The amount of space debris around the Earth valued at more than 7 thousand tons

The amount of space debris around the Earth valued at more than 7 thousand tons Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the US, Russia and China are the leaders in the pollution of near-earth space debris, according to a published abstract of the article prepared for the “Royal readings” at the Moscow state technical University named after N. E. Bauman. “Mass of trash (in 2017 this mass is about 7.2 thousand tons) in orbit continues to grow — over the last three years, it grew every year by about 100 tons, or about 2%,” the scientists write. “The leader in number of space debris is the US, in second place — Russia and the third — China. These countries account for 93% of space debris. Annually, its total volume increases by four percent”, — stated in the thesis. Most space debris is formed due to the destruction and collision orbiters. In

Drunk air of freedom has played with Professor Treschev a cruel joke

Drunk air of freedom has played with Professor Treschev a cruel joke 70-year-old Professor of Samara state University Eugene tresheva, one of known Russian legal experts, became a defendant in a criminal case for truancy. Investigators said that she received a salary, although working time was absent from the University. Criminal case on materials of the FSB initiated for forgery and fraud, although the leadership of the institution to the Professor no complaints. The mistress tresheva recalls that actively opposed the ex-Governor Nikolai Merkushin. The situation caused a public outcry, the teacher was supported by colleagues, students and the Union. Criminal case concerning the Professor of civil procedure and business law of the Samara University Eugenia Treschev were instituted under part 1 of article 292 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Office forgery”) and part 3 of article 159 of the criminal code (“Fraud”). The occasion was a trip

“This was a cowardly fraud”. Fish spoke about his detention at Sheremetyevo

“This was a cowardly fraud”. Fish spoke about his detention at Sheremetyevo Anastasia, Vashukevich (better known as Nastia Fish) was visited in the detention center Zyablikovo members of the Public oversight Commission (POC). On 18 January, writes “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. Fish said that the conditions of detention in Russia much better than in Thailand. “Here is a simple space. A five star hotel. I for the first time in recent months, lying on the mattress. Because in prison we slept on the concrete floor. In General, if to compare local conditions and Thai — we miraculously survived. And the last days we were in the cell with no toilet. We were asked to urinate directly into the camera angle,” she said. In addition, Fish said that she wasn’t going to stay in Russia after arrival from Thailand and was hoping to move to Minsk. “At the airport (Sheremetyevo — approx. ed)

Found the bodies of two pilots of the crashed su-34

Found the bodies of two pilots of the crashed su-34 MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Rescuers found the bodies of two dead pilots after the incident with the su-34 in the far East, the defense Ministry reported. The Ministry said that the pilots were discovered by a search of the vessel without signs of life. The bodies of the pilots were taken aboard. Previously, the defense Ministry reported the collision of two su-34, which was flying without ammunition. According to preliminary data, the aircraft went down in the Tatar Strait, between the Khabarovsk Krai and Sakhalin. The crews managed to eject. Rescuers found one of the pilots. His condition is estimated as satisfactory. While the Ministry has stated about the salvation of another driver, but the defense Ministry later denied this information. The military Prosecutor’s office began an investigation after the incident. Criminal case is brought. Su-34 multirole fighter-bomber

Tymoshenko said about the rise in price of heating in Ukraine 15 times in 10 years

Tymoshenko said about the rise in price of heating in Ukraine 15 times in 10 years The former Prime Minister of Ukraine, leader of party “Batkivshina” Yulia Tymoshenko joined the flash mob with the utilities receipts and compared two bills for heating with a difference of 10 years on his page in Facebook. Bills for utilities in January 2009 and January 2019 for a one bedroom apartment Tymoshenko posted with a signature that heating has risen in price by 15 times, writes “RIA Novosti”. In addition, it is proposed to close the eternal debate about how bad it was to live 10 years ago and as well was now, noting that not gloating over the situation, but just gives the facts. On 17 January it became known that inhabitants of Ukraine expects a sharp jump in gas prices, the cost of thousand cubic meters from January 1, 2020 will amount

Ukraine’s population in 2018 decreased by 208 thousand people

Ukraine’s population in 2018 decreased by 208 thousand people KIEV, January 18 — RIA Novosti. Ukraine’s population in 2018 decreased by 208,8 thousand people, reported on Friday on the website of the state statistics service. “The population of Ukraine on 1 December 2018, was $ 42,177 million people”, — stated in the message. According to the Committee, from January to November 2018, the population of Ukraine decreased by 208,8 thousand people. It is noted that the country continues to be the number of deaths than births: 100 deaths 58 infants.

VTSIOM published the confidence rating of Russian politicians

VTSIOM published the confidence rating of Russian politicians MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The rating of trust of Russians to the Russian President Vladimir Putin last week was equal to 33.4%, follows from the data VTsIOM poll. “The rating of trust in politicians continues to be chaired by Vladimir Putin on January 13, 2019 indicator was equal to 33.4%,” — said in the message. Added that the second and third place is occupied by defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (13.7 per cent) and foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (9.3 per cent). According to the sociologists, the approval rate of the President’s activities on the average on 13 January amounted to 62,1%. Evaluation of the work of the Prime Minister and Cabinet — 35% and 39.5%, respectively. The initiative Russian opinion “polls-Sputnik” held from 9 to 13 January. The survey polled Russians aged 18 years, was daily interrogated 1,6 thousand respondents. The

A stray dog ran onto the catwalk during a fashion show in India

A stray dog ran onto the catwalk during a fashion show in India And instantly became a superstar. On January 16 in Mumbai was held the presentation of the new collection of clothes from famous Indian designer Rohit Bal of. To participate in the show, the designer invited his old friend, the actor and model Siddhartha Malhotra which had become the main star of the evening. Hilarious video: OOPSS! Stray Dog steals the lime light from #SidharthMalhotra with it’s catwalk on the ramp during #RohitBal show! — Filmy Monkey (@FilmyMonkey) January 17, 2019 But these plans, fate intervened and all the attention and glory went to an ordinary stray dog who suddenly appeared on the podium. Dog along with models walked the stage, good-naturedly wagging his tail. Several times the dog was turned to the audience and sank, yet under enthusiastic applause from the audience took pictures of him.

Why Russians drink, quit drinking again

Why Russians drink, quit drinking again Recently the Supreme court of Yakutia declared illegal the ban on the sale of alcohol in one of the villages, defending the rights of the vintner. In the vicinity of the capital teetotal settlement does not, however, there are temperance societies, the members of which ensure that non-drinking people in Russia no longer considered abnormal. To deal with the “green snake” the Russians obtained with difficulty. Even where it is a question of life and death — in the settlements of indigenous people of Yakutia, — the desire of the population to go dry sometimes breaks on the rights of the wine merchants. So, the Supreme court invalidated the ban on the sale of alcohol, voted by the inhabitants of the village of Zhigansk. In Yakutia more than 160 nondrinkers settlements. If forced to return alcoholic stalls is unknown. There is still Chechnya, where

File folders: the social network back old meme

File folders: the social network back old meme It can be used to explain any situation. In 2015, Twitter users have created a meme called This Folder Is Empty (“This folder is empty”). For example, sorting of different file folders on your computer people explained impossible situations and phenomena. All these years the meme has continued to exist in a slow state, but in January 2019, has again become relevant. Only if foreign users are using folders recognized in the love of musicians and actors, in the Russian-speaking Internet describe generally any life situation, such as the lack of thoughts in my head or not done coursework. ?Documents └?Music └? Mariah Carey └? Bad Songs └ ⚠ Now This folder is empty — QueenOfMusic??? (@cautionlambs) January 13, 2019 *Documents *Music *Mariah Carey * Bad songs *This folder is empty ? Documents └? Humanity └? Men └? Gentlemen └ ⚠