The published correspondence of the dead in the Central African Republic journalists

The published correspondence of the dead in the Central African Republic journalists

Agency PHAN has published screenshots of the correspondence of the deceased in the Central African Republic (CAR) the crew with the control center investigations (LRC), where reporters went into the country.


Having studied the correspondence, the publication concluded that the editor-in-chief of the sdgs Andrew konyahin, who coordinated the visit of the journalists, not paid due attention to the safety of the crew.

The correspondence runs from 9 to 31 July. In addition to Orhan Cemal, Alexander Rastorguev, Kirill Radchenko and konyahina, participated in it salgareda LRC Anastasia Gorshkova, a specialist centre for multimedia Anastasia Kulagina and journalist Rodion Chepel, which helped the group to contact the fixer (local coordinator — approx. “Of the”) named Martin.

At the beginning of the chat participants discuss organizational issues, buying tickets, booking accommodation, visa, financial questions. At some point in the match drew attention to the fact that CARS are extremely dangerous for travel may need an armed guard. According to FAN, the remark of the Director remained unanswered. It is also claimed that the participants of the business trip offered to solve the issue of health insurance. From these fragments it is unclear whether in the end insurance policies.

If you believe the published fragments in the Central African Republic journalists were supposed to meet the driver-interpreter by the name of Bienvenu, however, the group arrived early and was compelled to look for a taxi and accommodation. According to plan, they had to get on a military base, and then meet in Bambari with Martin, which was supposed to help them remove the gold mines Ndassima. Published reports indicate that a fixer could not be contacted.

Chat journalists shared that the locals do not respond well to the camera, complained about the high prices in the CARS and spending on bribes. Konyahin sure that the driver “participates in extortion” of bribes. The group is unable to get on a military base. Rodchenko explained that for permission to shoot must make an appointment in the capital of the Central African Republic — Bangui. According to him, the translator took contact details and promised within five days to inform, “where to drive with the documents.” Konyahin came to the conclusion that the group is “under the hood” and advises to quickly go to Martin for advice on what to do.

