Media: the government of Tajikistan has denied the information about the strike in Afghanistan

Media: the government of Tajikistan has denied the information about the strike in Afghanistan TASS, August 27 — it has been reported that the aircraft of Tajik air force launched strikes in the Afghan province of Takhar. Upstairs The Ministry of defense of Tajikistan has denied reports about the application of the country’s air force strikes on Afghanistan. This was announced on Monday news portal “Asia-plus”. “We have no right to inflict strikes on foreign soil. Even if such a need arises, first convened by the headquarters of the collective security Treaty organization (the organization of collective security Treaty), which deals with the application of a power stroke. And after long consultations of the military departments may be taken such a decision”, — said the portal source in the defense Ministry. Earlier, the Afghan Agency Khaama Press reported that air force aircraft of Tajikistan in the night from Sunday to

Ministry of defense: the United States are increasing in the middle East the carriers of cruise missiles for attack on Syria

Ministry of defense: the United States are increasing in the middle East the carriers of cruise missiles for attack on Syria The Russian defense Ministry said that in parallel with the preparation of staging the use of chemical weapons, which was previously reported, the United States is increasing in the middle East the number of carriers of cruise missiles. Наверх14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий “On August 25 in the Mediterranean sea entered the USS Ross, with 28 Tomahawk missiles, whose range allows you to strike throughout Syria,” — said the official representative of the Ministry of defense Igor Konashenkov. Earlier in the Persian Gulf has arrived the USS “the Sullivans” with 56 cruise missiles. In addition, at the airbase “al-Udeid air base” in Kuwait flew the strategic bomber b-1, equipped with 24 cruise missiles JASSM. The US action, according to Mr. Konashenkov, indicate the intention of the US to launch strikes against Syria, taking

Why the Russians do not consider how much money you spend and earn

Why the Russians do not consider how much money you spend and earn The majority of the population consider themselves financially illiterate. People do not even notice how much they spend. But know how to live within your means. Upstairs The study of the Higher school of Economics (HSE) “Rules of the game. What do we know about financial literacy” examines the following questions: Know how to handle money? Whether budget or do not notice how and where you spend? You know, where the government gives guarantees or not? The study’s author, Professor of Economics Olga Kuzina, identifies five of our harmful and beneficial financial habits, explains why this is so. And tells how some of the sustainable habits has varied over the past ten years. The fact that the first. Russians consider themselves financially illiterate Almost every second Russian believes their level of financial literacy is unsatisfactory. The respondents

“Streets of clouds” in the sky astonished the people of England. Photos

“Streets of clouds” in the sky astonished the people of England. Photos In the South of England spotted a rare and unusual formation of clouds called “cloud streets.” Upstairs These tunnel-like cloud formations were visible in the counties of Oxfordshire and Galsterer on Thursday evening. SYNOPTIC bi-Bi-si Simon king says that such phenomena are not rare, but this time they looked amazing at sunset. “Cloud street” is actually a series of Cumulus clouds lined up in the direction of the wind.Simon king Weatherman bi-Bi-siWhere are the “cloud street”? The heated air rises from the Ground up. At altitude the air cools, and condenseries in the cloud. Sometimes in the lower atmosphere (the troposphere) there is a layer of warm air, which prevents air from earth to rise above. This phenomenon is called temperature inversion. The cooled air from the ground, rests on the “wall” of warm air and instead of

Hands at the seams! What gestures do not show in other countries

Hands at the seams! What gestures do not show in other countries MOSCOW, Aug 25 — RIA Novosti, Svetlana Baeva. If the British or Dutch will twist a finger at a temple, do not be offended. Familiar with kindergarten times, the gesture meaning “you’re nuts” in the UK — just a suggestion to think for myself, and the Netherlands is altogether a compliment to the wit. Other gestures can also be misinterpreted to understand the interlocutor or inadvertently offend. Upstairs How not to get trapped in the material RIA Novosti. Not to humiliate and not to offend On the information portal of the Consular Department of the MFA of Russia published detailed recommendations on how to behave in different countries to avoid unwanted incidents. Of course, the main thing is to be friendly, not rude, not to humiliate people, not to use offensive gestures not to use in the conversation

In the Penza region arrested the organizers of a financial pyramid

In the Penza region arrested the organizers of a financial pyramid MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Police in the Penza region arrested four suspects in the creation of “financial pyramids”, the damage from which amounted to more than a billion rubles, said the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina Wolf. Upstairs “Four of the organizers and active members of the criminal organization had been arrested. In order to provide compensation for seized 22 of the immovable property belonging to the defendants in the criminal case,” said the Wolf, quoted by the press service of the Ministry. Police found that members of the “pyramid” in 2012 via advertising in mass media has attracted the money of citizens under the pretext of paying high dividends. According to preliminary data, the number of victims exceeds three thousand people. The attackers promised to depositors to invest their savings

The defense Ministry has denied reports of Russian air strikes in Afghanistan

The defense Ministry has denied reports of Russian air strikes in Afghanistan MOSCOW, August 27. /TASS/ — the Ministry said that Russian military aircraft did not perform any combat tasks in the area of Tajik-Afghan border. Upstairs The message on drawing the Russian planes an air strike in Northern Afghanistan is not true. This was reported to journalists on Monday the Russian defense Ministry. “Information from British news Agency Reuters on the alleged application of Russian planes air strike on militants of the Islamic movement “Taliban” (banned in Russia — approx. TASS) in the North-Eastern border region of Afghanistan is not true,” said the Agency. The Ministry said that “Russian military aircraft no combat tasks in the area of state border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan were not fulfilled”. As reported earlier on Monday Reuters, citing two official representatives of Afghanistan, combat aircraft of Tajikistan or Russia bombed in the North-East

Germany urged to respond to U.S. sanctions against Russia

Germany urged to respond to U.S. sanctions against Russia BERLIN, 27 Aug — RIA Novosti. Europe must react to the sanctions policy of Washington towards Russia, China and other major economic partners, said the foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas, opening the conference of ambassadors in Berlin. Upstairs He noted that thanks to the rapid response of Europe in new sanctions against Iran managed to avoid a more serious escalation. According to Maas, “it’s a lot, if you think about it, what would be the alternative: a nuclear race in the middle East, with predictably destructive consequences.” Previously, Maas stated that the German foreign Minister will reconsider the foreign policy strategy of Germany relative to the United States. So, he noted that the US and Europe for many years away from each other, and the commonality of interests and values are gradually eroding. The basis of the new relationship with