RBC learned about the plans of Putin to introduce a “reference rates” in public utilities and energy

RBC learned about the plans of Putin to introduce a “reference rates” in public utilities and energy Until the end of July 2019. the regions can go to reference the principle of formation of tariffs for housing and communal services and network complex, long-term rates for 5-10 years and be denied the opportunity to raise tariffs for the population above the specified level without the consent of the FAS. Upstairs Appropriate instructions of President Vladimir Putin are contained in the draft Protocol on the results of the meeting of the presidential Commission on fuel and energy on August 27, according to RBC with reference to the document. With the proposal for the reference tariff was made by the head of Antimonopoly service Igor Artemyev. Putin instructed the government to implement this proposal until July 31, 2019, confirmed the publication of one of the participants. “Today, in some regions there was

Tuesday was the hottest day in Moscow over the past half century

Tuesday was the hottest day in Moscow over the past half century MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Heat, established in Moscow on Tuesday, a record for the past 49 years, temperatures in the capital exceeded thirty-degree mark, reported RIA Novosti chief specialist of the center weather “Phobos” Eugene Tiscover. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +26° 32% 755 mm Hg. article 3 m/s “Today was the hottest day in Moscow for the past 49 years. At the base of the Moscow meteorological station ENEA thermometers to 16.00 MSK was 29.6 degrees, at the Baltschug plus 30.7 degrees. This sensation since the last time so much air on this day, 28 August, was heated in 1969, when he warmed up to plus of 31.2 degrees. In addition, over the past 70 years mark plus 30 degrees intersect only once,” said Tiscover RIA Novosti. Thirty-degree heat was recorded in Moscow, said the

Broke arm. Cameras filmed the attack of a lion on the trainer of the Moscow circus

Broke arm. Cameras filmed the attack of a lion on the trainer of the Moscow circus MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. The trainer of the Great Moscow circus and a member of the world circus festival “Idol-2018” Alexey Makarenko was attacked by a lion. UpstairsDuring the download an error has occurred. The incident occurred on August 27 in the end of the rehearsal, when the raptors left the arena. The animals have to go one by one and in sequence, but one of the lions chased the other. To prevent fights, trainers blocked his way. The lion immediately pounced on Makarenko. The trainer received a hand injury, but now his health is not threatened. View this post in Instagram Publication of the Great Moscow circus (@greatcircus_ru) 29 August 2018 at 4:16 PDT During the download an error has occurred.

Medvedev instructed the government to make proposals for pension changes

Medvedev instructed the government to make proposals for pension changes GORKI, August 29 — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev asked the members of the government in the shortest terms to present suggestions on the draft law on changing the pension system in view of President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Upstairs In particular, the request addressed to all colleagues involved in the pension system, noting that Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. “I ask all concerned, Olga, in the first place, to undertake the implementation of these changes and in the shortest possible time to present the initiative to change the pension system, which has just been formulated. I mean and equal retirement age for men and women for five years, and early retirement for large women, and a gradual increase in the retirement age for those who first confronted with its growth,” — said Medvedev.

The CEC demanded to change the rule on “municipal filter”

The CEC demanded to change the rule on “municipal filter” Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the Central election Commission, Ella Pamfilova calls for changes to the “municipal filter”, which is currently, according to her, is used as an instrument of unfair political competition. Upstairs “We see the costs of the legislation. The first problem is that beyond the scope of our competence, we see the abuse of administrative resource abuse in the application of the so-called “municipal filter” that is cut off in various ways inconvenient, competitive candidates”, — Pamfilova said at the CEC session on Wednesday. According to her, the “municipal filter” should not “be cut off and to destroy political competition.” “Municipal filter” is a procedure to collect signatures from 5 to 10% (depending on region) from total number of deputies of representative bodies of municipal formations for nomination for the election of the head region.

Donald trump has accused China of hacking into the email of Hillary Clinton

Donald trump has accused China of hacking into the email of Hillary Clinton The President of the United States outraged by the theft “large amount of classified information.” Upstairs This morning the President of the United States Donald trump wrote two tweets on an unexpected topic. He quoted article publication the Daily Caller that Chinese hackers broke into the email of his rival at the presidential elections, a member of the Democratic party Hillary Clinton. Mr. trump was outraged by the theft of a large amount of classified information, but added that American intelligence agencies in this issue hope it is not necessary — after a series of failures “credibility gone forever.” At the same time for sharp words of Donald trump is seen as foreign and domestic implications. “Just announced: China has hacked into the personal e-mail, Hillary Clinton, said Donald trump on Twitter.— They believe that it was

“When you see me cry!” In the Czech Republic found a new “hungry stones”

“When you see me cry!” In the Czech Republic found a new “hungry stones” MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. In the city of Decin on the river Elbe has found a new “hungry stones” — inscription XVII century on the coastal rocks, exposed only when the river level reaches record low levels, reports the Daily Mail. Upstairs Drought in Europe has led to the shallowing of the large rivers and from under the water of the Elbe seemed more than ten so-called “hunger stones”. They are covered with inscriptions, for example, “When you see me cry”. This text was supposed to alert people that fall on hard times. The apocalyptic sentiments of ancient authors are quite clear — the drought in those years led to crop failures and massive deaths from starvation. And drying up of rivers below the threshold, marked by a stone, terrified the farmers and townspeople.

The French city has imposed a ban on swimming due to the sociable Dolphin Zafar

The French city has imposed a ban on swimming due to the sociable Dolphin Zafar Bottlenose Dolphin named Zafar swims too close to the bathers. Upstairs The mayor of a small town Landevennec in French Brittany ordered a ban on swimming and diving at the beach for a Dolphin that is too persistently sought contact with swimmers. Within a few weeks Dolphin named Zafar swam side by side with people in the French harbour of Brest and entertained the children, but recently moved to the area Landevennec. City officials worry that the bottlenose Dolphin can look for intimate contact with people — behavior Dolphin already scared a few bathers. “I am entering the ban, to protect people,” said mayor Roger Lahr. According to the newspaper Le Telegramme, Dolphin does not behave aggressively, but constantly rubs on the swimmers and kayaks, pursuing them even up close to the shore. In July,

Scientists found parasitic wasps age of 60 million years and named them in honor of someone else

Scientists found parasitic wasps age of 60 million years and named them in honor of someone else European scientists found in fossilized larvae of flies, which were stored in the museums of Sweden and Switzerland, parasitic wasps four new species is the first whole the fossils of the OS that were found by paleontologists. Upstairs Some of the new species was named after the main character of the film about someone else, according to a paper published in the journal Nature Communications. NewsScientists study fungi-killer, zombie insects As noted in the article, although nearly 50 percent of the animal parasites found in the fossil remains traces of parasitism is very difficult because of the need to show the interaction between the two organisms. In particular, wasp-parasitoid be from 10 to 20 percent of all living insect, but scientists have found only adult wasps and larvae of undetermined species in the