Scientists have created a 3D map of a vanished African city

Scientists have created a 3D map of a vanished African city It existed 200 years ago. Archaeologists were able to reconstruct the three-dimensional image of the disappeared South African settlement Kweneng. About 200 years ago it was on the outskirts of present Johannesburg. It is believed that Kweneng was a thriving city with hundreds of houses, but went into decline after the civil war. Now at this point virtually no trace remains of a once great settlement, and therefore the archaeologists decided to resort to modern technology. Scientists have recreated in South Africa, the appearance of the disappeared African cityDuring the download an error has occurred. Using lidar technology, they made a three-dimensional map Kweneng, which will help in further study of Africa, so how in the world there is no written data about pre-colonial history of the continent. Modern technology will allow scientists to fill this gap. See also:

Fish explained the “dirt” on trump

Fish explained the “dirt” on trump Belarusian Anastasia Vashkevich (Nasty Fish) said that the statements about the evidence available to it of the when US President Donald trump with Russia saved her life. She announced this in an interview with CNN. According to her, the story was needed to attract the attention of journalists. Fish said that no regrets about this idea. “I believe it saved my life. If journalists did not come, and this story would not appear in the Newspapers, perhaps I would have been dead,” she explained. In an interview with Fish is also said that Russian security services forbade her to speak on certain topics, including those relating to businessman Oleg Deripaska. January 23, Vashukevich, the suspect in Russia to engage in prostitution, came to a press conference. On the same day it was reported that the investigators found the details of how she and Alexander

Uruguay and Mexico will hold an international conference on Venezuela

Uruguay and Mexico will hold an international conference on Venezuela Moscow. 30 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Authorities of Uruguay and Mexico decided to hold the February 7 international conference, the purpose of which is to try to find solutions to the crisis in Venezuela, announced on Wednesday in the Uruguayan foreign Ministry. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “The authorities of Uruguay and Mexico, occupying a neutral position in regard to Venezuela, decided to organize an international conference, which will be attended by representatives of countries and international organizations that share the same position”, — stated in the document. The conference will take place in Montevideo (Uruguay). The statement said that “it is expected the participation of more than ten countries and international organizations”. “The purpose of the conference is to lay the groundwork to develop a new mechanism for dialogue, which would include all of the Venezuelan political forces, and to facilitate the return

Aircraft of the German government once again broke

Aircraft of the German government once again broke Aircraft of the German government broke down in Ethiopia. About it reports Deutsche Welle with reference to the Agency DPA. As noted, the problem occurred in the system compressed air supply of the Airbus A340, is named after first Federal President of Germany, Theodor Heuss. The problem of trying to eliminate the specialists. NewsIn Argentina has not met the Macron on arrival for G20 Because of the failure of the German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is not able to fly from Ethiopia to Berlin. As a result, he and the entire delegation of 55 people are forced to stay in a hotel. Deutsche Welle notes that in 2014, Steinmeier, who was then Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany, was also detained in Ethiopia because of the failure of the aircraft. This is not the first incident with the German government aircraft for the

Netizen showed giant bats trapped foxes

Netizen showed giant bats trapped foxes But for many they liked. A guy named David posted on Twitter a photo of a huge bat, which in size is not inferior to the average dog. Sleeping bats David called Megamasso, and then supplemented post a few more pictures taken from the Internet. Y’all ever heard of mega bats??? — david Ⓥ (@VeganGenesis) 24 Jan 2019. Have you heard the one about megamash? This is Fox Island, Australia. Anyone wanna take a field trip? — david Ⓥ (@VeganGenesis) 25 Jan 2019 This Fox island in Australia. Anyone want a tour? Here’s some pics of them in flight. These guys are fascinating. — david Ⓥ (@VeganGenesis) 25 Jan 2019 And a few photos in flight. These guys are adorable. The form of a giant “vampire” was terrified of Twitter users, and they began to share other people’s photos of these

Gwyneth Paltrow decided to sue for hard skiing

Gwyneth Paltrow decided to sue for hard skiing For the American actress Gwyneth Paltrow sued for that in 2016 it while skiing, hit a man and knocked him down. Reported by the Associated Press Wednesday, January 30. As said 72-year-old optometrist Terry Sanderson, the incident occurred in the ski resort of deer valley in the United States. According to the doctor, after a collision, the artist went further and tried to provide him with any assistance. The victim claims that as a result of meeting with Paltrow received a concussion and fractured ribs. Sanderson also noted that previously contacted the lawyers of the actress, however, did not receive money or any apology. Now he demands damages in the amount of $ 3.1 million. The man denies that he has filed a lawsuit against Paltrow due to the fact that she’s a rich celebrity. “I just wanted my truth has been

Netizens have discovered a new way to put on the bucket garbage bag

Netizens have discovered a new way to put on the bucket garbage bag All ingenious is simple. Reddit has become a popular GIF where the little boy for a few seconds puts a trash bag in a bucket. It seems to be a common situation, but users are struck by the way in which the baby. I have to admit, I’ve never been told to put in a garbage bag this way. — i Love Gifs (@AyLoveGifs) 29 Jan 2019 I have to admit, I was never told to put a trash bag in this way. As it turned out, many had no idea that you could wear the bag “backwards”. Comments called the boy genius and said that now will use this technique. See also: The Briton shared on the Network a strange winter life hack An unusual way of snow in Yellowstone Park was on video Life

The Senator identified in prison in a closed regime

The Senator identified in prison in a closed regime Rauf Arashukov arrested at the request of the TFR. Basmanny court of Moscow arrested for two months Senator Rauf Arashukov, which are incriminated participation in criminal community, the organisation of the killings and pressure on witnesses. A large part of the hearing took place in closed session protection insisted on the removal of the journalists from the hall, fearing the disclosure of information about the place of residence of the Senator, who allegedly received threats, and the state of his health. Senator Rauf Arashukov was arrested this morning at the plenary session of the Federation Council, and in the evening he was taken to the Basmanny court of the capital, which by that time received a request to TFR about his detention. As was said in the course of the hearing, Mr. Arashukova incriminated participation in criminal community created with the

Victims of collision of a minibus with a truck in Irkutsk region were four people

Victims of collision of a minibus with a truck in Irkutsk region were four people Moscow. 31 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Route taxi collided with a truck on the highway Irkutsk-Ust-UDA in Irkutsk region four persons were lost, reports a press-service of the main Directorate of internal Affairs in the region. “As a result of incident four persons were lost, five more hospitalized. The number of victims is established”, — stated in the message. According to preliminary data, the minibus taxi driver of the Toyota Hiace, EN route to the regional center, made a collision with standing on the roadway by the truck “KAMAZ”. The police find out the circumstances of what happened.

The Bell: the lifting of sanctions against companies Deripaska cost $1 million

The Bell: the lifting of sanctions against companies Deripaska cost $1 million The Bell found that lobbyists from the American Mercury company paid $1 million that they helped to lift sanctions against companies of En+, and RUSAL, connected with Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska. This edition was written 30 Jan. According to source The Bell, close to one of the parties to the transaction, En+ group and the U.S. Treasury, the strategy of the lobbyists was to promote the “plan for the Barker”. Lord Gregory Barker, Chairman of the Board of Directors of En+, offered to withdraw the company from the sanctions in exchange for a reduction of the share of Deripaska. For the work of Mercury, according The Bell, paid $108,5 thousand a month, and the first payment was transferred to them in may. Cooperation on this project is still ongoing, but it is scheduled to stop. The interlocutor of