To do candid photos of women made social inequality

To do candid photos of women made social inequality The authors of the new study found that depends on the desire of women to do sexy selfies. It turned out that this is not due to the position of women in society, and income inequality in the country. Upstairs The authors of the new study found that depends on the desire of women to do sexy selfies. It turned out that this is not due to the position of women in society, and income inequality in the country. The results were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The development of technology, particularly the proliferation of mobile phones and the popularity of services like Twitter and Instagram, gave rise to a burst of photos in the genre of “selvi”. This kind of photography is especially popular among young women around the world who, as a rule,

Slutsky: “unpleasant surprises” for Russia, Ukraine can only hurt yourself

The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, August 28. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky believes that Russia is unlikely to fear “unpleasant surprises” that supposedly prepares Ukraine for the upcoming UN General Assembly.

Nebenzia said replica of Britain’s permanent representative to the United Nations about the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation on Syria

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Richard Drew UN, August 28. /TASS/. Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia said to his British colleague Karen pierce of the defense Ministry, unlike foreign agencies, don’t spread false information, particularly on Syria.

The published correspondence of the dead in the Central African Republic journalists

The published correspondence of the dead in the Central African Republic journalists Agency PHAN has published screenshots of the correspondence of the deceased in the Central African Republic (CAR) the crew with the control center investigations (LRC), where reporters went into the country. Upstairs Having studied the correspondence, the publication concluded that the editor-in-chief of the sdgs Andrew konyahin, who coordinated the visit of the journalists, not paid due attention to the safety of the crew. The correspondence runs from 9 to 31 July. In addition to Orhan Cemal, Alexander Rastorguev, Kirill Radchenko and konyahina, participated in it salgareda LRC Anastasia Gorshkova, a specialist centre for multimedia Anastasia Kulagina and journalist Rodion Chepel, which helped the group to contact the fixer (local coordinator — approx. “Of the”) named Martin. At the beginning of the chat participants discuss organizational issues, buying tickets, booking accommodation, visa, financial questions. At some point

Poroshenko said about the readiness of Ukraine to denounce the Treaty of friendship with Russia

Poroshenko said about the readiness of Ukraine to denounce the Treaty of friendship with Russia Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that Ukraine is ready legally to the termination of the agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia signed in 1997, and expects the relevant documents from the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Upstairs “Today we have come sufficiently prepared and legally protected, the next step is the termination of the agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, which is the fault of Moscow has already become an anachronism,” said Poroshenko on Tuesday at a meeting with heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine. In the near future I expect the Ministry of foreign Affairs the documents required to initiate this process.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine The Treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership between Ukraine and Russia was signed on 31 may 1997,

How to live in the most dangerous country in Africa

How to live in the most dangerous country in Africa Once prosperous country with an important geopolitical importance, Somalia connects Africa with the Middle East. In its interior there are deposits of uranium, iron, copper and oil. However, with the beginning of the civil war, everything changed: the difficult economic situation, the actual lack of centralized power, hunger and poverty. Upstairs Iron, copper, oil, uranium, good geographical position — it would seem that this country has everything to thrive, and its people — for prosperity. But the fact of life in Somalia can be compared with the ad: a collapsed economy, anarchy, famine, poverty, violence and death — from the microscopic Islands of stability. The attempts of the West to help to resolve the situation in the country only pushed Somalis into the arms of militants. The government is not trying to resolve the conflict, on the contrary makes every

The Kremlin explained why Putin decided to speak out on pension reform in a televised address

The Kremlin explained why Putin decided to speak out on pension reform in a televised address Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to Express his point of view on changes of the pension reform in the format of a televised address due to the resonance of the topic, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Given the responses that there are, given the discussions that revolved around the retirement of these initiatives and taking into account the resonance of this theme, the President believed that he needed to be spelled out and openly his point of view,” — said the representative of the Kremlin to the question “Kommersant FM”. Vladimir Putin will speak on pension reform in the format of a televised address on August 29. Speech of the President is not yet known. The President first spoke on the issue of changes to pension legislation

Australian fishermen have filmed an unexpected jump crocodile in their boat

Australian fishermen have filmed an unexpected jump crocodile in their boat MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Australian fishermen caught on video the moment when their boat jumped a crocodile. Upstairs A video published on the page of Suzuki Marine Aust/NZ in Facebook. The footage shows that the predator initially floated alongside the vessel, and then suddenly jumped into the boat, hit a chair and fell back into the water. People were not injured. *Language warning* Mind you, if this happened to us, we’d probably be using similar words too #notsofunnyFridays #WhattheFridays #WTF #suzukimarine Published Suzuki Marine Aust/NZ Thursday, August 23, 2018At boot time the error occurred. *Language warning ⚠ this* Mind you, if this happened to us, we’d probably be using similar words too ? ? #notsofunnyFridays #WhattheFridays #WTF #suzukimarine Published Suzuki Marine Aust/NZ Thursday, August 23, 2018At boot time the error occurred.

Helmets, barrels and kungas: what can be found during cleaning on a desert island

Helmets, barrels and kungas: what can be found during cleaning on a desert island On the Yamal Peninsula for several years, the volunteers clean the Arctic of the earth. Upstairs Vilkitsky island is a small curved strip of land, located in the Kara sea, somewhere between Dixon and the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Its width is about 9 km, length — about 18 km. island is an uninhabited Island: in the words of explorers, today its population is predominantly white bears and birds. By 2017, there has accumulated nearly a thousand tons of garbage, mainly old scrap. To take him out for the second consecutive year, the North sends volunteers who call themselves “polar brothers.” In August they completed the last shift of the season. Of the unexpected findings, psychological test for the volunteer of the Arctic and the heritage of the Arctic convoys — in the material of the portal

Who put phrases wings. Religious expression and their authors

Who put phrases wings. Religious expression and their authors 55 years ago the preacher Martin Luther king said, “I Have a dream”. Aephi I remembered the other legendary expressions and their authors: the real and the mythical. Up1. “I have a dream…”. Since the mid-1950s to the late 1960s, American citizens actively fought for their rights. On 28 August 1963 in Washington held a March for jobs and freedom. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial came Martin Luther king, a Baptist preacher, the leader of the “civil rights Movement of blacks in the United States.” In his address, king attempted to predict the future which he wanted to see. Citizens of different races will live in peace and have equal rights in everything: “I have a dream that one day this nation will straighten and will live in accordance with the true meaning of its principle: “We hold it