Pompeo: the United States and Russia is not doomed to be adversaries

Pompeo: the United States and Russia is not doomed to be adversaries Russia and the United States should not be condemned to the opposition, said during the teleconference at the world economic forum in Davos, U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo. In doing so, it shifted the decision on the resumption of bilateral relations on Russia, noting the need to “change its behavior” and “to return to the right course of action”. “If they do, I am confident that our two countries can prosper and develop side by side,” said U.S. Secretary of state. In Davos, Switzerland opened the 49th session of the annual world economic forum. The Russian delegation is headed by Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin. The forum also planned to visit the head of VTB Andrey Kostin and businessman Viktor Vekselberg. Recall the relationship between the U.S. and Russia deteriorated after the incident in the Kerch

PACE decided to separate the sanctions from the people

PACE decided to separate the sanctions from the people The “Magnitsky act”, called to spread to all of Europe. The parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution calling on the parliaments of all member countries to create conditions for the development of laws like “Magnitsky act”. Such a document would deny visas and freeze the accounts of people who “are responsible for serious violations of human rights”. The resolution also aims to demonstrate that the PACE “do not trust the Russian justice”. Over the course of the discussion in Strasbourg was watched by the correspondent “” Ekaterina Mareeva. Resolution “Sergei Magnitsky and similar cases — fight against impunity through targeted sanctions” made a member of the British labour party Donald Anderson. Of the 318 members of PACE in the vote was attended by 104, 95 voted in favor, three against and six abstained. The document calls

Ex-lawyer trump refused to answer Congress questions on the investigation into Muller

Ex-lawyer trump refused to answer Congress questions on the investigation into Muller Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Two U.S. congressmen announced that the former lawyer for Donald trump, Michael Cohen, during testimony to Congress will not be answering questions related to the investigation of alleged ties trump with Russia, said Tuesday the newspaper the Hill. In a letter to two congressmen-Republicans Mark meadows and Jim Jordan, they sent a guy Petrillo attorney Cohen stated that to testify to Congress next month Cohen “pushed” his spokesman lanny Davis. According to the congressmen, Davis told them that Cohen refuses to issues related to the investigation that the special Prosecutor Robert Mueller about the alleged ties of the electoral headquarters of the trump of Russia. In addition, Cohen failed to respond to questions about his involvement in the scheme for payment of money to women who claimed that they had an intimate connection

Master photoshop: a fan of Kendall Jenner puts her pictures

Master photoshop: a fan of Kendall Jenner puts her pictures Pictures look very plausible. American named Kirby is a real star of Instagram. Having a million people. He’s not an actor, not a singer and not even a blogger, but just a funny guy with a great sense of humor and talent in photo editing. Kirby is a fan of the younger sisters of Kim Kardashian, model Kendall Jenner, and calls her twin brother. View this post in Instagram Publication of Kirby Jenner (@kirbyjenner) 17 May 2018 at 9:24 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Kirby masterfully adds itself to the images with the star and her relatives that it is impossible to doubt their authenticity. View this post in Instagram Publication of Kirby Jenner (@kirbyjenner) APR 1, 2017 at 7:03 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Along with Kendall, he “starred” for glossy magazines, “goes”

Wife of the Prime Minister of Japan gave the snail from SKOLKOVO

Wife of the Prime Minister of Japan gave the snail from SKOLKOVO MOSCOW, 22 Jan — RIA Novosti. Wife of the Prime Minister of Japan Akie Abe gave the snail species Achatina “Kvantorium” SKOLKOVO, and also proposed to build a model of volcano Fuji. On Tuesday, the wife of the Prime Minister of Japan visited the children’s center SKOLKOVO and Technopark “Kvantorium” together with the Minister of education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. In one of the laboratory presented the innovative project of food for mankind from the plant Wolffia, which contains a lot of nutrients. Project participants gave Abe a snail grown in Wolfie. While Abe in the Kremlin will discuss with Putin the peace Treaty, the first lady in company of the Minister of education of the Russian Federation Vasilyeva visited SKOLKOVO. Who-who, and the Japanese in innovation understand. But gave the wife of the Prime Minister,

Tongue twisters Kazakhstan TV presenter laugh Network users

Tongue twisters Kazakhstan TV presenter laugh Network users ASTANA, 22 Jan — RIA Novosti. The movie, which is one of the leading Kazakhstani TV channels says tongue twisters in their native language, gaining popularity in the Internet, according to Sputnik Kazakhstan. One of the American resources video gathered more than a hundred thousand likes and two thousand comments. Many are interested in what the leader says, and asked native speakers to translate the meaning of the tongue twisters. During the download an error has occurred. “Sounds like a diesel engine starts in the cold,” wrote one user. Meanwhile, the majority of subscribers have guessed that the journalist is practicing before going live. Some noted that the Kazakh spoken sounds a bit different.

Pavel Shapovalov mandatory work is not corrected

Pavel Shapovalov mandatory work is not corrected Its first sentence the hijacker got for breaking Windows. “Kommersant” it became known that Pavel Shapovalov, trying seized the Boeing “Aeroflot”, flying from Surgut to Moscow, has received his first term. It turned out that the special order he was given 200 hours of obligatory works for beating of glass in the house of his cousin. Pavel Shapovalov, whose name is now known throughout the country, was first prosecuted in 2012 in his native Surgut. Then concerning it criminal case under part 1 of article 167 of the criminal code (intentional damage or destruction of another’s property), the court considered it in a special manner. The court found that Paul Shapovalov, taking in the yard two blocks of wood, threw them in the bedroom window of his cousin, smashing four Windows and thereby causing damage totaling 1270 RUB Then, taking another bar, Shapovalov

“This man did not go on the plane and threatened passengers”

“This man did not go on the plane and threatened passengers” The eyewitness of state of emergency on the flight Surgut-Moscow — about the behavior of the detained men. Invader aircraft from Surgut to Moscow was detained in the assault. They have been previously convicted for damage to property a resident of Surgut, said the Investigative Committee. As soon as the aircraft “Aeroflot” was in the air, he, allegedly at gunpoint, demanded to change course and go to Afghanistan. But the commander of the aircraft urgently put the liner in Khanty-Mansiysk. The plane they were at the airport — passengers did not understand what was happening, but behaved calmly. In the end, the liner is stormed by security forces and arrested the invader, he was heavily drunk. Details of the incident “Kommersant FM” said one of the passengers of flight Eugene. — How you and the other passengers doing? We

In the Arctic crashed bomber Tu-22M3. What do we know about this plane?

In the Arctic crashed bomber Tu-22M3. What do we know about this plane? These aircraft bombed is militants in Syria* worked during the military campaigns in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Georgia. In the Murmansk region crashed a long-range bomber Tu-22M3. The plane was landing at the military airfield of long-range aviation regiment in Olenegorsk. According to preliminary information, two of the four crew members remained alive: the commander and Navigator. About the rest — the assistant to the commander and operator are not yet known. UPD. According to the latest data, died the third pilot of the bomber that crashed in the Murmansk region Strong Tu-22MZ? Tu-22MZ and other modifications — is “the main long-range aircraft strike aircraft of Russia”, says the Deputy editor-in-chief of the journal “Aviapanorama”, honored military pilot of Russia Vladimir Popov. “Last modification machine (was presented this year in Kazan) — Tu-22МЗМ — got a new sighting

The Kremlin said that the positions of Japan and Russia on a peace Treaty has not changed

The Kremlin said that the positions of Japan and Russia on a peace Treaty has not changed Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — IN Moscow not recorded any change in the Japanese position on peace Treaty during the Tuesday talks of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, Moscow’s position has not changed, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “While we are not detecting any change in Japan’s position. Since then, as with the well-known initiative at East forum in Vladivostok, President Putin has not changed and our position”, — said Peskov “Interfax”, answering the question, were there any on the Japanese side during the meeting of leaders of the two countries any suggestions to resolve the problem of a peace Treaty in the light of the statements made by the Prime Minister of Japan on the eve of visit to Moscow.