Oreshkin told “lees” from the actions of the organizers of the forum in Davos

Oreshkin told “lees” from the actions of the organizers of the forum in Davos The organizers of the international economic forum in Davos apologized to the Russian delegation for its previously announced a number of Russian businessmen with the request not to come, the conflict is largely exhausted, but it is clear that the “residue” remained, said the Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin at the meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with government members. “They (the organizers of the forum RNS) once again apologized for his actions in the past year, we can say that the conflict is largely exhausted, although it is clear that the “residue” left here,” said the Minister. Oreshkin added that “if the whole talk, the forum, in principle, was negative sentiment in the world community has deteriorated over the past year.” According to him, the negative effect on the participants

“Vladimir Putin we always provides assistance in all aspects”

“Vladimir Putin we always provides assistance in all aspects” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has promised to resolve the situation in the country and to pay the Russian debt. Venezuelans today take to the streets of the country at the call of the self-proclaimed President Huang Guido. They plan to convince the military to side with the opposition. Meanwhile, the head of state, Nicolas Maduro, gave an interview to the Russian news Agency “RIA Novosti”, which promised to resolve the political and economic situation, to pay Russia the debt, thanked him for “help in all aspects” of Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the opposition to dialogue and proposed to hold early parliamentary elections. “B” leads the most interesting moments of the interview. About Russian PMC in Venezuela The President of Venezuela did not confirm or deny the presence of Russian private military companies (PMCs) in Venezuela. “Can’t say. Not comment on

Chinese tourist picked up deadly poisonous octopus and was not injured

Chinese tourist picked up deadly poisonous octopus and was not injured But the fact that he could kill him, did not know. Even the most cute and, at first glance, harmless creatures can carry a mortal danger. Completely forgotten about it one Chinese tourist who traveled to Australia. During the download an error has occurred. Walking along the beach, he noticed near the shore of a small octopus and immediately took it in hand to take a closer look at. The Chinese also took the baby to the camera, and the video published in the social network. Tourists are not confused by aggressive coloring of the clam with bright blue rings. And for good reason. In comments to the video showed up knowing people who were horrified by what they saw. The little octopus from the movie proved to be deadly to humans sincerity octopus. This mollusc has a nerve

In Thailand, rescued puppies, two days had lain under concrete poles (video)

In Thailand, rescued puppies, two days had lain under concrete poles (video) A story with a happy ending. Rescuers from the Fund Dharma Races of Maniera in Thailand for half an hour trying to get four little puppies from under the concrete pillars. That puppies need help, rescuers were reported by 45-year-old local resident Nifa Sisung, which feeds a dog-mom and her kids. First, the woman noticed that the puppies are gone, and then hear them whine from under the concrete pillars. Sisung told that trapped the puppies for two days. Arrived on the scene, rescuers sawed the concrete and managed to pull the dogs out. All this time the progress of the rescue operation closely followed the mother of the kids. Once all four of the puppies were recovered from under a concrete structure, the whole family rushed to hide in a safe place. See also: The man makes

In the United States came abnormal frosts. It is expected to minus 53 degrees

In the United States came abnormal frosts. It is expected to minus 53 degrees This week in the US is expected abnormal frosts, meteorologists warned, explaining rare for this area, the weather phenomenon is the influence of the polar vortex. In some places the temperature can fall to -53 degrees Celsius. Now in Berlin: Berlin: -1° 80% 745 mm Hg. article 5 m/s The state of Iowa has advised local residents not to breathe deeply and not talk on the street. In Midwestern States, US Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois declared a state of emergency. Similarly did the more southern States, Alabama and Mississippi. Employee of the us National weather service Jon GAGAN said: “the intensity of cold air, I’d say it happens once in a generation”. Meteorologists have warned that there is the likelihood of getting frostbite in just 10 minutes of being in the frost. The peak temperature extremes

The chief of staff of the Ministry of interior of Ingushetia detained on suspicion of fraud

The chief of staff of the Ministry of interior of Ingushetia detained on suspicion of fraud Moscow. 31 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Staff of divisions of own safety of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ingushetia together with UFSB Russia on Republic have detained the head of the regional headquarters of the interior Ministry of Savarbek Shadiev has informed Agency “Interfax” the press service of the interior Ministry of Ingushetia. “Today employees of Department of own safety when interacting with employees UFSB of Russia across Ingushetia during the conduct of operational activities on suspicion of fraud detained the chief of staff of the interior Ministry in the region Saparbek Shadiev,” — said the press service. On this fact the leadership of the regional interior Ministry appointed official investigation, said the press service. As said the Agency “Interfax” in a press-Department service, now with the detained high-ranking police conducted investigations. “If

Became aware of the hostility of the detainee’s family of the Senator with Kadyrov

Became aware of the hostility of the detainee’s family of the Senator with Kadyrov Family Arshakovich spoiled relations with the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. It is reported Ura.ru citing an anonymous source close to local authorities. The interlocutor of the edition told that the relatives Arashukova and Kadyrov together headed the Federal state institution “Management of Federal road “Caucasus” Federal road Agency”. “Later they had a serious conflict, and friendship is not just over, but was transformed into hatred,” he said and clarified that the confrontation with Kadyrov, was decisive in the fall Areshkovich. Raul Arashukov, whom the press called “the gas king”, holds the post of Advisor to General Director of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” and has great influence in the North Caucasus. The company refused to forgive the people of Chechnya debts for gas in the amount of nine billion rubles. Director of the Center for the development of

Source: at searches Senator Arashukova and his father withdrew a large sum of money and weapons

Source: at searches Senator Arashukova and his father withdrew a large sum of money and weapons MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS/ — Investigators will try to identify property owned by the defendants in the criminal case, which will be seized for damages from crimes, said the Agency interlocutor. Law enforcement officers seized a large sum of money, jewelry and weapons during searches of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul Arashukov — Advisor to the General Director of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz”. About this TASS said a source. “During the searches they had been discovered and confiscated a very large sum of money, a large amount of jewelry and weapons,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He also reported that for compensation of a damage from crimes investigators will try to identify property owned by the defendants in the criminal case, which will be arrested. “Damages from crimes, especially when it

The leader of the Russian movement of Latvia: the mayor of Riga Nile Ushakov detained

The leader of the Russian movement of Latvia: the mayor of Riga Nile Ushakov detained The mayor of Riga Nile Ushakov were detained, it is taken to the detention center. About it on January 30 in his Facebook said the former Deputy of Riga city Council Ruslan Pankratov. UPD. Portal tvnet.lv appeared the video, which Ushakov answers the questions of journalists after searches. He said that he had no status in the criminal case. According to Pankratova, Ushakov was detained by the staff of the Bureau on prevention and struggle against corruption (KNAB). He added that ongoing searches in the office of mayor of the Riga city Council and his mansion in town. Official confirmation of this yet. One of the leaders of the party “Consent” Janis Urbanovich has told to Agency LETA, that I could not connect with Ushakov. The acting head of the press service of the Riga

Peskov responded to words Poroshenko about the “cold peace” with Russia

Peskov responded to words Poroshenko about the “cold peace” with Russia Russia is not at war with Ukraine, and the Donbas crisis provoked by the Kiev authorities, said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov yesterday’s statement by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. The President of Ukraine, announcing that he will run for a second term, said that the country needs a “cold peace” with Russia because “people are tired of war, and this painful emotion tirelessly plays Russian propaganda”. “Between Ukraine and Russia there is no war. There is a civil war in Ukraine. There are events in Ukraine, which provoked the authorities in Kyiv,” responded Sands. According to him, “negative symptoms” come from Ukraine. “It refers to the discriminatory measures against our companies, it is an encroachment on the property of our companies that really are nothing more than encroachment on the property of