The bear has discovered a new way to entertain and occupied the hammock

The bear has discovered a new way to entertain and occupied the hammock In North Carolina (USA) black bear caught in an unusual pastime — the bear lying in a hammock and peacefully rocked. Upstairs Footage of a resting predator posted on YouTube user Michelle Baber. Judging by the cries of the author of the video, the bear is not the first time it enjoys the hammock. During the download an error has occurred. On 21 August it was reported that a black bear got into the house of an older resident of the U.S. state of new Hampshire. When the woman stumbled on the animal, it struck her with his face. In the result the victim lost an eye and received other injuries. July 12, black bear in the state of Georgia got in the car and ate the lunch which the driver left on the seat. The animal

Published U.S. plans to destroy the Soviet Union

Published U.S. plans to destroy the Soviet Union MOSCOW, 2 sen — RIA of news. USA in the 1960-ies prepared plans for the total destruction of the USSR and China as the leading industrial powers, while the U.S. military considered the possibility of mass extermination of citizens of these countries, according to a review published on the website of the nonprofit organization “national security Archive”. Upstairs The researchers drew attention to the documents the Single integrated operational plan (SIOP), dated 1964, which discusses the use of nuclear weapons. They, in particular, refers to the need to destroy 70% of the industrial potential of the USSR. The United States admitted the possibility of the mass death of civilians. Thus, according to the 1961 strike by SIOP plan involves the destruction of 71% of the inhabitants of Soviet cities, and, according to 1962 — the death of about 70 million citizens of

Putin congratulated Russian schoolchildren, their parents and teachers with the knowledge Day

Putin congratulated Russian schoolchildren, their parents and teachers with the knowledge Day The President noted that in the new academic year in the first class of Russian schools went 1.8 million children. Upstairs SOCHI, September 1. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates Russian students on the knowledge Day. Special warm words he addressed to the Russian first-graders. “Today, September 1. It so happened that this weekend, Saturday, and in many schools, classes begin on 3 September. However, we always celebrate September 1 as the Day of knowledge, as a holiday, — said the head of state, addressing the pupil of the Sochi children’s center “Sirius”. — I heartily with this holiday, Day of knowledge, and I congratulate you and all students of our great country”. The head of state addressed his greetings to all teachers and parents. Putin stressed that this is a special day for first graders. “For them

Tourists warned about the outbreak of a dangerous fever in Europe

Tourists warned about the outbreak of a dangerous fever in Europe The CPS has warned tourists about the outbreak of West Nile fever in Europe and Israel. Upstairs As reported, from the beginning of the year, the world health organization (who) has registered more than 400 cases of the disease in Europe, 27 of which were fatal. The greatest number of diseases is registered in Serbia, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Romania. 68 of the fever cases occurred in Israel, two sick people died. West Nile fever (LSN) — an acute viral disease caused by the same virus. The incubation period of the disease varies from several days to 2-3 weeks. The disease begins with a rapid rise in body temperature to 38-40°C and chills. Among the symptoms LSN — strong excruciating headache preferentially localized in the forehead and eyes, pain in the eyeballs, generalized muscle pain, often in the neck

Trump went to the Golf club instead of a funeral McCain

Trump went to the Golf club instead of a funeral McCain The President of the United States Donald trump went to national Golf club in sterling at the time in Washington was held the funeral of Senator John McCain. This writes the Assosiated Press. Upstairs The white house was unable to specify whether to play the U.S. leader in Golf or watched the broadcast of the memorial service. Earlier it became known that the family McCain gave Trump to understand that he does not want to see him at the funeral — that was the wish of the politician, which year was planning your memorial ceremony. While at the funeral service in the Senate was attended by three former US President, including Barack Obama. It is noted that many of the guests in their speeches, indirectly criticized the policy of the incumbent President, without mentioning his name. They also compared

The Network has ridiculed Clinton staring at Ariana Grande in short dress

The Network has ridiculed Clinton staring at Ariana Grande in short dress Former US President bill Clinton ridiculed the Network for the views that he gave the singer Ariana Grande. Upstairs MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. The attention of users attracted the footage of the funeral of American soul singer Aretha Franklin. Among other performers at the ceremony were made by Ariana Grande, and behind her during the performance was driven by ex-US President bill Clinton. The way he was looking at the Grande in short dress, some found it unacceptable. The photos show that the former head of state with a smile looked at the foot of the singer, his mouth open. In some pictures he bites his lip. While performances of other artists not made Clinton such emotions. Gross… Watch Bill Clinton look Ariana Grande up and down when she sings at #ArethaFranklinFuneral and try not to

Putin called the contract system, the General way of development of the Russian army

Putin called the contract system, the General way of development of the Russian army Moscow. September 1. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin said about the existence of plans to increase the number of contract servicemen in the Armed forces. Upstairs “The armed forces have a plan to increase the contingent of soldiers who are not on call and on contract basis”, — said the President during a dialogue with winners of international Olympiads. Putin called “the General through the development of the army” movement in the direction of contract system and promised that this work will continue. The President said that the initial idea was planned to create entirely professional army, but later took into account the experience of many countries where you save the call. But the armed forces have a plan to increase the contingent of soldiers who are not on the call and on a contract

Competition in the Russian universities was nine people in place in 2018

Competition in the Russian universities was nine people in place in 2018 Competition in the Russian universities in 2018 amounted to 9.1 per place, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova. Such data she cited in the speech in Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov. Upstairs “Of 9.1 person had one place [in the universities] of the Russian Federation, with the most popular medical specialty” — leads TASS. She also noted that the average score of passing on the first course in Russian universities amounted to 69.1, which is 0.9 points higher than last year. While at MSU pass amounted to 87.5, and the most popular destinations are the mechanics and mathematics faculty of computational mathematics and Cybernetics, physics and fundamental medicine, bioengineering and bioinformatics, Institute of Asia and Africa. Earlier in August, the Chairman of the Duma Committee for education and science Boris Chernyshov proposed to create a “class of

In the United States saw a connection between acoustic attack on diplomats and Russia

In the United States saw a connection between acoustic attack on diplomats and Russia Neuroscientist Allan Frey, a long time advising the US government, suggested that microwave attack on American diplomats could organize part of the Cuban leadership that focus on ties with Russia. Upstairs According to The New York Times, it could be done in order to disrupt the improving relations between Havana and Washington. According to Frey, who in the 1960-ies was opened by the acoustic power (“the Frey effect”), American investigators spoke to him in this case. In 2017 the US state Department said that more than 20 employees of the American Embassy in Havana was subjected to acoustic attacks, with the result that they began to suffer from hearing loss, headaches, weakness and poor sleep. Subsequently, the U.S. authorities failed to find evidence and causes of attacks. In the investigation of state Department officials traveled to

NYT reported the United States attempts to recruit Deripaska

NYT reported the United States attempts to recruit Deripaska The U.S. intelligence services for several years tried to do his informant of the Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska, but they failed. According to The New York Times, the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) and the U.S. Department of justice tried to recruit Mr Deripaska from 2014 to 2016. Upstairs As told the publication former and current officials, as well as the people around the Russian businessman, the American intelligence services offered by Oleg Deripaska assistance in obtaining US visas and other legal problems. In return they would receive from businessman “information about Russian organized crime and, later, about possible aid to Russia campaign, President Donald trump in 2016”. In particular, the security services wanted to find out from Mr Deripaska, was a former chief of staff trump by Paul Manafort link between the election campaign of the Republican and the Kremlin.