In China found fossils of ancient giant turtle

In China found fossils of ancient giant turtle She lived about 228 million years ago; she had a toothless beak, but no shell. Upstairs Paleontologists have discovered in China the fossils of ancient turtles that lived approximately 228 million years ago. As scientists have identified, the individual belongs to a new, previously unknown mind Eorhynchochelys sinensis. NewsLife on Earth was much older The oldest known turtle was thought Odontochelys semitestacea: individuals of this species did not have a carapace (dorsal shield) but had a plastron — the protection of the belly, and had a beak — though with teeth, unlike modern turtles. The oldest remains of Odontochelys semitestacea date from roughly 220 million years. Discovered turtle (a new kind Eorhynchochelys sinensis), as scholars have noted, reached a length of over 180 centimeters, had a strange, disc-shaped body and a long tail and lived probably in shallow water. Have Eorhynchochelys sinensis,

A giant “Buddha’s hand” appeared on the field in China

A giant “Buddha’s hand” appeared on the field in China You can see it only from the air. Upstairs In a pasture near the town at Erenhot in the Autonomous region of Inner Mongolia in North China have unusual work of art. The picture on the box depicts a palm, which has been dubbed as “Buddha’s hand”. It covers an area of 40 thousand square meters, equivalent to six football fields. To assess large-scale figure only from the air. Publication of 王子诚 (@chengwangzi) 22 August 2018 at 9:29 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. We will remind, recently in Ireland after the recent forest fires found an ancient inscription from stones. It turned out that she has a very important historical value.

Russia and the United States agreed to resume contacts, in spite of the contradictions

The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolay Patrushev and the assistant to the President for national security John Bolton © Permanent mission of the USA to the UN office and other international organizations in Geneva GENEVA, 24 Aug. /TASS/. Russia and the United States restore the contacts through the Ministry of defence, General headquarters and Ministry of foreign Affairs, interrupted 2014. This is the main and very important result of the meeting in Geneva of the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev and the assistant to the President for national security John Bolton. However, serious contradictions between Moscow and Washington remain. Joint statement following the meeting, the make failed because Bolton has decided to insist that it should be reflected American approaches concerning the alleged intervention of Russia in elections in the United States. Failed to come to an understanding on the Iranian nuclear deal and military

Nebenzia said about the inadmissibility of the arrests of the members of the IG by some armed groups

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Julie Jacobson UN, August 24. /TASS/. Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia said about the inadmissibility of attempts of some armed groups in Syria “subjugation” of government functions and to carry out arrests of members “Islamic state” (a terrorist organization banned in Russia).

The plane “blew away” the child in Greece

The plane “blew away” the child in Greece On the Greek island of Skiathos the aircraft knocked down a 12-year-old Briton. As the newspaper writes Mirror, the boy required hospitalization. Upstairs The incident occurred August 22 at the airport of Skiathos. To watch the takeoff of the Airbus 320, the young man with his father and other tourists came too close to the runway, causing the baby blew a stream of air from the turbines. 12-year-old boy flying more than 10 meters before falling on the sandy surface. The child was sent to the hospital. August 23, the plane of airline S7, carrying out flight Norilsk-Novosibirsk, extra sat in Surgut due to an engine failure.

Nebesa accused foreign intelligence agencies supplying weapons IG*

Nebesa accused foreign intelligence agencies supplying weapons IG* UN, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti. Terrorist organization “Islamic state” in Syria* receives weapons from semi-formal structures, even associated with the secret services of certain countries, said on Thursday Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. Upstairs “Continue to accumulate evidence of implementation of supply of weapons (IG* — ed.) from the outside, including through semi-structure or even under the auspices of the intelligence services of individual countries,” — said Nebenzia. The diplomat expressed hope that this issue will be discussed at the international conference of combating illegal arms transfers in the context of the fight against international terrorism, which will be held in Moscow on September 3-4. Warned by the head of the Russian diplomatic mission, “it is possible that the frequency of terrorist attacks will increase, primarily on Eliska direction.” Igilovtsy go to all lengths to actively involve the

The Federal penitentiary service gave the investigation a new video of torture in the Yaroslavl colony

The Federal penitentiary service gave the investigation a new video of torture in the Yaroslavl colony Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU Recording was discovered during the internal inspection, according to the Department. Upstairs Published in “Novaya Gazeta” record new episodes of torture in the Yaroslavl colonies were previously discovered during internal audits, the materials sent to the investigating authorities, have informed “Interfax” on Thursday the press Bureau of the Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN). Material which is published today on the website of “Novaya Gazeta”, was previously identified by the Board of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia in the course of conducting inspections of correctional facilities UFSIN of Russia across Yaroslavl region and 14 August 2018 sent to the investigating authorities for further action.a press-Bureau FSIN Previously, the Fund “Public verdict” has distributed a new video of beatings of prisoners in the Yaroslavl colony No. 1 (IR-1), received

The United States believes that Turkey should not acquire anti-aircraft missile system s-400

The United States believes that Turkey should not acquire anti-aircraft missile system s-400 WASHINGTON, August 24. /TASS/ — the state Department said that the presence of s-400 such allies as Turkey, is of concern. Upstairs U.S. authorities believe that Turkey as a NATO member should not be purchased from Russia, anti-aircraft missile system s-400. This was stated on Thursday at a regular briefing for journalists the head of the press service of the U.S. Department of state Heather Nauert. She was asked a question about the position of the US authorities in connection with the statements of the Turkish side about the desire to get the first battery Russian anti-aircraft missile systems in 2019 and not 2020 as previously planned. In response, she said he could not comment on this information, but noted that “the presence of the s-400 such NATO allies, like Turkey, is causing US concern.” The state

The government explained the nine-day absence Medvedev

The government explained the nine-day absence Medvedev Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, August 14, not participating in public events, got injured during sports activities, reports “Interfax” with reference to the press service of the government. Upstairs It noted that the injury doesn’t allow Medvedev to hold a public event. The Director of the Department of press service and information of the government Mikhail Buben said that the Prime Minister “gone nowhere” and is located in Moscow. “There is simply no public events,” he told the portal, “Politics Today”. NewsIncome more meetings manchesteronline work of Dmitry Medvedev and his government-in 8 charts About what Medvedev has nine days did not appear in public, August 23, reported Telegram-channel “Project”. According to his sources in the Cabinet of Ministers, the Prime Minister is on vacation and in his present schedule important events, but for some unknown reason, they are either canceled or