Fire on ships in the Black sea. The main thing

Fire on ships in the Black sea. The main thing The fire occurred on two vessels in the Kerch Strait. According to the latest data, the victims of the incident were 10 people, the fate of ten remains unknown. TASS has collected all that is known about this incident at the moment. What happened On vessels of “Maestro” and “Kandy” was area of the Strait of Kerch under the flag of Tanzania was set on fire. According to preliminary data, voiced in the press service of Rosmorrechflot, on one of the ships explosion. In the Novorossiysk marine rescue coordination center reported that the incident occurred outside the territorial waters of Russia, 10 people were killed and another 10 reported missing, 12 people were rescued. The investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the fact of death of the members of the crews of two ships. Who was on

USA named a contender for the Kuril Islands and southern Sakhalin

USA named a contender for the Kuril Islands and southern Sakhalin The United States and 47 other countries can lay claim to the Kuril Islands and southern Sakhalin in the case of recognition by Japan of Russia’s sovereignty over them. About this senior research fellow, Institute for Far Eastern studies Viktor Kuzmenkov wrote in the material “”, Recalling the provisions of the San Francisco peace Treaty of 1951. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий It follows from the provisions of the San Francisco peace Treaty concluded in September of 1945 and ended world war II. On the basis of its content, Japan renounced claims to southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in favor of the Soviet Union, but in General. The document provides as follows: if Japan were to negotiate a peace with any other state and give him something in excess of that required by this agreement, it will be obliged to give the

International battle: Canada and Norway to find out whose moose more

International battle: Canada and Norway to find out whose moose more This issue is already resolved at the state level. The real battle unfolded between Canada and Norway for the title of winner of the biggest statues of an elk in the world. About 30 years the giant statue of this animal by the name of Mack was the pride of not only the town of moose jaw, but across Canada. Spectacular brown moose has a height of 9.8 meters. View this post in Instagram Publication of LIsa Baril (@lisalivinglife55) Jan 19, 2019 3:13 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Kel Meyer (@kellyryanmeyer7) 4 Oct 2018 8:29 PDT During the download an error has occurred. But in 2015, everything changed. Near by Oslo, Norway appeared mirror giant moose named Storage, which was 30 centimeters higher than his canadian brother. View this

A new genus of ancient sharks was named after video games from the 80’s

A new genus of ancient sharks was named after video games from the 80’s Shark teeth were like spaceships from Galaga. American scientists have discovered a new genus of ancient sharks, which was named in honor of the Galaga game due to the fact that the teeth of these sharks reminded the researchers of the space ships of the aliens from the game. Article about the discovery published in the journal of Paleontology. NewsPaleontologists have discovered a “doll” of fossil whales Described species and genus of freshwater sharks, Galagadon nordquistae, small size (to 45 cm) are relative to the modern carpet sharks, or wobbegongs occurring in the West Pacific ocean and Eastern Indian ocean. The remains of sharks aged about 67 million years old found near the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton “sue”. Terry gates (Terry Gates) from the University of North Carolina and his colleagues found two tons of rocks

The ninth planet of the Solar system was a mysterious ring

The ninth planet of the Solar system was a mysterious ring Scientists at Cambridge University (UK) and the American University of Beirut (Lebanon) came to the conclusion that the deflection TRANS-Neptunian objects can be explained by the effect of gravity is not Planet X, and unusual disc of small icy bodies. Their findings the researchers published in the repository arXiv and the article in the Astronomical Journal. TRANS-Neptunian objects (TNO) is called the celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun, but located beyond the orbit of Neptune. Astronomers have discovered that some of the nice characteristics of their orbits stand out among other such objects. The existence of such anomalous groups due to the influence of gravity by a large, not-yet-detected object. This is the argument in favor of the existence of the ninth planet of the Solar system (planet X) of the class “super-Earths”, remote about 200 astronomical units

Lawyer trump refused words about the negotiations on the Trump Tower in Moscow

Lawyer trump refused words about the negotiations on the Trump Tower in Moscow WASHINGTON, 22 Jan — RIA Novosti. The lawyer of the President of the USA Rudy Giuliani on Monday night, actually declined from what he said earlier words about the time during which his client discussed the project for construction in Moscow “of trump tower” (Trump Tower). “My comments do not reflect the actual terms or circumstances of any such discussions. The fact that the proposal was at a very early stage and did not go beyond the free (legally) optional letter of intent,” said Giuliani, quoted by the publication Politico. The lawyer stated that negotiations on the construction “of trump tower” in Moscow could go down to the autumn of 2016, nearly up to the election trump President of the United States in November of the same year. The question of how long did the negotiations on

Diver found on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea live “stone” (video)

Diver found on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea live “stone” (video) But he got scared and swam away. Video with an unexpected ending published unknown diver who has explored the underwater world in the heart of the French Riviera. In the beginning of the video he is pointing his finger at the stone lying in the middle of the seaweed. Even after the driver is coming close to him, it is not clear that he wants to show. But suddenly a stone comes alive and turns into an octopus, which with the speed of lightning floats away from the curious diver. During the download an error has occurred. As you know, octopuses are in no way inferior and the chameleons are able to change their coloration for protection from predators. However, this time the plan is “invisible” does not work, and then the octopus just decided to run away.

A simple cross quarreled Network users

A simple cross quarreled Network users It turned out, there are numerous ways to draw it. A Twitter user under the nickname Sixers smasey opened Pandora’s box, posting a picture with nine different options of how you can draw a regular dagger. The girl said that 7 and 8 the methods usually chosen by the Americans, at that time, as 5 and 6 draw residents of the UK. About the other countries she did not specify, but it was not necessary. Also this is so interesting to me – which way do you draw an X? Colored line being the first stroke — sixers smasey (@SMASEY) 20 Jan 2019 I wonder how you draw X? Color lines is what you draw first. General consensus is that Americans do 7 & 8 while UK does 5 & 6. Probably how we were taught. Not sure about other countries — sixers

The Vatican has launched a mobile app for prayer

The Vatican has launched a mobile app for prayer Pope Francis January 20 introduced a special site for prayers of “Click and pray”. On this resource you can also download the app for your mobile phone. To launch the project, the Pontiff said during a Sunday sermon. During the presentation of the application the Pope noted that “to serve the Lord means to listen to and practice His word.” “This is a simple tip virgin Mary, is a program of Christian life”, he added. The Pontiff also called on all to download the new app and to pray together for peace and prosperity. The site has several sections, “Pray with the Pope (“before prayer, you can listen to the admonition of the Pope), “Pray every day” and “Pray together.” In the latter, each user can create a profile and ask the community to pray about anything together. Everyone can see

Volodin told how we should change the Constitution

Volodin told how we should change the Constitution The powers of Parliament makes sense to expand, and the Executive branch to reduce, the Chairman of the state Duma. Why Volodin decided to raise this issue now? Vyacheslav Volodin urged “to eliminate the Constitution, the imbalance of the branches of government”. According to the speaker of the state Duma, the Parliament’s powers makes sense to expand, and the Executive branch, on the contrary, to reduce. In this regard, according to Volodin, in the basic law would be worth to make some changes. Why the speaker decided to raise this question now, says the President of Fund “the Petersburg policy” Michael Vinogradov: “the Agenda is empty enough to discuss almost nothing. Garbage topic is still a little left on the agenda, the theme of Magnitogorsk is also already podzabyvat, so it is possible to throw some the topic and see the reaction,