Woman doused with acid employee office of microloans in Kaluga

Woman doused with acid employee office of microloans in Kaluga VORONEZH, 21 Jan — RIA Novosti. Police in Kaluga region detained a woman who poured from the jar of acid in the employee lounge of microloans, where she came hoping to pick up the money, according to the management of the Affairs of the region. The incident occurred in the Dzerzhinsk district of the region. “The office came a woman and took out a plastic bag from a jar, threw in it the liquid in the employee of the organization, then fled in an unknown direction”, — stated in the message. Militiamen identified the personality of the suspect: she was a local woman 1968 year of birth, earlier not the offender. “According to field investigators, the woman, needing cash, decided to improve his financial situation. According to preliminary information, contained in a glass container, the liquid is an acid solution,”

The FSB has identified the cell fundraisers for ISIS in three Russian regions

The FSB has identified the cell fundraisers for ISIS in three Russian regions The FSB has identified and stopped in three Russian regions the activities of the cell, which collected and sent money banned in Russia international terrorist organization ISIS, the press service of the Ministry. “The Federal security service of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar territory, the Republic of Dagestan and the Republic of Adygea, suppressed the activity managed from the territory of Syria secret cells that carried out the collection and transfer of funds for needs is prohibited in the Russian Federation the international terrorist organization “Islamic state””, — stated in the message. The cell members on the instructions of emissaries under the guise of charity funnelled the money La resource support ties in Syria. The FSB notes that in the course of events uncovered and documented the scheme and funding mechanism for the IG, totaling more

Papuans for centuries fought with bows and spears. The machines turned their life into a nightmare

Papuans for centuries fought with bows and spears. The machines turned their life into a nightmare The indigenous tribes of Papua New Guinea, for centuries have lived, traded and fought with each other, subject to ancient customs. When they had conflicts, they solved them, picking up bows and spears. It was not until the arrival of the colonialists and continued after their departure and independence. But in recent years, in remote mountain areas of the country there was a firearm, and traditions of their ancestors has given way to an unprecedented wave of violence. Tribes exterminate each other, sparing women and children, razing to the ground entire villages. As Papuans suffer from barging in civilization and who’s to blame — to understand”.ru”. Mountains covered with jungle, down the fog. Among the greenery from the heights seen a few dozen huts — a village called Stew. “They came at night like

Sky: Mae may waive the provisions of the “backstop” in the deal with the EU

Sky: Mae may waive the provisions of the “backstop” in the deal with the EU According to TV channel, the British Prime Minister thus seeks to enlist the support of the Democratic unionist party and Tory MPs. TASS, January 21. The Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may wants to remove the “backstop” (the regime of stay in Northern Ireland as part of the Customs Union of the EU and the European Single market after the onset of the transition period Brexit) from the agreement with the European Union to enlist the support of allies of the Democratic unionist party (DUP) and Tory MPs. About it reports on Monday, the TV channel Sky News referring to sources in the Cabinet of Ministers on the Sunday of the conference call may with members of the Cabinet. The Prime Minister has made it clear that “abandons attempts to achieve in Parliament compromise”

The foreign Ministry confirmed the appearance in Moscow of the Fund “Transnistria”

The foreign Ministry confirmed the appearance in Moscow of the Fund “Transnistria” MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. In Moscow it will become the Foundation for the development of social and cultural relations, “Transnistria”, it will help promote cultural and socio-economic linkages and liaison, said the Russian foreign Ministry. The Russian foreign Ministry confirmed the information about the creation on 22 January in Moscow NGO Foundation for the development of social and cultural relations, “Transnistria”. “Yes, such public organization recently registered with the Ministry of justice. Similar structures were established in Moscow and earlier,” the Ministry said in response to a media question. The foreign Ministry said that the object of the organization is to promote socio-cultural, socio-economic relations; maintaining direct contacts in Moscow, the interaction with public organizations, as well as the preservation and development of culture of the peoples of Transnistria and its integration into Russian and world

Omsk students built a slide out right into the fence

Omsk students built a slide out right into the fence To ride it is very dangerous. The ice slide was built on the territory of the Lyceum № 66, located in Rabinowitz in the center of Omsk. The citizens published a photo of the slides on social networks, the images show that sliding children got straight into the iron fence that encloses the school grounds from the roadway. Many Omsk has supported the builders, arguing that children who are rolling down the hills at least not moving on the roadway. Is better than on the road under the wheels — they write. Other townspeople very angry. Having fallen from such a roller coaster and hit the iron fence, you can get a serious injury. Especially dangerous can hurt kids who don’t understand how to slow down.

In the state Duma offered to employers to increase premiums non-employees

In the state Duma offered to employers to increase premiums non-employees MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The head of the Duma Committee on labour and social policy Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR) in an interview with the Agency urban news “Moscow” expressed the opinion that employers should think about the bonuses in a larger size non-Smoking employees. According to him, required a differentiated approach, since non-workers spend more time performing their duties than those who often goes from the workplace to smoke. One employee 10 times a day is going to smoke, and for this we need to get out of the building, to smoke, to return the amount he spends on Smoking during the day for about an hour. And the other setting works.Jaroslav Nilola of the state Duma Committee on labour and social policy “Of course, anyone who sits-runs — him the prize should be greater, based on the

Source: Roscosmos will form a squad of female astronauts

Source: Roscosmos will form a squad of female astronauts The Agency interlocutor also said that the spacesuit “Orlan-MKS” will be finalized for use by women. MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. State Corporation “Roscosmos”, the initiative will form a squad of female astronauts to fly into orbit, the search for candidates will be conducted among space scientists. This was reported by TASS on Monday a source in the rocket and space industry. NewsRogozin forbidden to distract the ISS crew requests for recording greetings “It will be formed a full squad of astronauts from the number of young women specialists of rocket-space industry”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The source said that “the Corporation will seek candidates proactively, and not wait until they are written”. The source added that the existing spacesuit “Orlan-MKS” will be finalized for use by women. “The suit will be installed elements of the exoskeleton to strengthen the hands

Meeting, Abe and Putin: the Rubicon has been crossed, no turning back?

Meeting, Abe and Putin: the Rubicon has been crossed, no turning back? TOKYO, 21 Jan — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. A meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which will be held on Tuesday, in Japan expect with alarm. After the recent statements of the Russian foreign Ministry sharply criticized made in Japan in early January of statements regarding the southern Kuriles, the Japanese people traditionally call them the “Northern territories,” which was preceded by the meeting of Ministers of foreign Affairs, the vector of talks between the two leaders seems difficult to predict. RIA Novosti tried to figure out what are the prospects for the upcoming summit. Tough start In Japan, the foreign Ministry statement was taken more than seriously. The experts that I have spoken to the correspondent of RIA Novosti ahead of the visit, expressed concerns about how hard it can be extended

Yarmolnik believes that the honorary title do not add to the actors respect

Yarmolnik believes that the honorary title do not add to the actors respect MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Honorary titles such as “Honored artist of Russia and people’s artist of Russia”, do not add the actors respect and not give them a “sign of quality”. This opinion was expressed by the actor, broadcaster and producer Leonid Yarmolnik in an interview with TASS on the eve of his 65th birthday. In 1994 Yarmolnik refused the title of “Honored artist of Russia”, and on the eve of the 50th anniversary from the title “people’s artist”. Explaining his decision, the actor said that he refused from the ranks because not applicable “to them with respect, they are too impersonal now.” Yarmolnik added that “today, the title carries an incredible number of artists.” He cited the example of Moscow theatres, where every second is a people’s artist. “In my opinion, it does not add any