“Curiosity” received the panorama of the Martian landscape during a dust storm

“Curiosity” received the panorama of the Martian landscape during a dust storm Space Agency NASA has published a panorama that the Rover “Curiosity” has obtained during the dust storm on the planet. It allows you to see not only the countryside, but the layer of dust deposited on the Rover during bad weather. Upstairs One of the characteristic features of Mars — powerful dust storms that can last for weeks or even months. One of these began on 1 June in the Valley of Perseverance and just a few days covered an area of 18 million square kilometers. Due to the rising dust increased the level of opacity of the Martian atmosphere, which led to the termination of the Rover “opportunity”, powered by solar panels. NASA experts still can’t manage to get in touch with him. A little later storm and got to the Rover “Curiosity”, but unlike his “brother”,

A quick rewind. The era of influencers

A quick rewind. The era of influencers First there was the MTV generation or “generation Pepsi”, and then the millenials, the creative class, individualists-urbanists. And now came the era of influencers with its stars, Instagram and YouTube. “Who are all these people?” — that’s what we hear every time is replaced by the next generation. “Kommersant Style” understands the situation. Upstairs In the 2000s, in our everyday life has firmly entered this definition as “relevant”. It was the main word of the 2000s. All around should be relevant: exhibitions, music, brands, restaurants, movies, series and so on. The actual fashionable means. Modern. Newsthe Internet increases the excitement The urgency was opposed to the worn-out and outdated. Through it highlighted the dynamism of the new world. Prime example: television. Want to be relevant: to voice that you don’t watch it, and get information through the Internet. Earlier it was the TV

In the Kerch Strait saved the entire crew of sunken tugboat

In the Kerch Strait saved the entire crew of sunken tugboat SIMFEROPOL, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The entire crew of the distressed off the coast of Crimea tug saved, their life is not threatened, told RIA Novosti assistant head of GUMCHS in the Republic Vladimir Ivanov. Upstairs Informed in GUMCHS of the Russian Federation in the Republic reported that small tug Shkval has requested assistance in the Black sea, the crew abandoned the ship and is drifting on a raft in the direction of the Crimea. Rescue ship “mercury” found the raft with all seven sailors, left the tug, but their evacuation was hampered by the storm. “At 11.17 all crew members aboard the freighter. Their life is not in danger. They are on Board,” said Ivanov.

Tsipras has called cooperation with the United States the best prospect for Greece

Tsipras has called cooperation with the United States the best prospect for Greece ATHENS, September 8 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras said that the Greek and American peoples share common values and strategic cooperation between the two countries will become the best Foundation of a new Outlook for Greece and the region. Upstairs This statement Tsipras spoke, opening the American pavilion at the 83rd International fair of Thessaloniki (TIF), where the United States is the honorable country. Tsipras said that during the trip to Washington was discussed with the President of the United States Donald trump the importance of the first international exhibition of Thessaloniki after Greece’s exit from the eight-year program of structural adjustment, which marks the return of the economy and the country to a normal situation, growth, and the participation of the United States as a country of honor to TIF.

Kadyrov has set up a Commission to clarify the boundaries of Chechnya

Kadyrov has set up a Commission to clarify the boundaries of Chechnya GROZNY, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has signed a decree on the establishment of the Republican state Committee to clarify the administrative border of Chechnya, said in a document posted on the website of the administration of the government of the Republic. Upstairs “In order to create organizational and legal conditions for the preparation of documents and supporting materials necessary for the specification of the location and establishment of the administrative border of the Chechen Republic in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and settlement of contentious issues in its establishment, to create the state Commission of the Chechen Republic” — the document says. The Commission includes the collection, preparation and analysis of documents and materials necessary for the work of determining boundaries. State authorities and local self-government are recommended

72-year-old aristocrat and a multimillionaire desperate to find a wife

72-year-old aristocrat and a multimillionaire desperate to find a wife He put an ad in the newspaper and on television. Upstairs Sir Benjamin Slade, a 72-year-old multi-millionaire and an aristocrat, a year of unsuccessfully looking for a young wife who becomes the mother of his heir. During the download an error has occurred. To make a marriage proposal more attractive, he promised the intended bride for a credit card with an unlimited limit, according to British media. Benjamin Slade, a descendant of king Charles II. He lives in the estate Munsel the XIII century, located in Somerset. A year ago, the aristocrat is bothered by the lack of an heir gave the announcement in the press about finding a young wife, able to bear him a child. His fiancee must be aged 30 to 40 years and not above 1 meter and 70 cm. View this post in Instagram Publication

Israeli scientists: probiotics do not carry almost any benefit

Israeli scientists: probiotics do not carry almost any benefit A group of Israeli scientists came to the conclusion that foods fortified with probiotics — dietary supplements containing live microculture, is actually virtually useless. Upstairs They held one of the most detailed studies of what happens to the human body when consuming probiotics. NewsWithout it: when the sugar you need Widely advertised probiotics are considered beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, but the results of the study showed that they either have little effect or none at all. The researchers came to the conclusion that in the future probiotics will be used to adapt to the needs of a particular consumer. A team of scientists from the Weizmann Institute of science amounted to a cocktail of probiotics, using 11 bacteria, including lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The resulting cocktail was given to 25 volunteers during the month. Then the participants of the experiments under

The inhabitants of Smolensk were threatened with a fine for failing to appear for elections

The inhabitants of Smolensk were threatened with a fine for failing to appear for elections On the streets of Smolensk, there were announcements that the attack on the election residents face a fine. It is reported SmolNews.ru. Upstairs Ads appeared at the front door. “We remind you that in connection with the change in legislation from 1 July 2018 to establish administrative responsibility for a single failure to appear at the polls without a valid reason in the form of a fine in the amount of 2000 rubles”, — stated in the text of the leaflet. Citizens are reminded that the next elections will be held on September 9, and asked to “be careful” and “don’t forget to take part in the vote”. Under the ad is signed “WITH the electoral Commission”. On 9 September, Russia held the single voting day. It includes the direct election of 26 governors, 16

Boeing blew into the river

Boeing blew into the river As it became known “Kommersant”, the reason for the rough landing of Boeing 737-800 aircraft of the airline “UTair” in Sochi, which injured two dozen passengers died from a heart attack were carrying out their evacuation a rescue and was completely destroyed plane was a sudden gust of wind, in fact witakowski the car outside of the runway. Interstate viacomit (MAC) now is figuring out why the pilots of the Boeing, which the Manager first, and then the automation of the aircraft was warned about dangerous wind shear near the ground, decided nevertheless to land. Upstairs According to the close investigation of the source “Kommersant”, now versed with the circumstances surrounding the recent crash of the passenger Boeing in Sochi, has already established that the ship was landing in a regular mode. The problem the crew came suddenly, before the ground when the plane has

Trump has heard the criticism of Obama and fell asleep

Trump has heard the criticism of Obama and fell asleep The US President Donald trump has responded to criticism of his predecessor, Barack Obama, who accused him of trying to cash in on the discontent of the American people. The current head of the White house found the speech boring and confessed that he had fallen asleep. He said this during a meeting with his supporters in Fargo (North Dakota), according to ABC News. Upstairs Trump praised Obama’s speech: “I’m Sorry, I watched it but I fell asleep. I thought it was very good to sleep.” The US President added that Obama, in his speech tried to ascribe to themselves the merits of a good economic condition of the country. However, according to trump, if the election in 2016 the Democrats won instead of GDP growth would decline. Obama’s speech in the framework of the campaign took place at the