The photographer has showed the beauty of aircraft movements in the night sky

The photographer has showed the beauty of aircraft movements in the night sky Such flights have not been seen. American photographer Pete Mouni loved since childhood to watch the aircraft, but about his admiration for the movement, he recalled many years later, when he began to remove fireflies in the backyard of his home. Then Mouni decided to try to shoot planes flying over Manhattan at night. Due to the long exposure and postreduction, it turned out fascinating photos, which bright lines were drawn the trajectory of the aircraft. View this post in Instagram Publication from Pete Mauney (@pete_mauney) 19 Mar 2018 5:47 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Pete Mauney (@pete_mauney) 15 Jan 2019 6:52 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Pete Mauney (@pete_mauney) 10 January 2019 at 6:18 PST During

Scientists spoke about the deadly dangers of long sleep for pregnant women

Scientists spoke about the deadly dangers of long sleep for pregnant women American scientists from the University of Michigan studied the effect of sleep duration, over nine hours per day in pregnant women. This was reported by the journal, EurekAlert!. The study involved more than 600 women, of which 153 have lost a child in the last month. The remaining 480 people were either pregnant at third trimester, or have recently given birth. Specialists found out that the frequent awakening of women during night sleep have for future child protection mechanism. Continuous sleep more than nine hours can lead to the loss of a child or premature delivery. One of the scientists, Louise O’brien, believes that it is necessary to understand the causes of these relationships and noted that nocturnal awakening increase blood pressure and activate the autonomic nervous system. 14 January it became known that the doctors of the

Archive group “Civil defense” will go under the hammer

Archive group “Civil defense” will go under the hammer MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. Manuscripts, autographs, documents, audio and videotapes, rare photographs of members of the group “Civil defense” and its leader Yegor Letov will be offered for auction January 24th. This was reported on the website of the auction house “Russian enamel”. “The archive associated with the activities of the legendary group “Civil defense”, is one of the few remaining sources of musical and creative activities of Egor Letov and company. Is a collection value of the Museum level,” — said in the annotations. The starting price of the lot is 340-350 thousand rubles. At the auction exhibited artifacts 1980-2000-ies. In particular, the kit includes the hand-written catalogue Letov describing over a thousand vinyl records, cassettes and CDs, more than 40 audiocassettes with interviews, performances and album “Civil defense”, unpublished photographs from the journeys group in the Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kazan

Died Boo — the world’s most popular dog

Died Boo — the world’s most popular dog Internet users suffered a heavy loss: in the United States at the age of 12 years old died of their favorite dog. With Pomerantsev Pomeranian named Boo his fans around the world were not acquainted personally, but his lovely face every day pleasing to their eye and warmed the heart. Today the heart of BU could not resist — he died, unable to endure separation from best friend, dog buddy, who died a little over a year ago. The Internet mourns the most sweet dog in the world, who died Friday at the age of 12. Orange Spitz named Boo adored the users of several social networks — 17.5 million of its subscribers with a heavy heart, took the news of his passing. View this post in Instagram Publication from Buddy Boo Blue Benny (@buddyboowaggytails) 17 Dec 2018 1:29 PST During the

The French protesters broke into the jail

The French protesters broke into the jail Protesting against the increase in fuel prices, “yellow jackets” broke into a prison in the city of Dijon in Eastern France. It is reported channel BFMTV. Fifty people came into the prison through the main entrance, then demanded the release of “his comrades”, sentenced to prison for using violence against law enforcement. After a while the protesters spontaneously left the room. It is noted that the rally, held on Saturday, January 19, was the tenth on account of the demonstration from the beginning of the protests. On the streets of the French cities came out around 84 thousand people. During the rally, protesters commemorated the ten victims during the demonstrations of the “yellow jackets.” In Paris were detained 42 people. Earlier it was reported that the “yellow jackets” staged a demonstration, during which they beheaded the effigy of Macron. The action was attended

Upskirting recognized as a crime in England. You will receive up to two years in prison

Upskirting recognized as a crime in England. You will receive up to two years in prison The British Parliament passed a law according to which the secret photographing of women under the skirt (upskirting) in England and Wales will now be able to receive up to two years in prison. In Scotland it became a crime eight years ago. This week, the house of lords passed the third reading amendments to the law on sexual offences. According to the document, “handling equipment” under the clothing of another person in order to photograph or shoot video of the genitals, buttocks, or covering their underwear is recognized as a form of voyeurism and can be punished by a fine and/or imprisonment for up to two years. Upskirting (from the English. upskirting; literally — “scoring skirts”) has become a serious problem with the advent of smartphones. Therefore, relevant articles in the legislation of

The Director of the Gulag Museum considers the burial of Lenin’s “step forward” for Russia

The Director of the Gulag Museum considers the burial of Lenin’s “step forward” for Russia MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The burial of Vladimir Lenin would be for Russia a step forward, said a member of the presidential Council on human rights (HRC), the Director of the State Museum of Gulag history novel Novels. Monday, January 21, will mark 95 years since the death of Lenin. “I think who is really to bury Lenin’s body. I understand that you may be conviction that members of some groups can “speak poetically”, but, in General, for Russia this is a step forward,” Romanov told RIA Novosti. According to him, the burial of Lenin will be practically and symbolically the right thing, because the body’s storage on red square near many of his contemporaries raises questions. “Of course, there are groups of people for whom this name and symbol valuable and important.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Baptism of our Lord

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Baptism of our Lord MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Orthodox Church marks Saturday the feast of the Epiphany (Theophany), the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill will make a morning divine Liturgy and the rite of the great blessing of water at Epiphany Yelokhovo Cathedral. Epiphany is an ancient Christian holiday, it is dedicated to the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the Jordan river. According to the gospel, after Christ has plunged into the waters of the river, there was a phenomenon of all three persons of the Godhead: God the Father from heaven testified of the Son, and the Holy Spirit as a dove descended on Jesus. After the Liturgy in all the churches on this day is the Great consecration of water. “The great blessing of water is called the special solemnity of the rite. The consecrated water is

The dead pilots of the su-34 became entangled in parachute

The dead pilots of the su-34 became entangled in parachute The bodies of two pilots who died after an incident with two fighter-bombers su-34 in the sky over the sea of Japan, was entangled in the parts of the parachute system. On this edition of told 47news in the emergency services of the Sakhalin region. The planes collided in the afternoon local time, control over them was lost. The crews of two su-34 (only four people) ejected and fell into the icy water in the Tatar Strait, and soon there was zapelengovali signal emergency beacon. In the area where, presumably, were pilots first went fishing trawlers. One military — according to 47news, this pilot was quickly rescued and evacuated by army helicopter. The search for other crew members who continued to be in the icy water, was delayed, and only at night, the fishermen of the vessel Elektron spotted a

Became known the details of the criminal case against Anastasia Fish

Became known the details of the criminal case against Anastasia Fish Moscow. 19 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — As follows from the decision of the court, the citizen of Belarus and Alex Leslie January 2017 to March 2018 was involved in prostitution for more than two people. A criminal case of involvement in prostitution, which was detained Vashukevich Anastasia (Nastya Fish) and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie), was initiated in September 2018. This follows from the decision of the court on extending the detention of Vashukevich for 72 hours. According to the document, in December the investigation was suspended and on January 17, resumed. Currently, the investigation term was extended for another month. According to investigators, follows from the decision, Vashukevich, acting by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion with Kirillov and other persons in the period from January 2017 to March 2018 was involved in prostitution for more than two