“City cash” to pay off in court

“City cash” to pay off in court Through a network of points of payment for utility services annually in cash of 5 billion rubles. Upstairs Voronezh police brought to trial a major criminal community absalikov, which, according to the investigators, led by brothers Ruslan and Paul Potters. Police said that through a network of points of payment for utility services “City cash” they played every year RUB 5 billion for a 1.5% Commission and earned a total of 170 million rubles. the representatives of the protecting brothers potters are confident that the police made “not only legal but also factual errors” during the investigation, do not recognize the participation of their clients or in a criminal Association or a criminal cashing, hoping to beat the charges. According to the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Irina Volk, the two organizers and eight members of the system cashing

The U.S. air force refused to contract with the American company associated with Vekselberg

The U.S. air force refused to contract with the American company associated with Vekselberg According to the congressmen, we are talking about the Chicago metallurgical firm of A. Finkl & Sons Co. Its parent company is partially owned by a Russian entrepreneur, said Bloomberg. Upstairs TASS, 6 September. The Ministry of the U.S. air force decided to abandon the contract for the production of bombs to destroy underground bunkers with one of the American companies because of its relationship with the Russian businessman Victor Vekselberg. This was reported by Bloomberg, the disposal of which was a letter sent by the office of the chief audit on the U.S. Congress Office of government accountability (SCP). As the Agency published in the publishing environment, against that deal by a group of congressmen, who in a letter to the Secretary of the air force Heather Wilson dated July 27, indicated that “it is

The Minister of internal security of the United States: the unipolar world of America under threat

The Minister of internal security of the United States: the unipolar world of America under threat WASHINGTON St 6 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of internal security of the United States Kirsten Nielsen is concerned about the situation in the world, which is threatened by “unipolar world and lifestyle of America.” Upstairs “The balance of power that had characterized the international system for decades, destroyed. The unipolar world of America is under threat. A power vacuum occurs worldwide and is rapidly filled by hostile States, terrorists and transnational criminals. They all have one common goal: they want to disrupt our way of life, and many of them cause havoc, instability and violence,” said Nielsen, speaking at George Washington University. A special accent is made on cybersecurity, in which criminals try to find vulnerabilities to cause US harm. The Minister acknowledged that to eradicate such threats is extremely difficult. Nielsen compared

All paid for the next three years

All paid for the next three years The budget projections now look confident even with cheap oil. Upstairs The main provisions of the budget construction for 2019-2021 years, approved the budget Commission of the government — in fact, a surplus budget balance already in 2018, the stability of spending on the pension system, an additional 8.5 trillion rubles from the national welfare Fund (NWF), a balanced regional budgets with shrinking in real terms Federal transfers, priority of public investment in transport infrastructure and the estimated price of oil falling to $58/barrel by 2021. The main question is why the White house had in this situation to increase VAT and to reduce the growth rate of GDP in 2019, remains unanswered: the Russian economy is in such a construction budget sustains aggregate tax benefits, the Finance Ministry estimated, components of 3.2 trillion roubles a year. “B” became available proceedings of the

The police broke into the birthday 8-year-old boy

The police broke into the birthday 8-year-old boy 18 guests were shooting toy guns. Upstairs The police arrived on the celebration of the eighth birthday of Oliver Greene in the British village of Yaxham. Police swoop on eight-year-old boy’s Nerf gun birthday party after neighbours report gunfire and screaming https://t.co/QcZhU9KPnZ — Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) 5 Sep 2018 Officers were called by neighbors after hearing the shots and screams. As it turned out, 18 of the invited children began fighting with toy guns, which is charged with safe Darts and balls. “I was in the kitchen making tea for mom, and then someone said that the police came, — said 47-year-old Lisa Greene, the mother of the birthday boy. — I immediately thought: “Oh my God, someone complained””. The misunderstanding was quickly cleared up. “Who’s the birthday boy?” — asked one of the officers. Oliver boldly stepped forward and admitted:

The elderly couple in the world revealed the secret of her 80-year marriage

The elderly couple in the world revealed the secret of her 80-year marriage For two husband with his wife for 208 years. Upstairs More recently Masao and Miyako Matsumoto of Japan was officially listed in the Guinness Book of records as the oldest married couple in the world. Masao Matsumoto, age 108. Miyako Matsumoto, age 100. Married 80 years. The world’s oldest living married couple. pic.twitter.com/fpEjSn2pmX — ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) September 4, 2018 Masao is now 108 years old and his wife 100, and in marriage they are already in for 80 years. They have five daughters, 13 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Spouses live in a nursing home where they received a certificate confirming their record. During the ceremony, the couple were holding hands and smiling Miyako said that the secret of their long relationship — the patience and endurance. “We lived together for so long, because I was patient.

Final Doom 2 secret opened 24 years later

Final Doom 2 secret opened 24 years later Cult game for the first time 24 years later after the release without using cheat codes have passed 100 percent! Upstairs John Romero, one of the creators of Doom 2, congratulated the gamer under the nickname Zero Master managed to reveal the last official secret cult of computer games. We are talking about the reach sector 15-m level (Industrial Zone), designed by Romero. During the download an error has occurred. Technically, the secret was known and earlier, however to access this area of the map without using cheat codes no one could, in principle, it was considered impossible (it was believed that as much as possible to open only 90% secrets on this level). Gamer and YouTube blogger Zero Master is, however, possible: the player had to lure the monster Pain Elemental and use his attack to open the access to the

FSB major encroached on the “daughter” of “Gazprom”

FSB major encroached on the “daughter” of “Gazprom” Security officer arrested for extortion and abuse. Upstairs As it became known “Kommersant”, Russia’s Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case against the major of FSB of Russia of Ivan the Old one, which, abusing official powers, have conducted illegal operational event in a subsidiary of “Gazprom” — LLC “Gazprom Transservice”, and then extorted a bribe from his leadership. The actions of the operative, I believe his colleagues, led to “the undermining of the authority of the FSB.” The military investigation Department of the TFR in the Krasnodar garrison investigates criminal case concerning 37-the summer major of FSB of Old Ivan, who worked in the secret service under the contract since 2005. According to investigators, the accused, violating the procedure of conducting operational-investigative activities, organized a check in OOO “Gazprom Transservice” in the course of which the alleged violations were detected (the

In Sweden have decided to block the “Nord stream-2”

In Sweden have decided to block the “Nord stream-2” The majority of parties stated that the construction of the pipeline must be blocked. Upstairs MOSCOW, 6 sen — news. Most of the political parties of Sweden in favour of blocking the construction of Russian gas pipeline “Nord stream-2”, according to Sveriges Radio. The radio station interviewed the representatives of various political parties about their attitudes to this project, and almost all of them voted to prevent the construction of pipelines. “Nord stream-2” is a bad offer in terms of energy policy and the environment, and in terms of security policy. We actively advocate that all possible ways to stop the project.Karin Enstrom.responsible of the Moderate coalition party on the EU The MEP from Christian democratic party of Sweden Lars Adaktusson stressed that “Russia does not respect international law,” citing as an example the situation with Georgia and Crimea. Therefore, he