Armenia has banned pork from Russia due to African swine fever

Armenia has banned pork from Russia due to African swine fever Armenia has imposed a temporary ban on pork imports from several regions of Russia, to prevent infiltration into its territory of African swine fever. Upstairs This was reported on the website of the State service for food safety of the Ministry of agriculture of the country. From August 28, in addition to pork, suspended the import of live pigs, their genetic material, wild pigs, finished products containing pork, rogakopita, leather and raw intestines, food additives and trophies. Also the ban applies to poultry, eggs, down, feathers and feed. This decision is connected with the danger of the spread of avian flu.

PMC of the UK Olive Group charged with preparing a chemical attack in Syria. Who are they?

PMC of the UK Olive Group charged with preparing a chemical attack in Syria. Who are they? The Creator of “White helmets”, a friend of Prince William, witness the revolutions in Libya and Iran, the liquidators of chemical weapons in Syria and billionaires Republicans face Olive Group. Upstairs Russia has deployed off the coast of Syria the most powerful group of ships during the conflict. Two days before our command has announced the preparation of a new staging of a chemical attack by fighters who had trained in a British private military company Olive Group. According to the representative of the defense Ministry, “Damascus is accused of using chemical weapons and the United States, Britain and France will use it to launch attacks on state targets in Syria”. Our fleet should be a barrier to the implementation of this plan. “Storm” to find out how realistic such a development and

Putin complained Kadyrov

Putin complained Kadyrov Human rights activists protested the threats of Kadyrov, who equated them with terrorists and promised to close access to Chechnya. Upstairs President of Russia Vladimir Putin urged to condemn the statements by the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov to ban travel to the region human rights defenders. With the corresponding open letter by the international human rights organization Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Front Line Defenders. Human rights activists protested the threats by Kadyrov, who equated them with terrorists and promised to close access to Chechnya. In a statement the head of the region seen the intention to commit illegal actions, according to the international organization. “For the past ten years, the Republic’s leadership and personally Ramzan Kadyrov suppress the slightest manifestation of dissent, especially sighting and pursuing human rights defenders directly or through third parties acting with total impunity, the authorities are practicing

Archaeologists have discovered in China ancient pyramid and places for sacrifices

Archaeologists have discovered in China ancient pyramid and places for sacrifices Experts also explored the ancient city. Upstairs The Neolithic village called Shimao scientists discovered in 1976, but until 2011, no studies and excavations in this area have not been conducted. And just now a group of Chinese and American archaeologists have shared information, which managed to collect over the years. Ancient 4,300-year-old ‘Pyramid of Eyes’ where humans were once sacrificed to appease the Gods discovered in rural China — site233 (@mcdosty) August 27, 2018 According to experts, the age of the ancient city is 4300 years old, it lasted about 500 years, and its area reached 400 hectares. Previously, scientists believed that the city Shimao is the same age as the great wall of China, but new studies indicate that the settlement appeared before her. The most valuable find for archaeologists turned out to be an ancient

Found mask of pakal the Great, the ruler of the Kingdom of the Maya

Found mask of pakal the Great, the ruler of the Kingdom of the Maya The mask depicts the portrait of the ruler in old age. Upstairs Team the Mexican National Museum of anthropology, is leading excavations in Chiapas on the border with Guatemala, found a wonderful artifact of VII century: stucco mask, which archaeologists believe the portrait of the ruler of the Kingdom Baikalskogo Maya, Pacal the Great. The 20-inch mask was discovered during the study of the ancient drainage system of the temple. The mask portrays a ruler in old age: it developed wrinkles that gave the first opportunity to present the appearance of a ruler in years. Pakal ascended the throne at the age of 12 and ruled from 615 to 683 ad with the mask was discovered ceramic sculptures and remains of animals, including lizards, crabs and turtles.

Sands has not heard about the plywood label on a Hiking jacket Putin

Sands has not heard about the plywood label on a Hiking jacket Putin Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the Kremlin has expressed bewilderment in connection with the publications in foreign media, which stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin on vacation in Tuva at the weekend was wearing a jacket of the American firm Abercrombie and Fitch, the name of which is plastered with the label “Army of Russia”. Наверх10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said he had no comment on the matter. “Nothing is known, nothing can tell you” — said Peskov. Last weekend on the way to Kemerovo oblast, the Russian President made a stop in Tuva, where walking in the woods, a boat ride and pick mushrooms. Later, the press service of the Kremlin published photographs and video from the vacation of the President.

The South Korean’s hand was amputated after poisoning at a sushi restaurant

The South Korean’s hand was amputated after poisoning at a sushi restaurant The South Korean had an arm amputated at the elbow after the poisoning of land, reports the New England Journal of Medicine. Upstairs MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. It is noted that 12 hours after ingestion of the 71-year-old man swelled up left hand. This reaction was the result of infection with flesh-eating bacteria Vibrio Vulnificus contained in the raw fish. Doctors used to drain swollen areas on hand and removed the infected tissue, after which the patient was prescribed antibiotics. However, the treatment did not help, and when returning to the doctors on the 25th day after the poisoning — it turned out that the men formed tissue necrosis. In this regard, the doctors decided to amputate the hand and forearm.

Brazil sent troops to the border with Venezuela to deter refugees

Brazil sent troops to the border with Venezuela to deter refugees The President of Brazil Michel Temer has signed a decree on sending to two weeks of troops on the border with Venezuela, the state of Roraima, according to Bloomberg. Upstairs State lines have already crossed more than 70,000 refugees from experiencing a deep crisis of Venezuela, and its infrastructure can no longer cope with this influx. “We expect the international community to support tough diplomatic action on our part”, — quotes Agency the words of Temer. According to the UN Agency for refugees, from 2015, Venezuela has left more than 1.6 million people. Most of this thread has taken Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Last week, Venezuela went the extra mile, trying to save its economy. Fucking denominated the national currency, removing from the old Bolivar five zeros, and devalued it by 95% and tied to the state of the

Medvedev showed up two weeks later

Medvedev showed up two weeks later Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for the first time in two weeks appeared in public — he held a meeting with acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin. On Tuesday, August 28, reports RIA Novosti. Upstairs The meeting took place in Medvedev’s office. The Prime Minister and the acting Governor discussed including readiness for the new academic year. August 23, the Kremlin said that the Prime Minister was injured during a sport, therefore not involved in public events. However, he is in constant contact with President Vladimir Putin, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Medvedev is fond of badminton. We also know that as a student he was engaged in weightlifting.

Kiev said about the death of 200 Russian military during the fighting near Ilovaysk in 2014

Kiev said about the death of 200 Russian military during the fighting near Ilovaysk in 2014 During the fighting near Ilovaisk, Donetsk region of Ukraine on 24-29 August 2014 killed more than two hundred Russian military, said at a press conference the head of Department of civil-military cooperation of the armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) Alexei Nozdrachev. Upstairs “If you take fighting around Ilovaysk, according to intelligence reports, the number of losses of the regular troops of the Russian Federation is more than 200 dead and 300 wounded servicemen involved in the counter-attack and blocking of the armed forces of Ukraine”, — quotes its words Ukrainian defense Ministry. Mr. Nechayev said that, according to intelligence reports, in 2014, in the East of Ukraine killed at least 1.7 million people. Moscow does not recognize the participation of active military personnel of the Russian army in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. In