As Lavrov commented on the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats

As Lavrov commented on the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that after the incident with the poisoning of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury, the British authorities were able to persuade European countries to send their diplomats from Russia, despite the fact that London has begun the procedure of exit from the EU. Lavrov also praised the ability of British diplomats to manipulate their partners and “skip ahead those who can carry their own dirty work”. Upstairs The British authorities were able to persuade the EU countries to expel their diplomats from Russia in the framework of “business Skripal”, despite the fact that the UK leaves the EU. This was stated by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. “I sincerely tip my hat to the British diplomats, which in the period when the country

The expert described the subjects of the Russian Federation difficult for campaigns of heads of regions

The expert described the subjects of the Russian Federation difficult for campaigns of heads of regions According to political analyst Gleb Kuznetsov, campaign, acting Governor of the Khabarovsk territory, heads of the Amur, Moscow and Kemerovo regions was complicated by various factors. Upstairs MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. Not all heads of regions, which is September 9, an election was equally favourable starting conditions: campaign, acting Governor of the Amur region, Vasily Orlov and the head of Khabarovsk territory Vyacheslav Shport was complicated by severe floods, and the head of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov had to wage a campaign against the socalled garbage protests. This opinion was expressed on Monday by the head of the expert Council of the Expert Institute of social studies (AISI) Gleb Kuznetsov. “To say that the gubernatorial elections are held in equal good conditions for all senior officers and the acting, too, is not necessary.

VTB President called ugly ex-foreign Minister of great Britain

VTB President called ugly ex-foreign Minister of great Britain However, Andrei Kostin said that Sergei Lavrov — “our everything in foreign policy”. Upstairs President of Bank VTB Andrey Kostin called the former Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain Boris Johnson a freak. So he said, speaking to students at the MGIMO University together with the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov. While Kostin praised Lavrov and said that he is “our all in foreign policy.” Sergey Viktorovich — is generally everything, I think, in foreign policy. I think we are very lucky to have such a Minister [of foreign Affairs] is moderately flexible, moderately tough, smart, what should Russian diplomacy. Look, excuse me, the freaks that are on the West. Some [former British foreign Secretary Boris] Johnson or other…Andrei Kostin President of VTB BankDuring the download an error has occurred.News“the world Situation today does not get bored” VTB President

Ruining people is not beer: scientists spoke about the benefits of beer

Ruining people is not beer: scientists spoke about the benefits of beer MOSCOW, 2 sen — news, Alfia Enikeeva. Russia ranks second in the world in deaths from alcohol every year from alcohol abuse die 82 thousand people. Worse things are only in the African Lesotho, where strong drinks to kill 140 of one hundred thousand people, recently said at the UN. Upstairs Often heavy drinkers people die from cardiovascular disease, cancer and accidents. However, some studies have shown that low doses of alcohol can sometimes benefit, especially if we are talking about beer. NewsTwo glasses a week max? The scientists said, how can pitiable floors In 1998 Judith Gavaler, a biologist from the University of Oklahoma, decided to test the effect of alcohol on lab rats. She was watering the rodents for four weeks whisky, wine and ordinary water. As a result, in the body of females consuming alcohol,

Obesity was estimated even from space

Obesity was estimated even from space Artificial intelligence has estimated the degree of obesity of residents of certain areas of the United States according to satellite images. To do this he had to fix on the images of individuals, the algorithm uses other data, such as distribution buildings and trees on terrain. The results are set out in the journal JAMA Network Open. Upstairs Some public health problems are so large that they can be seen from space. In the new work, the researchers used a method called deep learning neural networks in order to analyze satellite data for the four residential areas in the United States. The study was conducted on the basis of data on the urban environment, both natural and artificial, such as the presence of parks, location of roads, pedestrian crossings, and a variety of styles of homes and so on. The data source is the

In Volgograd from hospital discharged a woman whose son was looking for a cure for ad

In Volgograd from hospital discharged a woman whose son was looking for a cure for ad VOLGOGRAD, September 3. /TASS/ — Further treatment it will be outpatient. Upstairs The inhabitant of Volgograd 43-year-old Svetlana Sidorova with an aneurysm of the brain vessels, which previously posted at the entrances ads son found the medicine, discharged from hospital, said her eldest son Andrei Shitikov. Earlier in social networks have publicized the story of how 12-year-old student in Volgograd pasted on the entrances of homes the announcement that his mother after a stroke required medicine “Nimotop” that is not available in pharmacies. The townspeople responded to the call for help and brought the woman the drug, the reception which it at that time, resumed. The mother was discharged, I am now in the car taking mum home, she was much better after the surgery. The doctors said that the treatment can be continued

Residents from a burning skyscraper was rescued by firemen in Novosibirsk

Residents from a burning skyscraper was rescued by firemen in Novosibirsk Multi-storey building caught fire in Novosibirsk, the Kirov region — rescuers evacuated tenants. Upstairs The apartment is on the third floor of a 17-storey building on the Victor of the Us caught fire on the afternoon of 3 September, reported in GU Ministry of emergency situations of the Novosibirsk region. Firefighters arrived on the scene at 14:42. “At 14:57 the fire was localized, at 15:08 completely eliminated and removed smoke from the apartment,” — said the Agency. MOE staff evacuated eight people, two of them children. 15 people left the entrance. No one was hurt. The circumstances of the incident investigated. We will remind, in August, the MOE has called the possible cause of a fire in the Novosibirsk regional clinical hospital.

The IAC has formed a Commission to investigate the accident of Mi-8 in Irkutsk region

The IAC has formed a Commission to investigate the accident of Mi-8 in Irkutsk region MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/ — the Helicopter went missing on Sunday during the aerial survey on Monday found it destroyed, all three crew members were killed. Upstairs The interstate aviation Committee began an investigation of accident of helicopter Mi-8 of airline “Angara” in Irkutsk region, reports the Agency. “The interstate aviation Committee has formed a Commission to investigate this accident. The Commission began its work”, — said in a statement on the website of the MAC. Mi-8 went missing on Sunday in the Irkutsk region during the aerial survey. On Monday, it was discovered destroyed. On Board were three crew members. They all died. See also: Crashed in the Irkutsk region helicopter was 27 years old

The Federal penitentiary service have revealed 42 violations of the rights of prisoners in the country

The Federal penitentiary service have revealed 42 violations of the rights of prisoners in the country The FPS during large-scale inspections revealed 42 cases of misconduct of officers of the colonies in relation to prisoners, said Deputy Director service of Russia Valery Maksimenko in an interview with TASS. Upstairs “42 the material in the last two weeks are transferred to investigating bodies, as we believe, the misbehavior of our employees where they exceed their powers or violate the dignity of prisoners. More specifically it will assess the investigation,” — said Mr. Maksimenko. According to him, among evidence of “improper conduct” of employees of service of execution of punishments there are videos. One of them is published in media new video from the Yaroslavl prison. Mr. Maksimenko stressed that it showed the Commission of the Central apparatus. “Everyone who appeared in Yaroslavl video will be dismissed. As those captured in other

The government explained how it will pay the retirement age for mothers of large families

The government explained how it will pay the retirement age for mothers of large families In the Secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova explained how will be the age of retirement for mothers of large families, according to RBC. Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed to mitigate pension reform. In particular, it is reported that a large female will be able to retire early. Upstairs “If a woman has three children, then she will be able to retire three years early. If four children four years earlier. And for women who have five or more children, everything should stay as it is now, they will be able to retire in 50 years,” the President said. It was unclear whether those three or four years to be taken away from the final retirement age for women (60 years) or adolescence (starting from 56 years). According to RBC, reduced the age