In Belgrade, the oldest living alligator in the world

In Belgrade, the oldest living alligator in the world It feels good and eats 6 pounds of meat a day. Upstairs Muggia is the oldest alligator in the world living in captivity. He lives in the Belgrade zoo on 12 September 1937. Here the predator brought from Germany. During the download an error has occurred. In Belgrade Trieste had survived the Second world war, when the zoo was almost completely destroyed. The Gator managed to survive when NATO bombarded Yugoslavia in 1999. Does, polirani Andjelija (@angie89bg) 19 Lip 2018 R. 1:33 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Six years ago the handsome gangrene — part of the front right paw had to be amputated. However, the old man feels well. He consumes 5-6 kg of meat daily along with bones, as it’s good for his teeth. Muggia — Mississippi alligator. This species is found in the South-Eastern United

The Briton ran away from the wedding when his friend caught the bride’s bouquet (video)

The Briton ran away from the wedding when his friend caught the bride’s bouquet (video) Apparently decided to warn. Upstairs The tradition of throwing the unmarried girlfriends to the wedding Bridal bouquet popular not only in Russia but also abroad. And young people also know what it means. The Network has got video of the wedding of British Chelsea and Matt’s best held at the weekend in Kettering, Northamptonshire. Traditionally, Chelsea threw her bouquet to the bridesmaids. It caught Rachel Besley and could not hide his joy on this occasion. However, apparently, her boyfriend Daniel Gilbert had other ideas. At the moment when the bouquet was Rachel, a young man with a bottle of champagne in his hand flashed past her and escaped into the distance. The joke was a success and the guests applauded to the echo escaping Daniel. Although perhaps the guy was serious and really didn’t have

From the earthquake in Hokkaido were injured 87 people, 20 missing

From the earthquake in Hokkaido were injured 87 people, 20 missing TOKYO, 6 Saint — RIA Novosti. According to police and fire protection, in an earthquake of magnitude 6.7 that occurred on the Northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, injured 87 people, missing 20 people. Upstairs TOKYO, 6 Saint — RIA Novosti. In the village of Atsumi landslide occurred, to establish the whereabouts of 20 people is not possible. One person in Tomakomai is in critical condition. On the island was a large-scale shutdown of electricity. No light left almost 3 million homes. On Wednesday night in Hokkaido, earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7. The epicenter was in the district of Ibur. The focus lies at a depth of 37 kilometers.

Rovshan Askerov left the “What? Where? When?”

Rovshan Askerov left the “What? Where? When?” MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. One of the most famous players of the club “What? Where? When?” Rovshan Askerov said about leaving the transmission. Upstairs Rovshan Askerov came in the TV club in 1998. Some time played in teams Alexei Blinov and Balash Gasimov, and then he became a captain. 1998-2018. Twenty years in the television club “What? Where? When?”. The game that changed life. The game, presented the main… Published by Rovshan Askerov Tuesday, September 4, 2018During the download an error has occurred. Askerov has been at the center of scandals. So, he was regularly accused prompts other experts and fundamentally refused to aid the club. This tactic led to a crushing defeat of his team in 2017 with the account 0:6.

A medieval Board game found in the excavations of the Vyborg castle

A medieval Board game found in the excavations of the Vyborg castle On the excavation of the Vyborg castle archaeologists have discovered the playing field for the table puzzle game that resembles backgammon, checkers or go. Upstairs According to Deputy head of the Vyborg expedition of the Institute of material culture of RAS Alexander Smirnov, who leads the TV channel “78”, speech can go about the old entertainment called “Mill”. The newsIn the Netherlands found a bribe the Romans to the German leader Game is known since the IX—X centuries and was widespread in the countries of Central Asia. From there, she along the trade routes was in the Baltic region and Europe. Usually played two people with chips of different colors. Scientists believe that found in excavations in the Vyborg castle, the playing field may be the most recent example of such a game in Europe because it is

Tolstoy’s dog, which fattened the Taiwanese students were put on a diet (video)

Tolstoy’s dog, which fattened the Taiwanese students were put on a diet (video) Now the whole school is helping him to lose weight. Upstairs Pupils and teachers in primary schools, and amenities in the district of Tamsui in new Taipei now have a hard time. The institution strictly forbidden to feed and treat treat a beloved, eight-year-old dog named Little White Socks (“the Little white socks”). Taiwanese Pupils at school are banned from school feeding pooch after it became obese — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) September 5, 2018 Eight years ago the students of the school rescued the puppy and persuaded the Director to leave it on site. Since then, the dog became not only a local security guard, but also the mascot of the school. NewsThe fattest hedgehog in the world went on a diet of”the Little white socks” — the real star of the institution. Everywhere there

The town without children

The town without children The correspondent of “Kommersant” was in Armenian. Upstairs For the day of 25 th of Armyansk have taken more than 4 thousand children in the city almost does not remain pupils and kindergartners. Their two weeks were sent to health resorts on the Black sea coast. The following Armyansk can leave children under three and their mothers, and pregnant women. We will remind, in the town of Armyansk in Northern Crimea there was an emission in atmosphere of harmful chemical substances. In air samples September 4, was detected exceeding the limit content of sulphur dioxide. The Republican authorities claim that there is no danger to human health in the city. The operation of the plant “Titan” decided to stop the cause of the emissions is called kislotostabilen enterprise in which the evaporated water and to evaporate the acid. “Kommersant” talked with residents of Armiansk and Perekop

Mystery of the dominance of grandmothers with purple hair

Mystery of the dominance of grandmothers with purple hair A visitor to the portal Pikabu with the nickname backupcat, fascinated by the rules of hair coloring, explained why Russia has so many older women with hair purple shade. Upstairs “Purple’s the color of the grandparents is not so much an intentional result, but the error from ignorance of the basics of dyeing. Although someone intentionally, maybe… But more often no than Yes” — explains backupcat. Wanting to hide the gray hair, older women choose light shades of paint from the mass market to sprouting gray hair was not as noticeable, continues the girl. However, women do not take into account that gray hair is devoid of pigment, but because the paint, containing a lot of blue or purple falls excessively intense: This paint is not meant for coloring gray hair and lightening dark hair. Dark hair lightens to a dirty-yellow

In the Netherlands, found a bribe the Romans to the German leader

In the Netherlands, found a bribe the Romans to the German leader Archaeologists found the burial in the South-West of the Netherlands the bronze bowl for washing, presumably taken in the III—IV centuries of our era. Upstairs According to the website probably the Romans introduced it as a diplomatic gift or a bribe to the leader of one of the Germanic tribes. According to researchers who found it, this is the only found so far the Cup is decorated with the head of an eagle. NewsGreek farmer accidentally discovered an ancient tomb Southern Netherlands, more than 450 years was a Roman province. It was conquered by Julius Caesar during the Gallic wars. The boundary between the Roman province of lower Germany and the territories of the Germanic tribes took place on the river Rhine. The Romans had with the Germanic tribes of the world, individual leaders have recognized the

Scientists have identified the danger of death painkiller

Scientists have identified the danger of death painkiller Danish researchers found that taking diclofenac increases the risk of deadly diseases by 50%. The study is published on the website of medical journal The British Medical Journal. Upstairs To explore the effects of analgesic experts has attracted 6.3 million Danes aged 46 to 49 years. The Danes were divided into three groups according to the level of risk of heart disease. In the course of work, scientists drew attention to the relationship between the use of diclofenac and cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmia, ischemic stroke and heart attack. Similar complications were observed in the first month of use of medications. In addition, patients who consumed exactly the diclofenac was suffering from heart disease most people who used other painkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, said the Agency “RIA Novosti”. As reported on September 4, imported drugs to be allowed on the Russian