ROC concerned about the appearance of Shnurov and Basta on the show “the Voice”

ROC concerned about the appearance of Shnurov and Basta on the show “the Voice” The first Deputy head of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchy on interaction with society and the media Alexander Shchipkov concerned that on the show “the Voice” called Sergei Shnurov and rapper Basta, who use creativity in their profanity. Upstairs “They both have very lame language. Not only in terms of the vocabulary that they use foul language in their texts, their conversations in public,” he said in the TV channel “Spas”. NewsWho are the Japanese idole However, Tweaks noticed that Basta and Cords — talented performers. A representative of the Patriarchate also wondered about what the task shows this season, adding that television should carry out an educational and awareness building. The musical show “the Voice” — the Russian version of international project the Voice. First appeared in Russia in 2012. Mentors for the

Russia recognized the Maritime dominance of the United States

Russia recognized the Maritime dominance of the United States Doctor of military Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery Sciences, the captain of the first rank Konstantin Sivkov called the undeniable dominance of the U.S. Navy in the ocean. Article expert has published “Military-industrial courier”. Upstairs According to experts, the main feature of the IUD the leading NATO countries in the near and medium term, in wars and armed conflicts is to focus on operations and combat operations “from the sea against the shore”. “This is due to the fact that the dominance of the main naval forces of the Alliance — the US Navy in the area of the ocean is undeniable,” — said the expert. However, Sivkov continues, strengthening the Chinese Navy and possible increase the combat capabilities of the Russian Navy “can do for Americans a priority fight with the enemy fleet, particularly in

Lavrov: Clinton is sincerely offered a “reset” of Russian-American relations

Lavrov: Clinton is sincerely offered a “reset” of Russian-American relations MOSCOW, September 5. /TASS/. Former U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton in 2009, sincerely advocated a “reset” of Russian-American relations, despite the fact that the character changes suggested to click on the button labeled “overload”. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday, the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov in the program “the Big game” on “the First channel”. Upstairs “I think it was the fault of the performers, because in English, everything was written correctly — “reset”, in Russian turned the floor where it was missing two letters, and instead of “restarting” work “overload”. When Hillary Clinton I the button passed in front of the cameras and I immediately noticed the error, brought it to her attention, they very quickly become we have to ask, even beg that we return this button they remade correctly, but

The President has classified information on non-staff scouts

The President has classified information on non-staff scouts President Vladimir Putin signed on Monday a decree that made the list referred to state secret information, data about a new type of intelligence. Upstairs In accordance with the document referred to the state secret information “involved in the execution of reconnaissance tasks, the employees of external investigation of the Russian Federation, not included in the personnel of the” intelligence structures. In recognition of the former employee of special services, the term in the press he met for the first time. Information about the enlisted agents or Trustees who are not career intelligence, and it’s always been a secret, it is obvious that we are talking about a new phenomenon has emerged in recent years, says the source. He suggested that this may be so-called fighters of the private military company Wagner operating in Ukraine and Syria, as management, apparently, involved such

In Russia came up to send tourists into the stratosphere on balloons

In Russia came up to send tourists into the stratosphere on balloons MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. The developers of the Russian system of tourism flights in the stratosphere launched at the height of 25.7 kilometers helium balloons space suit “Sokol” dummy “Valera” inside, according to a press release of the company “Stratonovich”. Upstairs “The upgrade was carried out on the cluster balloon, consisting of six balloons filled with helium. Parachute landing occurred 50 kilometers from the starting point. This launch was the first test of the future of tourism flights in the stratosphere”, — said in a statement received by RIA Novosti on Tuesday. A trip into the stratosphere mannequin (it consisted of a camera instead of a head and sensors stuffed in the suit), called inside the company, “Valera”, went from Nikolaevsk, Volgograd region. A video of the flight were broadcast live. During the download an error

The FSB conducted a special operation to destroy fresh apples

The FSB conducted a special operation to destroy fresh apples The Rosselkhoznadzor administration for the Sverdlovsk region with operational support of regional officers the FSB conducted a special operation, which was seized and destroyed 77 kilograms of apples. About it reported in a press-service of territorial administration of the Ministry. Naverhu the event at one of the warehouses discovered prohibited to import into the Russian Federation of regulated products of six boxes of fresh apples of unknown origin.The Rosselkhoznadzor administration for the Sverdlovsk region Boxes with fruit were taken to one of the ovoschebazah of Yekaterinburg, which is not specified, as this information relates to the operational development of the FSB. Apples immediately taken for 70 kilometres from the Ural capital on the site of the plant “inter” in the Top-Tura neyvinsk and destroyed there: first, crushed by the front loader bucket, then moved the wheels and covered with

Born in South Africa, the world’s first “test-tube lions”

Born in South Africa, the world’s first “test-tube lions” MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. In South Africa, was born the world’s first African lion cubs born as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF), reports The Sun. Upstairs The cubs Viktor and Isabelle, born in the heart of the wildlife conservation Ukuthula, feel good and prepare for the meeting with adults. A LIONESS at the Ukutula Conservation Centre and Biobank in North West has given birth to two cubs conceived via… Published by the Pretoria News on Monday, September 3, 2018,During the download an error has occurred.The news,Chinese zoo dog raises lion cubs, tiger cubs and hyenas (video) “This is the first successful implementation of the EKO lions. The idea was to improve our knowledge, improve the level of understanding of big cats and to move quickly in research,” said Dr. Isabelle Kayaalti, principal investigator of the project. Over

The confrontation between Russia and the United States is growing, Lavrov said

The confrontation between Russia and the United States is growing, Lavrov said CHELYABINSK, 4 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov believes that the confrontation between Russia and the United States is growing, as evidenced by the promotion of the military infrastructure of NATO to Russia’s borders. Upstairs “If we take the political heat, the intensity of the rhetoric… Yes, confrontation increases, the tension increases. The United States initiated the expansion of NATO to our borders… the placement of military infrastructure at our borders. USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany place their battalions in the Baltic States and other countries that border with the former Soviet Union. They also promote initiatives to enable NATO to Georgia and Ukraine… gave them a formal invitation,” Lavrov said on Tuesday in the program “the Big game” on the First channel. He compared what is happening with the events of 2008, when

The OPCW has published a summary of the report for Amesbury

The OPCW has published a summary of the report for Amesbury MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) has published on its website a summary of the report for Amesbury, which formerly gave the UK. Upstairs The British foreign office said earlier that an independent investigation of the OPCW confirmed the findings in Britain that suffered in Amesbury was poisoned by the same substance that Skrypali in Salisbury. London also asked the organization to publish the findings of Amesbury, and full text to inform the members of the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons. The OPCW reported on its website that gave the UK a report on Amesbury. It also says that the results of the analysis conducted by the OPCW laboratories for environmental and biomedical samples collected by her team, “confirm the conclusions of the United Kingdom concerning the identity

Russian diplomats are not afraid of trump’s plans to lead UN security Council meeting

Russian diplomats are not afraid of trump’s plans to lead UN security Council meeting UN 4 September — RIA Novosti. Personal chairmanship of the President of the United States Donald trump at a meeting of the UN security Council on Iran are not afraid of Russia, RIA Novosti said the Russian permanent mission. Upstairs On the contrary, Moscow has prepared the following counter-arguments for U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal that the conversation may not like the very Trump, said in a diplomatic office. Earlier, the US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley reported that in late September, trump will hold a meeting of the security Council (USA — Chairman of the Board in September). Later it became known that it will be a meeting on Iran on September 26. “Russia is ready to discussion of Iran in the security Council and the speeches of the American President is not