A large part of the dangerous designs of high-rise buildings in the Mines dismantled

A large part of the dangerous designs of high-rise buildings in the Mines dismantled Moscow. January 15. INTERFAX.RU — Already dismantled three of the four plates, when carrying out the collapse not happened. A gas explosion in the town Mine. Operational информация8 (863) 239 99 99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov obectionable EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Rescuers dismantled a large part of dangerous structures of some multi-storey residential building in the city of Shakhty, where on Monday morning there was a gas explosion, have informed “Interfax” in a single duty dispatching service of city. “To date, dismantled three of the four plates. At the moment at work collapses did not happen,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that the house is connected to the lighting system that will allow rescuers to work without interruption. “All night

Zakharov praised the letter to the US Ambassador about the “Nord stream — 2”

Zakharov praised the letter to the US Ambassador about the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, January 15 — RIA Novosti. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the TV channel “Russia—1” has commented on the threat by US Ambassador Richard Grennel to impose sanctions against German companies that are involved in the project of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”, calling the actions of the diplomat part of the program to curb Russia. Earlier in mass media appeared information that Grendel has sent letters to several German companies and hinted at the possibility of imposing sanctions from the United States because of the support construction of the pipeline. The representative of the Ambassador explained that this should be seen not as a threat but as a “clear expression of U.S. policy”. It’s part of a larger program. There is a long-term program on global containment of our country,

Telegraph: against the agreement Mae for Brexit will perform more than a third of conservatives

Telegraph: against the agreement Mae for Brexit will perform more than a third of conservatives LONDON, January 15. /TASS/ — this includes former foreign Minister, Boris Johnson, as well as one of the leaders of eurosceptics in the ranks of the party Jacob Rees-Mogg, the newspaper notes. At least 112 members of the ruling UK Conservative party, or more than one third of the total number of tories in the House of Commons of the British Parliament is expected to vote on Tuesday against the agreement of the government Theresa may under the terms Brexit. This was announced on Monday evening on its website, the newspaper The Daily Telegraph. According to the publication, which is one of the main grandstands for the supporters of the country’s withdrawal from the European Union, among those who do not support the government deal include such well-known conservatives as former foreign Minister Boris Johnson,

The American tried to overcome Internet addiction by baking a bread and lost

The American tried to overcome Internet addiction by baking a bread and lost Journalist of the American edition of Mashable’s Brian Koerber tried to get rid of gagloshvili with a new hobby. He began to bake bread, but when the young man becoming very good, the experiment failed. His experience he described in the pages of the publication. Koerber decided to choose a hobby that would allow him to ignore the Internet. It seemed to him that the manufacture of baked goods has nothing to do with access to the network. However, since the first day the Internet was required of him daily in order to see the recipes. After reading a dozen of articles and studied several guides on YouTube, he decided that enough is enough. View this post in Instagram Publication by Brian Koerber (@bkurbs) 19 Nov 2018 at 5:31 PST During the download an error has occurred.

In Brazil, the spiders wove a giant dome in the sky (video)

In Brazil, the spiders wove a giant dome in the sky (video) Scientists say that everything is in order. A resident of Brazil Cecilia Juninho Fonseca during a trip through the countryside in the municipality of espírito Santo do Dourado certainly felt like a heroine of a horror movie. She saw thousands hanging in the air, spiders and caught it on camera. Video Cecilia posted on Facebook, and here came the frightened users of the social network. During the download an error has occurred.NewsScientists have found spiders that give “milk” As explained by Brazilian spiders from the sky is not falling, but spun in the air a giant dome from the web. And it looks really creepy. While netizens have discussed an unusual phenomenon, came to the aid of specialists arachnologists, who explained that the soaring spiders is normal. According to experts, such pictures can often be seen in regions

The inhabitants of the polar region met the first in many months, dawn

The inhabitants of the polar region met the first in many months, dawn The inhabitants of the Arctic for the first time in a month and a half saw the sun over the polar night. The shining light appeared in the sky for a few minutes. Northerners celebrated this day as a holiday. In Murmansk to celebrate the first dawn was prevented by clouds, but the locals that doesn’t upset: they are still traditionally gathered on the hill Sunny hill and celebrated the event. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +2° 75% 752 mm Hg. article 10 m/s I saw the long-awaited dawn in the other polar cities — in a report from the social networks. The polar night in most Northern cities begins in late November or early December and lasts until mid-January. In the Murmansk region saw the sun rise a little earlier than in others, January 11. Watch the

Russia and Japan went into the differences

Russia and Japan went into the differences The negotiations on the peace Treaty and the Kuril Islands are in a raised voice. The final visit to Moscow by foreign Minister Taro Kono and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov yesterday held talks on the Kuriles and peace Treaty. Despite the appeal of Taro Kono to make 2019, “history”, his visit revealed the increasing difficulty of dialogue between Moscow and Tokyo before scheduled for January 22 meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Following the talks, Sergey Lavrov acknowledged the “substantial differences.” Taro Kono, abandoning a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart, was limited to a closed briefing for the Japanese media. According to the respondents “Kommersant” diplomats and experts, the “window of opportunity” for the historical agreements between Moscow and Tokyo may be closed. The summits in winter and summer Today, ending a five-day visit

White house: Ivanka trump is not a candidate to head the world Bank

White house: Ivanka trump is not a candidate to head the world Bank WASHINGTON, January 15. /TASS/ — the daughter of the President of the United States was asked “to help with the nomination process,” said Deputy communications Director at the White house Jessica ditto. The daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump, Ivanka is not considered as a possible contender for the presidency of the world Bank (WB), but it will help with the selection of candidates. This was announced on Monday, the newspaper Politico, citing Deputy communications Director at the White house Jessica ditto. Allegations that her candidacy is being considered, not true.Jessica Dataselection communications Director at the White house Ditto stressed that the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and acting head of the office of White house staff Mick Malvani turned to Ivanka trump with a request “to help with the nomination process, as she

Maduro said he was ready to hold talks with the opposition

Maduro said he was ready to hold talks with the opposition TASS, 14 January the Venezuelan President added that “wants to talk to them for a peace agreement”. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Monday he was ready to sit down at the negotiating table with the opposition to discuss the development of the country. The corresponding statement he made during a speech before the Constitutional Assembly, the stream of which is Twitter. I offer serious opposition to sit down at the negotiating table and to conclude an agreement on governance, peace and development [of the country]. The head of Venezuela has underlined, that wishes to dialogue with the opposition took place. “I want to talk to them for peaceful settlement”, — he added. Last Thursday the winner of the presidential elections in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, took office of the President: he was sworn in the Supreme court and not

How to protect yourself from the explosion when working with a gas stove?

How to protect yourself from the explosion when working with a gas stove? Talk about basic security measures. Gas stove — one of the most dangerous items in the house. But without it anywhere, set the cooker in the apartment with the gas supply is absolutely not beneficial, it is very expensive. In addition, sources of gas hazards in the apartments of the neighbors still remain. But your own safety measures when operating a gas stove to comply with must. It is quite possible that they will save you from explosion of household gas.Security measures Try to protect the unit from small children. You can install a protective screen around the knobs of the gas stove. Or safety caps on them. The gas devices are in any case can not be used as heating devices on them it is impossible to dry linen, mushrooms and so on. Some boards never