Klimkin described the situation with the outflow of population is catastrophic

Klimkin described the situation with the outflow of population is catastrophic MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin described the situation with the outflow of population from the country “catastrophic”. He declared it on air of ICTV TV channel Upstairs According to him, the country annually, leaving nearly a million Ukrainians and this situation may persist in the near future. He noted that, according to the latest data, in Poland alone there are about half a million immigrants from Ukraine. Earlier, a survey conducted by a social group “Rating” showed that almost a third of the population would like to emigrate. According to the study, most often about the desire to move abroad was expressed by young respondents up to 35 years. In Ukraine in recent years the natural population decline. According to the State statistics service, in 2017, the population decreased

Flying bully terrorizes the residents of a British town

Flying bully terrorizes the residents of a British town The police could not catch him for several months. Upstairs In the sky above the town of Bexhill in the British County of Sussex appeared the offender. Unidentified man paragliding scares tourists at the local beach, swooping at them and shouting the insults and curses. The police and the Association of civil aviation began the search for the troublemaker. It is reported that he launches his paraglider from the hill galley, which rises above the city beach. He is accused of antisocial behaviour, as well as creating interference and dangerous situations in road traffic. Despite the fact that the paraglider flies quite often, nor his “victims” nor the police officer could not see it properly. In addition, in the case of catch it will also be difficult to prosecute for lack of evidence. But police have already said that to punish

Students are not Mature enough to Mayakovsky and Brodsky

Students are not Mature enough to Mayakovsky and Brodsky Why book poets sell the passport. Upstairs Books outlawed in Yekaterinburg schoolgirl had not sold the book of Mayakovsky, Yesenin and Brodsky. The incident occurred on the eve of Day of knowledge in the three “Read-city”. 17-year-old girl wanted to buy collections of poems, but all the shops you asked to show your passport and then refused, citing the marking “18+”. She tried to convince sellers, explaining that all three of the poet included in the curriculum. In the “Read-in” to “Kommersant FM” said that bookstores can’t act differently, so as to comply with the Federal law “On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”. The publisher has put the marked books, said the head of PR-service networks Elena Abramova: “Labeling age restrictions assigned by the manufacturer, that is the publisher. And it does it not itself,

Indian hard trying to find any girl putting up their own photos

Indian hard trying to find any girl putting up their own photos According to him, it was love at first sight. Upstairs Authentic Indian dramas occur not only in movies but in real life. From late July the 29-year-old young man named Biswajit Poddar little Jock near Calcutta trying to find “the love of his life”, which was once traveling in the train. According to Indian lover, when he was driving to work, noticed in the car beautiful girl who liked him immediately. Come and get to know he decided not to, since she was with her parents. But, according to Poddar, stranger “say it back” and smiled in response. That day they parted ways, but the young man was unable to forget this encounter and now aggressively trying to find the girl from the train. Now daily Poddar rides the same train at the same time and in the

Due to the Typhoon in Japan canceled more than 600 flights

Due to the Typhoon in Japan canceled more than 600 flights Moscow. September 4. INTERFAX.RU More than 600 domestic flights cancelled in Japan due to an approaching on the West coast of Typhoon Jebi, said on Tuesday the Agency Associated Press. Upstairs It is expected that in the coming hours the hurricane will reach the coast of Honshu. Meteorologists reported that wind speed at the epicenter is 160 km per hour with gusts up to 215 km per hour. On the coast is already hit by heavy rains and Gale-force winds, predicted wave height can reach 12 meters. Typhoon #Jebi is making landfall in #Japan, bringing damaging winds, torrential rain, stormy seas and the risk of coastal flooding. There’s recently been a 92 mph gust at Nankishirahama Airport on the south coast of Honshu pic.twitter.com/SBhsEHJIwm — Met Office (@metoffice) on 4 September 2018. Suspended the movement of trains between Hiroshima

Japan sent a protest to Russia because of the events in the Kuril Islands in the memory of the war

Japan sent a protest to Russia because of the events in the Kuril Islands in the memory of the war Japan has sent Russia a protest in connection with the holding of commemorative events in the South Kuril Islands, marking the end of world war II. It on a press-conferences in Tokyo the Secretary-General said the government, Yoshihide Suga, reports on Tuesday, September 4, RIA Novosti. Upstairs “Strengthening the Russian weapons on the four Northern Islands (Japan called Kunashir, Habomai, Shikotan and Iturup) does not coincide with the position of our country, and we in various ways protest” — he said, calling the events is unacceptable. Earlier on September 3, the Japanese defense Ministry said that through La Perouse Strait between Sakhalin and Hokkaido was the largest since the cold war a squadron of the Russian naval forces. The Agency counted 28 ships, supply vessels, a destroyer, a frigate, and

Stillborn project, “Winter cherry” was doomed to death in the fire

Stillborn project, “Winter cherry” was doomed to death in the fire Why not build shopping centers in pranamasana. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий To find out, could save a costly fire-fighting equipment and the correct organization of evacuation of people during fire in the “Winter cherry”, it is important for the investigators not only to apportion the degree of fault of each of the defendants in Kemerovo tragedy, it is a minor task. Main, by analogy with the plane crash, in the future, to forestall and to make mistakes. TFR appointed for that several examinations, the results of which the portal iz.ru told in earlier publications. Another trial study, performed by scientists-engineers, sheds light on why you did not work automation, designed to protect people from fire. Recovery equipment Ashes went multi-million procurement and installation of systems of fire prevention, automatic sprinkler, alarm and other equipment in red. Commission scientists and technicians came to

The tourist for the horn pulled out of the quagmire trapped antelope

The tourist for the horn pulled out of the quagmire trapped antelope In South Africa, the traveler is saved the Impala had fallen into the water. The video drew the attention of the newspaper the Daily Mail. Upstairs Video was shot by Steve Haley (Steve Haley) from UK, hotels in Kruger national Park on an 8-week Safari. He was travelling alone in his car and slept in the tent. In one of days of your holiday Haley drew attention to the strange behavior of antelope. The animal sat motionless in the water and gathered around him his relatives. During the download an error has occurred. Soon, the Impala started to try to get out of the quagmire, but slipped back into the water. Unexpectedly, drove up to her car, she got out of man and approached the animal. He removed his shoes and socks, and then pulled the Impala over

Poklonskaya was first publicly told about the marriage and honeymoon

Poklonskaya was first publicly told about the marriage and honeymoon MOSCOW, 3 sen — news. The Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya for the first time publicly spoke about his marriage and about where he spent his honeymoon. Upstairs In August the media reported that Poklonski married, but it these messages are not commented. “Where do you think we rest?.. Russia is big, we can see amazing places in every corner of our country,” said Polonskaya in the TV channel “Russia 24” on the question of where he spent his honeymoon. The MP said that staying with her husband started in the Crimea. “Crimea is unique in itself, it is too big, so you can start with Crimea, then farther, farther, farther over the border of the Crimea, in the rest of Russia, in the mainland. Now in the Crimea, here we are in an amazing place,” she said.

The police checks the information about the murder of 12 cats show theater in Blagoveshchensk

The police checks the information about the murder of 12 cats show theater in Blagoveshchensk BLAGOVESHCHENSK, September 4. /TASS/. Law enforcement authorities are checking on the fact of publications about the murder in Blagoveshchensk 12 cats of show-theatre “Consisting of”. On Tuesday told TASS head of information and public relations of regional Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs Inna Kartashova. Upstairs In the media appeared information that on the night of September 3, unknown has entered the territory of the Annunciation show-theater “Kotovasiya” and killed 12 cats, located in a special cage. Among the suspects are teenagers, with whom the members of the theater the day before the incident of the conflict occurred. “According to the information placed in the media and the Internet [about the death of cats] police of Blagoveshchensk checks”, — said Kartashov.