The organizer of “Russian marches” Yuri Gorsky was declared wanted by Interpol

The organizer of “Russian marches” Yuri Gorsky was declared wanted by Interpol Russia declared the organizer of the Moscow rally “Russian March” Yuri Gorsky internationally wanted by Interpol, reports TASS with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. Mr. Gorsky was arrested in absentia in a criminal case for public calls to extremist activity (part 1 of article 280 of the criminal code). 5 July 2017 Meshchansky court put Yuri Gorsky under house arrest after he was detained by the FSB because of the may day procession of nationalists on the October field in Moscow. After escaping from Russia, he moved to Lithuania, where he still lives today. According to the interlocutor of Agency, the Lithuanian Interpol refused to extradite Mr. Gorsky, considering it a political case. Now he is seeking grant him political asylum. “The Supreme administrative court of Lithuania shall consider this issue in the period from March

Women after 30 do not need money? Elena Pisarev said Business FM that her words were taken out of context

Women after 30 do not need money? Elena Pisarev said Business FM that her words were taken out of context Earlier it was reported that the authorities of Great Nowogrod restricted payments for the first child: women under 29 years of age will not be able to expect to pay 100 thousand rubles. In Veliky Novgorod regional legislative Assembly has restricted payments for the first child, age of mothers and 29. Those who are older, on new payments to 100 thousand roubles to rely can’t. As explained by the Chairman of the regional Duma of Veliky Novgorod Elena Pisareva, “after 30 years, the woman understands that her money is no longer needed, and the necessary child, whom she will love”. In an interview with Business FM Elena Pisarev admitted that she does not understand the negative reaction of journalists who, she said, arguing semantics instead rejoice in the emergence of

Court of Kiev was sentenced in absentia Yanukovych to 13 years in prison

Court of Kiev was sentenced in absentia Yanukovych to 13 years in prison KIEV, January 24. /TASS/. Obolon court of Kyiv sentenced on Thursday the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych to 13 years in prison on charges of treason. In this case he was charged on three counts of high treason, of complicity in the waging of aggressive war, aiding and abetting in the violation of the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine that resulted in the death of people or other serious consequences. During the reading of the indictment the judge found insufficient evidence against Yanukovych on charges relating to attempts to change the borders of the state. “The court excluded from the definition of “treason” in the sentence actions aimed at changing the borders of Ukraine and in undermining the defense of the country,” the judge said. However, the court found former President guilty on the other

“This is not the first attempt of the opposition to put the regime on its knees”

“This is not the first attempt of the opposition to put the regime on its knees” Foreign media reports on the coup attempt in Venezuela. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий On Wednesday, the Chairman of the opposition-controlled National Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guido declared himself acting President of the country and called for elections. The statement was preceded by a wave of protests, which intensified in Venezuela this week. USA, Canada and part of the South American countries have already recognized Mr. Guido interim leader of the country. In turn, the acting President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro has accused Washington of organizing a coup attempt and announced the expulsion of U.S. diplomats. How foreign media reacted to the events in the collection “b”. Folha de S. Paulo (são Paulo, Brazil) After the US, Brazil and other countries recognized the new government of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro tries to convince people that he was the victim

The Ukrainian Church had a falling out over the Tomos of autocephaly

The Ukrainian Church had a falling out over the Tomos of autocephaly The head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC-KP) Filaret has said that the Tomos of autocephaly was not issued by the newly established Orthodox Church in Ukraine (PCU), namely its structure. The transcript of the Metropolitan and the clergy of the UOC-KP published on the website of the “Union of Orthodox journalists.” “What the new Church? The Church exists for more than 25 years. And if it were not for this Church-Kyiv Patriarchate, whom Tomos to give these two Moscow priests without parishes? It is clear that given a Tomos Kyiv Patriarchate,” says the record Filaret. In addition, Metropolitan has also objected to the names of the ptsu. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine — is not our name. We are the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. As well as others. “The Orthodox Church in Ukraine” — it means that

What is the “Siberian health” is actually

What is the “Siberian health” is actually Such a thing as “Siberian health” is widely known, but how true it is? Scientists say that living in cold climates, affects our well-being is not the best way, and this effect is so noticeable that the individual requires medical research. Hardly anywhere on the globe lives in such a large number of people in such a harsh environment as in the Eastern part of Russia. Siberians are part of the population living in the most extreme climate that causes features of the mechanisms of formation and development of various diseases. Medical science of Siberia initially focused on these issues, then the interest decreased and about 30 years researchers were unable to conduct a serious expedition work. Now, however, the influence of climate on health, especially under conditions of global changes of the environment attracts the attention of the world community. NewsBest doctor

PACE adopted a resolution on the situation in the Kerch Strait

PACE adopted a resolution on the situation in the Kerch Strait KIEV/MOSCOW, 24 Jan — RIA Novosti. The parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Thursday adopted a resolution on the situation in the Kerch Strait. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий In the vote was attended by 122 members, of which 103 voted in favor, three against, and 16 abstained. The Russian delegation in the session does not participate. The PACE resolution are Advisory and non-binding. The Ukrainian delegation tried to introduce an amendment according to which the detained sailors would be considered “prisoners of war”. However, in the final resolution of this word is not included. “The Assembly urges the Russian Federation to immediately release Ukrainian military and provide them with medical care and the necessary legal and consular assistance, in accordance with the applicable provisions of international humanitarian law, particularly the Geneva conventions,” — said in the text. The PACE

The speaker of the Novgorod Duma explained the phrase of social payments to mothers after 30 years

The speaker of the Novgorod Duma explained the phrase of social payments to mothers after 30 years St. PETERSBURG, 24 Jan — RIA Novosti. The speaker of the Novgorod regional Duma adopted a regional law on payments for the first child women aged up to 29 years inclusive, Elena Pisarev has told RIA Novosti that its resonant statement that women over that age is more important than the birth of the first child than to get paid for it, taken out of context. Deputies of the Novgorod regional Duma on Wednesday adopted a law that provides for payment in the amount of 100 thousand rubles to mothers with a first child under the age of 29 years inclusive. These funds can be spent on the home purchase or on mortgage payments for its purchase. Under the law get parents of children born after January 1, 2019. NewsGlackin, Chubais and others,

Sweden has accused the Russian VKS in violation of the airspace of the country

Sweden has accused the Russian VKS in violation of the airspace of the country STOCKHOLM, 24 Jan — RIA Novosti, Lyudmila Bozhko. The aircraft of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation violated on Saturday for a short time the airspace of Sweden, about the incident reported to the government, say the Swedish Armed forces in a press release. “Nineteenth of January, a Russian aircraft Il-20 made a flight over the Baltic sea, accompanied by two fighters of the su-27 Flanker. South of Karlshamn in Blekinge (southern province of Sweden — ed.) the Russian planes came in for a short time on Swedish territory without permission”, — is spoken in the message. Explained that the military authorities consider it a violation and the incident reported to the government. Earlier Thursday, the Russian defense Ministry announced that the Swedish spy plane “Gulf stream” was recorded over neutral waters of the Baltic