The foreign Ministry explained the reluctance to discuss the lifting of US sanctions GENEVA, Aug 22 — RIA Novosti, Elizabeth Isakov. The United States will continue to impose new sanctions against Russia, regardless of its actions, because of the restrictive ideological, said RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Upstairs According to Ryabkov, it is clear that the United States will continue to impose sanctions and further. Meeting with Bolton Against the backdrop of difficult relations between the two countries tomorrow in Geneva will host a meeting of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and the national security Advisor of the United States John Bolton. As noted Ryabkov, the Russian delegation intends to explain the failure of the current policy of Washington against Moscow. “Of course, during tomorrow’s talks will address this theme in terms of clarification of depravity, irrationality and doom us sanctions policy as a method of foreign policy.

Gazmanov was supported by a flash mob in honor of the Day of the Russian flag

Gazmanov was supported by a flash mob in honor of the Day of the Russian flag Famous singer Oleg Gazmanov supported the campaign #soaringeagle launched in social networks Philipp Kirkorov. Upstairs Gazmanov in his Instagram posted a photo from the “scrap materials” gathered tricolor. “Gathered from tour gifts! Pass on — share your photos with the hashtag,” urged singer. With FLAG Day! The Russians! Took over #soaringeagle from scrap materials. Gathered from tour gifts! Pass on – share your photos with the hashtag. All #vesnyani #gettingit #Gazmanov #flag #flagrancia?? Publication of oleggazmanov Gazmanov (@oleggazmanov) 22 August 2018 12:31 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The flashmob was supported by the singer Zara. “This year our great tricolor was holding in his hands, drawing faces, put hashtags millions of Russians and millions of foreign guests, through the 2018 world Cup, which is a runaway success in our country. I’m

“Lucy’s law”: the British shops banned from selling kittens and puppies

“Lucy’s law”: the British shops banned from selling kittens and puppies The British government intends to introduce a full ban on the sale of kittens and puppies younger than six months in pet stores and privately. Upstairs The bill, which now held a consultation, suggests that those who buy a puppy or kitten younger than six months should be treated not store, but directly to the breeder or the animal shelter. Article10 Pets who have a selfie better than ours Animal rights groups welcomed this initiative, but warned about possible omissions in the present bill. The so-called “Lucy’s law”, which envisages the introduction of a ban on the sale of Pets in pet stores, aims to reduce the number of cases where store-bought puppy or kitten was sick due to the fact that they were kept in appalling for its age condition. Campaign in support of this law was named

In Britain, the workers staged a “war of stickers” (photo)

In Britain, the workers staged a “war of stickers” (photo) A Twitter user under the name Optimistic Pessimist has posted a photo, which shows an unusual paper art: pixel pictures of colorful stickers on the Windows of the offices. Upstairs Okay so my dad’s office and the office across the way are having a post-it note war ? — Optimistic Pessimist (@CupanTaeIsBae) August 16, 2018 As the girl explained that her father often spends time in one of the London offices. For fun, the staff decided to do something funny, and pasted on the window stickers of characters from old computer games. This idea was very successful, and very soon, the window of the building opposite appeared the same creative paper response. It is unknown how long this contest lasts for stickers, but the photo shows pretty much the “window” of characters, as well as encouraging labels. By the

A consequence opened a criminal case after an emergency landing in Ufa

A consequence opened a criminal case after an emergency landing in Ufa MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The case was initiated after the emergency landing of Tu-204 airline Red Wings in Ufa, returned to the airport due to the engine fire, according to the channel of the RF IC on Twitter. Upstairs The plane Tu-204 of airline “Red wings”, carrying out flight 808 Ufa — Sochi, Wednesday at 5.06 am local time (3.06 GMT) made an emergency landing at the airport “Ufa” fire left engine shortly after takeoff. Passengers were evacuated using inflatable chutes after seven minutes after landing of aircraft. There were no injuries. Passengers posted in the airport, with them psychologists work. To fly to Sochi passengers were told on the backup Board of the company “Red wings” Tu-214 in 10.55 (8.55 GMT). Fun burning turbofan Perm PS-90A, passengers talking to who flies where. Nothing special, just

As US presidents went through impeachment proceedings

As US presidents went through impeachment proceedings Former counsel to Donald trump Michael Cohen confessed to several charges, including violations during the election campaign of the President. The New York Times hinted at possible impeachment of the 45th President of the United States. As American leaders were faced with impeachment in the material “Kommersant”. Upstairs July 10, 1842, Congressman John Botts introduced a resolution of impeachment of the 10th U.S. President John Tyler (took office as Vice President after the death of William Harrison). The occasion was the veto, which is the head of state imposed on the tariff bills of Congress. The resolution was rejected by 127 votes to 83 (offset necessary two-thirds majority). February 24, 1868 the House of representatives voted for the impeachment of the 17th U.S. President Andrew Johnson (got the chair as Vice-President after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln). The impeachment procedure was initiated after

“The worst day in the life of trump”

“The worst day in the life of trump” The former lawyer of the President has admitted to committing crimes on his behalf. Upstairs Worse day in the life of the President of the United States Donald trump was not. Writes about Tuesday, August 21, the Washington Post commentator Jennifer Rubin. Similar assessments were made by other American media: “the worst hour” (CNN), “a terrible day” (Bloomberg), “very bad day” (Chicago Tribune). On Tuesday two supporters of trump has been in the courts. In new York the former personal counsel to trump Michael Cohen, signed a deal with the investigation, has given grateful evidences on eight charges, including violations during the presidential election campaign 2016 In particular, Cohen told the court that during the campaign, paid $130 000 a porn actress Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, and $150 000 model Playboy Karen Mcdougal for their silence about the intimate ties

The Czech Parliament has called the invasion of 1968 an act of invasion

The Czech Parliament has called the invasion of 1968 an act of invasion PRAGUE, August 22. /TASS/ — For adoption of the relevant decision voted 145 of 156 members. Наверх13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The chamber of deputies (lower house) of Czech Parliament recognized the entry of Warsaw Pact troops (VD) in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR) in August of 1968, act of foreign invasion and occupation of the country. This is stated in the resolution adopted by it. “The chamber of deputies declares that the invasion of the troops of five member States VD (USSR, GDR, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria — approx. TASS) in August 1968, in Czechoslovakia was an act of the attack and subsequent occupation of the Republic. It was contrary to international law”, — the document says. For the decision voted 145 of the 156 MPs present at the session of the lower house. No one spoke against it, but

Fish-invisible can “disappear” for 2 seconds

Fish-invisible can “disappear” for 2 seconds Edinoroga fish squad iglobryuhoobraznyh Monacanthus tuckeri has the ability to become invisible. Upstairs This small fish inhabits the shallow waters of the Caribbean sea. Ellen Justine (Justine Allen) from brown University, was amazed at how fast fish are able to disguise themselves. In two seconds she manages to change the color of his body and merge with the Horny corals, by which it swims. Ellen and her team managed to film the process of the “disappearance” on the island of little Cayman in the Caribbean sea. Researchers have also studied in the laboratory the surface of the fish’s body to understand how it is disguised as the environment. During the download an error has occurred. Monacanthus tuckeri changes color to create a “false shape”. For example, the skin may appear a dark streak, which visually creates a new form of the body and these