In demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” in France involved 32 thousand people

In demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” in France involved 32 thousand people PARIS, January 12. /TASS/. Demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” gathered on Saturday in various cities of France 32 thousand people. These data resulted in the TV channel BFM with reference to information informally received from law enforcement agencies. The channel stressed that this is a significant increase in the number of participants, which a week ago as the middle of Saturday there were 26 thousand In Paris as of 14:00 local time (16:00 GMT), there were 8 thousand protesters. It also indicates the increased activity of the protest movement: a week ago, the “yellow jackets” on the streets and squares of the capital were at the same time, no more than 2 thousand Now in Paris on the avenues near the Etoile, where the arc de Triomphe, are clashes of protesters with the police. In response to flying

In California, launched the Falcon 9 rocket with a series of satellites, Iridium Next

In California, launched the Falcon 9 rocket with a series of satellites, Iridium Next WASHINGTON, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Booster Falcon 9 was launched in California with a series of 10 communications satellites, Iridium Next, the broadcast of the launch is SpaceX. The launch from the spaceport Vandenberg was given in the estimated 18.31 GMT. For the first stage of the launch vehicle’s second flight, earlier in September last year, it has already been used in commercial launch. SpaceX intends to carry out her landing on a floating platform in the Pacific ocean. T-60 seconds until launch → — SpaceX (@SpaceX) January 11, 2019 The current launch was the eighth mission of the SpaceX contract with Iridium. A group of satellites, Iridium NEXT to replace on-orbit satellites of the previous generation, the devices are designed for voice and data satellite phones Iridium. After today’s launch, the number

On a Philippine beach appeared strange sea creatures

On a Philippine beach appeared strange sea creatures And may be easily confused with debris. Diana Mikkelsen from Philippine city Balabagan, walking along the shore of Illana Bay, saw several 10-inch plastic bottles. Deciding to get out of the water, the woman was horrified to find that it was not garbage, and living beings. They were completely transparent and to the touch resembled jelly. Mysterious sea creature with transparent body leaves locals baffled in the Philippines — Brian James (@yazzooguy) 11 Jan 2019. Having carefully considered his discovery, Diana was photographed via social media and asked for help in identifying an unknown animal. And help came. In the transparent creation of users know one of the types salp — transparent sea creatures living in the surface waters of the ocean. Although animal and looks like an alien, it’s actually harmless. Salp feeding on plankton, and their transparent body and

Mystery of ancient statues on Easter island

Mystery of ancient statues on Easter island Scientists Binghamton University (USA) have discovered that the ancient inhabitants of Easter island built ceremonial platform moai near the coastal sources of fresh water. About it reported in a press release Moai — stone statues that were created ramanujam between 1250 and 1500 years of our era. Many statues are AHU — rectangular platforms, most of which is located on the coast. Ancient pashalic hewed the stones for the construction of AHU and moai of compressed volcanic ash in the quarries of the volcano rano Raraku in the Central part of the island, and then moved them on a few miles to the ocean coast. Until now, scientists do not know exactly why they built it on the shore. The researchers found that AHU are located in places outcrops of fresh groundwater. The results of the spatial modeling revealed a significant correlation

Destroyed in Dagestan militants were recruiting young people into ISIS

Destroyed in Dagestan militants were recruiting young people into ISIS The militants on the eve liquidated in Dagestan, security forces have recruited young people in the banned terrorist organization ISIS and planning to attack a religious site. It is reported TASS with reference to the national antiterrorist Committee (NAC). The Ministry said that the militants managed to identify. “They are involved in the recruitment of young people into the ranks of international terrorist organizations and providing posobnitsey help bandits operating in the Caspian and killed during counter-terrorism operations in 2017”, — noted in Department. In addition, it became known that the liquidated militants were going to attack one of the religious sites and law enforcement officials. Also reported detained accomplice militants, a native of Kaspiysk, which was already brought to criminal responsibility for helping the bandits and attacks on the security forces. He testified about the creation of a terrorist

Firefighters reported 12 seriously wounded in the explosion in Paris

Firefighters reported 12 seriously wounded in the explosion in Paris Moscow. January 12. INTERFAX.RU — the Explosion that occurred on Saturday in Central Paris, led to the fact that 12 people were injured, according to French radio, citing firefighters. #explosion #Paris9 rue de Trévise — matthieucroissandeau (@croissandeau) 12 Jan 2019 The condition of five of them is estimated as critical. Earlier there were reports of at least 20 victims. At least 20 people injured in suspected gas #explosion in #Paris — Ruptly (@Ruptly) 12 Jan 2019 The radio station “France-enfo” reports with reference to the fire service that, according to the last information, injured far more people — 36. VIDEO: A powerful explosion badly damaged a bakery in central Paris early on Saturday, injuring several people and smashing nearby windows after a suspected gas leak, police and AFP journalists said — AFP news agency (@AFP) January 12,

After the incident in Magnitogorsk plan to resettle residents of the two entrances

After the incident in Magnitogorsk plan to resettle residents of the two entrances CHELYABINSK, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Residents of the two entrances — 9 and 10 — will temporarily settle of the houses in Magnitogorsk, after the victim of a gas explosion during dismantling work, said Saturday the Minister of construction and housing and communal services Vladimir Yakushev. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk On Saturday in Magnitogorsk arrived the Minister of construction and housing and communal services Vladimir Yakushev, who examined the house where there was a gas explosion. “There are still moments and doubts that have resettled from 9 and 10 the entrance of residents to the dismantling works. We agreed that in place of the view. And we supported today, their doubts, during demolition work, when they move into an active phase, residents 9 and 10 entrances need to be resettled”, — he told reporters. He

Fought with the Nazis against the Soviet Union, the Hungarians called heroes

Fought with the Nazis against the Soviet Union, the Hungarians called heroes The Hungarian government urged to honour the memory of the Hungarian soldiers “fought until the end for Hungary-on-don” in the course of the Second world war. A message posted on the page of the Hungarian government in Facebook. “Let us remember the courage of our forefathers, the heroic Hungarian soldiers, who till the end fought for Hungary-on-don”, — stated in the message of the government. Also in Budapest, recalled the 76th anniversary of the beginning of the Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh operation. “January 12, 1943, the Soviet army attacked a 200-strong Hungarian army. Hungary lost 120 thousand heroes, many were captured. Respect to the heroes!” — the authors of the post. Hungary participated in world war II on the side of Nazi Germany. 2nd Hungarian army at the initial stage of the great Patriotic war was the most prepared and well-equipped

The Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia promised imminent membership in NATO and the EU

The Prime Minister of Northern Macedonia promised imminent membership in NATO and the EU BELGRADE, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Republic of Northern Macedonia will soon become a member of NATO and then the EU, said on Saturday following the adoption by the Macedonian Parliament deputies renaming of the country by Treaty with Greece Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Members of the ruling coalition around the Social democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) zaeva, joined by representatives of other parties by a majority of 81 votes out of 120, approved on Friday amendments to the Constitution to rename the Treaty with Greece in the Republic of North Macedonia for membership in NATO and the EU. “The deputies of the Assembly (Parliament) of the Republic of Macedonia, following the will and strategic interests of citizens, by a majority of 2/3 of the votes gave us the opportunity to enter the open doors of

A photographer showed how the morning begins in different countries

A photographer showed how the morning begins in different countries Your photos did he do exactly at eight in the morning. Belgian photographer Pascal Mannaerts many years of traveling across the planet and removes people from different countries, their culture and way of life. Most photographer likes to work in the morning, but because the idea is to see how in different parts of the world people begin their day, seemed interesting to him. View this post in Instagram Publication by Pascal Mannaerts (@pascalmannaerts) 1 Nov 2016 3:02 PDT During the download an error has occurred.India View this post in Instagram Publication by Pascal Mannaerts (@pascalmannaerts) 24 Oct 2016 1:29 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Myanmar Your project called 8 a.m. Around the World (“Eight am in the world”) Pascal filmed in 50 countries in Asia, Africa, the middle East and in South America, exactly at eight in