Putin congratulated Russian schoolchildren, their parents and teachers with the knowledge Day

Putin congratulated Russian schoolchildren, their parents and teachers with the knowledge Day

The President noted that in the new academic year in the first class of Russian schools went 1.8 million children.


SOCHI, September 1. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates Russian students on the knowledge Day. Special warm words he addressed to the Russian first-graders.

“Today, September 1. It so happened that this weekend, Saturday, and in many schools, classes begin on 3 September. However, we always celebrate September 1 as the Day of knowledge, as a holiday, — said the head of state, addressing the pupil of the Sochi children’s center “Sirius”. — I heartily with this holiday, Day of knowledge, and I congratulate you and all students of our great country”.

The head of state addressed his greetings to all teachers and parents. Putin stressed that this is a special day for first graders. “For them it is actually a new page in life begins, they come to meet new friends, with their teachers, with the teachers, the President said. — And, most importantly, they stand on the path of knowledge.” Putin jokingly said that it was “not war, but a path of friendship and knowledge”.

